Gaming FIFA 16

sarni better be bullshitting because if they did in fact release a patch to please the coked up little 14 year cnuts that play I'll be livid.

A few people I have spoken with today agree that the pace has been increased. It's still bearable but noticably faster.
What platform?
PS4. A lot of people will not notice because if you got the game yesterday in the evening then you had it patched the very minute you started playing. I played it 4 days early in EA Access so I can notice what changed since the initial version.
Didn't want to jump the gun too early but what Sarni says is what I expected. I suppose that the early access version was very alike if not the same as the demo, right? Same shit as last year, FIFA 15 demo was completly different to what you experience with the retail version.
Didn't want to jump the gun too early but what Sarni says is what I expected. I suppose that the early access version was very alike if not the same as the demo, right? Same shit as last year, FIFA 15 demo was completly different to what you experience with the retail version.

It was different than the demo for me and took a few games to get used to but it was similar. After update it's still similar, just somewhat quicker. I expect them to up the pace significantly in the next 2-3 weeks though as 15-year olds come into force and threaten not to spend their parents credit card money on FUT coins unless they can abuse L1 + triangle at blistering pace.
Well in the game I just played. My I Camacho (69 pace or smth like that) had no trouble keeping up with my opponents Amrabat (close to 90 I believe).

The whole pace thing is completely ridiculous, it's like you lose 40-50 pace/acceleration and agility once you're on the ball..
My first match was against another United player. And my Marcos Rojo scored two from CB! Corner situations, although neither was a header.

First thoughts are to to cut out some of my riskier passes and aggressive dribbling. Basically the "philosophy" seems the way to go!
anyone had their email from shopto yet saying it's been dispatched?

checked my account and says completed and shows the image of the package but no email as yet, but a mate of mine has got his dispatch text message

What about the defending AI? Any changes there?

Too early to say for me, only played several career mode games. I will play Seasons more today (also more PES) so I will feel more entitled to comment. Offensive AI is fine at Professional, except when it goes mad. Yesterday I was playing Spurs in the league and Kane had a great through ball from Eriksen, he'd have been one on one with the keeper and it was clear that Blind was not going to keep up as he was falling, Kane, instead of running straight at goalkeeper and trying to score, decided to pass the ball back to midfield with a powerful pass :lol:
How's career mode this year?
It's the first time in ages that I play it. Feels good, games are tough and the presentation is predictably brilliant. On Xbox One I got 11 points from the first 6 games at United, on PS4 I've currently got 0-0 draw against Tottenham and 0-0 against Villa :lol: I'm going to beat Newcastle now. Depay is very good to play with, trickery and pace.
16 is like the polar opposite of 15.. Where before everyone could dribble like Messi now everyone dribbles like Mertesacker. I like the direction they took, because it makes the games look much more realistic: you need to be really deliberate with your passing. Making a 180° and play a perfect pass won't work at all anymore, if you are off balance or are carrying the ball at an awkward angle chances are the pass you'll be playing won't be precise at all.
I think they way overdid the dribbling nerf though, even with high technical and acc stats (I have among other decent players Isco, O. Torres, Griezmann and Vietto in my squad) you can barely dribble, because after every change of direction the player just literally stops for a second. You can completely own a defender with a Ronaldo chop or other skill move, but way too often he can get back to your attacker, because your player will just take a break, while the defender recovers.
Once the kids figure that out you'll probably be playing against 5221/433def with pace/cross spaming (headers seem quite strong to me) all day every day, because it'll be near impossible to play through someone who sits at his own box with 7 players.

My experiences come from FUT on the PC (full) version.

I agree. I was very good at dribbling and using skill moves on 15. Not stupid ones like rainbow flicks and shit like that but the ball rolls and the feints but they've went too far. It's now utterly pointless regardless if your using Messi or Phil Jones. The pace of the game is good but if you sit on defensive or ultra defensive it's very easy not to concede and just try and hit on the counter.
This year it looks like PES will be the game to rack up 5-5 scorelines in online while FIFA sits pretty on 1-0 tactical battles.
I feel like if they don't change the dribbling thing you might as well play 442def and go all moyes on people.
It's the first time in ages that I play it. Feels good, games are tough and the presentation is predictably brilliant. On Xbox One I got 11 points from the first 6 games at United, on PS4 I've currently got 0-0 draw against Tottenham and 0-0 against Villa :lol: I'm going to beat Newcastle now. Depay is very good to play with, trickery and pace.
They always nail the presentation at least, and sounds like the newgen system improved.
does your player still stand there waiting for the ball when you pass to him before you can move or have they fixed that yet?
I am not sure what @Sarni is saying really. There have been no gameplay changes. I played it on both consoles and can't see anything different to the early access.

In fact people on the EA forums moaning that John Terry is catching Ronaldo.

You can't have it all ways. Either pacey players blow defenders away or they don't. In real life it's actually rare that a player absolutely anhialates another for pace, that's why when they do it gets coverage - like Henry skinning Carragher from years ago, or more recently that Bale one on Bartra.

In real life even players like Terry can actually catch much faster players, particularly when that player is on the ball and Terry isn't.

I actually agree with this post.
I think Sarni is on about the gameplay speed? not the player speed?

Even the gameplay speed is the same. You have to build up from midfield rather than just passing from defence to striker and sprinting.

