Inside the box:
- Shoot low drivens. The % of shots that don’t go in is way too big.
- Shoot regular finesse shots. There are better options
- Shoot low driven finesse. Explanation on how to do it below. This can be used in a variety of angles.
- Shoot regular shots with low-medium power (around 2 bars? I don’t play with the bars displayed so don’t really know). This shot is very effective in situations where you’re close to the goal. It’s accurate and it rarely fails.
- Crosses/headers. It’s not the new meta despite what some people on Reddit say. It’s the same as it always has been in FIFA19. Good, but I wouldn’t focus on it in game. L1 cross seems to be the most effective. Get as close as you can to the target before crossing, and don’t be afraid to cross from deeper positions
Outside the box:
- Shoot regular shots. They’re usually saved.
- Shoot low driven finesse shots. They’re terrible from long distances (they might work around the edge of the box though, but not any further away than that)
- Shoot low driven shots, obviously.
- Timed finesse shots. Apart from volleys it’s the only option you can consistently rely on to score you goals from distance. After the patch it’s slightly more difficult to hit green, and if you hit yellow or red the shots usually won’t go in. You can’t shoot from ridiculus angles anymore. I’m not sure about hitting shots first time though, I assume it’s nerfed, but might work if you’re attempting with someone with high shooting.
- Volleys. They go in occationally.
How to shoot low driven finesse:
I could post a youtube video, but they always take forever to get to the point, and to try and save you some time you can just read this.
- Hold R1/RB and load up the desired amount of power. It should be quite a lot of power, probably around 3 bars. This step is just like shooting a regular finesse shot.
- When you’ve loaded up the shot, release R1/RB and then immediately press and hold R1/RB and L1/LB
That’s it. It’s a very tricky technique because you’ll have to do it very fast. I tried to learn it through playing games, but it was only after I spent 20 minutes playing skill games (advanced shooting challenges) that I got it implemented into my muscle memory. You
need to practice this in skill games in order to get comfortable with it. I’d do it asap because after the patch you really need this shooting technique in your arsenal if you’re going to score a lot of goals.