FIFA World Cup 2010

I got rid of this last week when I discovered FIFA 11 is due out in a few months.

Same here. I sold FIFA 10 too before no one would be interested in getting it at a decent price. Now I'm without a Footie game, and it sucks because I've learnt that I really enjoy having a good football game. Now I'm stuck with FF13 and NGS 2.
Bicycle kick from Carew from the edge of the area. Lobs my keeper majestically.
It's one of those matches where a player has their own fecking force field. Literally every time I've gone near him I just bounce off again.
I've got this for the 360, but I'm not that great. I'd still be down for some games if any of you caftards feel like beating me down.
Do you guys play lag free?

Because I love Fifa 10 and think I'm pretty damn good at it but the lag just fecks up for me. So I've given up.
Do you guys play lag free?

Because I love Fifa 10 and think I'm pretty damn good at it but the lag just fecks up for me. So I've given up.

It's rare that I get lag. I make sure I only play people with the connection indicator showing green.
Well you're in India, and it's probably connecting you to people in Europe.
Anyone up for a game? Biscuit is too much of a pussy.
The guy seems a good player though!

And I'd love to have a match against this hjerpseth or fifarelle:

Some insane moves :eek:
Some of the players they're playing against are so bad. They need to fix what's basically beome an exploit. You use a fullback run him a bit over the half way line, line up at goal and just full power smash it in. Guarenteed goal.
Biscuit I'll give you a game tomorrow? Or some COD if you're up for it?
Can't get a game online. I've been promoted every season, in div 1 now and can't find anyone who won't be a 5 star team
Yeah, what is all this division and cup bollocks about?

I'd barely played the game online and had a record of played 10 won 10, which put me top of division 10 with a 1000 other people. Then me and my mate played co-op together, and won something like 2 times and lost twice, and got promoted to division 9. Also it says I'm in the final of a cup, but the final never seems to come. Is wank.
Alright. I'll be on all day tomorrow as I'm stuck at home with a virus so I'll message you when I see you on Live.
Domzi and 1871, you both on 360 or PS3?

if you are on Live, add my (my brother's) gamer tag...might give you guys a game or so tomorrow perhaps for WC 2010.

Gamertag is fer0ze17...