I can't believe idiots on the EA forums are moaning about pace. Hope EA do not pay any attention.
Even the gameplay speed is the same. You have to build up from midfield rather than just passing from defence to striker and sprinting.

I can't believe idiots on the EA forums are moaning about pace. Hope EA do not pay any attention.

You've basically just said the same thing again just differently. I think we're getting our wires crossed.

I am taking it Sarni means everything has been sped up a little, players, balls, movement, etc. Whereas it sounds like you're meaning you still have the same style of buildup due to player pace being nullified. Which makes complete sense, you would both be correct. (sarni means it's like the game is being played at x1.10 speed compared to the early access?)
You've basically just said the same thing again just differently. I think we're getting our wires crossed.

I am taking it Sarni means everything has been sped up a little, players, balls, movement, etc. Whereas it sounds like you're meaning you still have the same style of buildup due to player pace being nullified. Which makes complete sense, you would both be correct. (sarni means it's like the game is being played at x1.10 speed compared to the early access?)

:lol: took them one day to release a patch that increases the pace of the game significantly. Why, EA, why? It is still slower than 15 but going in the wrong direction.

That's what he said originally. I haven't seen a significant change in the pace. It's still the same.

If the speed of the game has changed then it means passing and players will be faster. None of that has changed. I'm the first guy to call out EA if they changed the gameplay. They did it a month into FIFA 15, which ruined it. As pre patch FIFA 15 was amazing.

Maybe he needs to elaborate more on what he means.
Really like it actually. Gameplay is quite similar to the demo, maybe the touch and turning being a bit better because it was too sloppy before. Scored a beauty with Memphis playing seasons. Martial is quite good as well, but they could've made him quicker. Think he only has like 83 acceleration.

Career mode is fun. Especially the training thing to improve players. Played the opening game of the season against sours winning 2-1 (world class difficulty), but I only had like 34% possession. Definitely going to take a bit to get used to pressing teams with possession against the ai.

Also played one game of clubs but just a drop in match, got a goal and an assist... So far everyone has been pretty good without people trying to dribble past everyone.
@Bojan11 you might actually be right. A few games on and the pace seems to be similar, don't know why the impression yesterday.

I got online finally and played a couple of seasons games. I absolutely love it. It's no longer purely luck based, if you play well, keep the ball and defend well you are not going to concede just because you're unlucky and someone decides they want to abuse L1 + triangle. Actually it's funny how useless L1 + triangle has become unless you absolutely 100% nail it. Players finally feel different and it's actually VERY noticable. Took PSG today and Di Maria ran and dribbled exactly like Di Maria (BTW extremely good player in this game). Had two completely different games - United against Real Madrid where I conceded early and struggled for equalizer, got one in stoppage time thanks to Martial rebound from Depay shot, then PSG v Arsenal - took 2-0 lead but was noticably worse than the opponent, ended up drawing 2-2.

My only gripe so far are referees. Improve their AI and this will actually be great. Still I'm finding it very enjoyable so far.

When I get FIFA 16, I want a best of 5 against you. Hopefully the greater control of the ball and one's game should make these games more interesting. :)
My copy just arrived. Wondering why the hell a women is on the cover.
Played around 15 games on Pro Clubs now, it's okay but annoyed at some of the little things like the spray for free kicks not being in it. The AI has a lot of passive possession which is frustrating to play against at times IMO. Keepers are shite as well, can't catch a cold. The passing is nice though as are the little animations.

When I get FIFA 16, I want a best of 5 against you. Hopefully the greater control of the ball and one's game should make these games more interesting. :)
Sure, mate. Don't think I'll get away with FIFA BS this year, so I gotta go back and practice possession based football. Looking forward to it :)
Sure, mate. Don't think I'll get away with FIFA BS this year, so I gotta go back and practice possession based football. Looking forward to it :)
The thing is that you don't abuse anything in the game. Sure, you use some exploits, but you don't rely on them, which is fine with me. It's just the way you win matches/sets is what really gets to me. It's unbelievable how often I've gotten screwed over by FIFA 15's randomness against you.
The AI has a lot of passive possession which is frustrating to play against at times IMO.
You can still catch them out, though, if you defend the areas well and close down enough passing options. Against Legendary AI in the demo, I've been able to stop the opposition from getting into the final third several times and even control games enough to force the opponent into counter-attacks rather than taking control of the game.

I loved the demo! Teams didn't just look to play one way as they did in every single FIFA before. They adapted to situations. If I controlled the game against Barcelona, Barcelona will go on the counter rather than keep possession of the ball. Same thing with Real Madrid whenever I had the chance (they are very good on the ball, and it's tough to win the ball off of them).

I wonder if others felt the same against the AI. Can anyone else confirm if the opposition AI teams still adapt to situations or just stick to one style throughout the match?
Playing as a guest is awful. The blue indicator is hard to see when changing players. Come on, EA...
The thing is that you don't abuse anything in the game. Sure, you use some exploits, but you don't rely on them, which is fine with me. It's just the way you win matches/sets is what really gets to me. It's unbelievable how often I've gotten screwed over by FIFA 15's randomness against you.
When you've been on the receiving end of those exploits so many times, you pick up a thing or two. ;)
Trying to pre download it for when it releases but it's taking ages. Hope it finishes before tomorrow evening. :(