Gaming FIFA 16

I don't think (lobbed) through balls were overpowered at all, if anything they were ridiculously random, with even elite passers quite often putting too much power into easy passes. Former versions were a lot worse in that regard. And crosses got a huge downgrade in effectiveness compared to 14. But even if all that were the case, why does it stop you from playing patient possession football?
Oh, they were indeed. Any player could make a ridiculous lobbed through ball at some point in any game. It was even worse in FUT. Former versions were worse, but it was bad in the last game too. If you know how to cross, they are unstoppable.

It stops me from playing patient possession football because it's not worth the risk. Misplace one pass and all your defence is fecked. 16 seems to be much better in that regard since the defensive AI has been improved to be just as good as it was in 13.
Fifa's community is largely made up of toxic kids who have zero interest in playing football. But that doesn't mean that you have to follow the same path. With the close control of FIFA 15 you could play some beautyful possession football, because you could reliably play your way through tight spots, create space in midfield with clever movement and hold the ball long enough with individual players for your team to get into position and for options to present themselves.
I choose not to follow the same path and have no problem with pace abusers. That isn't my point though. What I deplore (it's that strong) is the lack of variety in FIFA players online, and it certainly doesn't help that the top FIFA YouTubers play in a way that is filthy. Obviously not entirely their fault. Of course you could play possession football on FIFA 15, but from playing several games on the FIFA 16 demo, there's a big difference in the sense that this game encourages players to be patient and keep a hold of the ball. Even short passes are hard to execute. Which tells you everything you need to know about the direction the game is heading in.
I choose not to follow the same path and have no problem with pace abusers. That isn't my point though. What I deplore (it's that strong) is the lack of variety in FIFA players online, and it certainly doesn't help that the top FIFA YouTubers play in a way that is filthy. Obviously not entirely their fault. Of course you could play possession football on FIFA 15, but from playing several games on the FIFA 16 demo, there's a big difference in the sense that this game encourages players to be patient and keep a hold of the ball. Even short passes are hard to execute. Which tells you everything you need to know about the direction the game is heading in.

FIFA 15: you can dribble past players with your CBs, to get the right passing angles. Technique is very precise and clean, you can exploit even small gaps in their defense and play an ultra fast passing style
FIFA 16: even elite players have sloppy or heavy touches

How does that encourage players to play patient? In 15 you could easily play your way through any aggressive pressing and use it against them to find spaces, yet no one cared. In 16, if it stays like this, every pass will be a risk, because if your player botches his first touch and the opponent happens to be pressing him then you can easily lose the ball without doing a whole lot wrong, the Demo is misleading in that way because the CPU defends rather passive.
I think it encourages players to not risk the ball in their own half, so they'll hoof it or just play down the wings where there is more space.

You basically said it yourself "even short passes are hard to execute" and you think the community will be like "oh they made that one harder to execute, so I'm actually gonna use that way more than I did when it was super easy", it'll be more like "OMG SHORT PASSING IS SO SHIT THIS YEAR OMGGGG IM JUST GONNA CROSS IT AND PLAY LONG BALLS SO BEAST YEAAAH!!! CHECK OUT THAT 99 PACE GUY WITH ZERO SKILL STATS SO BEAST ACE YEAH!!! RAPE LOL!!"

FIFA youtubers and streamers are filthy kids who play the same shit everyone else does, just that they fake hype everything they do. Fifa ralle is the only exception I've seen thus far.

Oh, they were indeed. Any player could make a ridiculous lobbed through ball at some point in any game. It was even worse in FUT. Former versions were worse, but it was bad in the last game too. If you know how to cross, they are unstoppable.

It stops me from playing patient possession football because it's not worth the risk. Misplace one pass and all your defence is fecked. 16 seems to be much better in that regard since the defensive AI has been improved to be just as good as it was in 13.

Pick any decent team in 15 and playing tiki taka is just soo easy, because assisted passing gives you're players 99 short passing and the level of control you have on the ball makes it really easy to dodge opponents who try to pressure you aggressively. Yes, if you lose the ball during build up you're open at the back, but that's true even in real life and I doubt FIFA of all games will change something like that.
In 16 you will have people play 433 with pacy attackers who stay high for counter attacks too.
Played about 15 games now.

Feel like shooting needs more fine tuning and dribbling/turning needs to be more responsive.

I'll wait until the full game is out. Always differs from the demo.

Kind of disappointed with a few changes for the competitive scene of FIFA, but we'll see how it goes.
So after playing a few more games I have to say that they really need to change the responsiveness of players with the ball. The way it is in the demo you won't be able to break a defence of someone who is sitting deep. This gameplay is going to completely ruin any kind of dominant playstyle, because people can just play ultra def 433 with pacy attackers, soak up pressure all day long and then play a long ball to one of their wingers to exploit the space you have to concede when trying to play a passing game.
First of all the actually seem to go after them now and secondly they've introduced price ranges for players, setting minimums and maximums for buyout prices.
I can see it now.

FUT nerds will be forced to play decent football and not ping-pong/dribble their way to victory; they can't even abuse the right-hand analogue stick to gloat when leading late in the game any more! - they'll be up in arms and start complaining to EA in their masses...

EA will fold under pressure and release a patch, dumbing down the game to please their potential pack-buying audience, thus fecking up the game for Career Mode/Offline players.

PS. The gameplay and flow feels fantastic, even against the AI.

I know the demo build has been altered, but I hope not much will be changed in the final version.
I like the demo. It's still a bit too fast but more managable than 15. Miles better than PES demo which I hated. Presentation is great.
I bought Fifa 15 yesterday because it was cheap on Origin, and I'm enjoying it so far. I'll try the 16 demo out, but honestly, I only buy them every few years now anyway (went from 03/10/13/15).

Does this game or Fifa 15 allow you to play locally multiplayer.

I think every Fifa game ever has had local multiplayer. Indoor stadiums in Fifa 97/WC98 (can't remember which) were awesome on the PS1.
I don't get the new no touch dribbling. At. All. Seems like really high risk with really low reward to me.
I don't get the new no touch dribbling. At. All. Seems like really high risk with really low reward to me.
It'll be interesting to see how human players defend against it, but it's looking dangerously close to becoming another gimmick. I wish there was more freedom with it, so you could do stuff like this:

Possibly the greatest no touch dribble ever. If only he'd scored...
How do I do a chip in fifa 15 or 16. Not the normal chip but sort of like this

Just doing the chip part (lifting the ball) not the shot or the turning around part, but when he lifts the ball of the ground
How do I do a chip in fifa 15 or 16. Not the normal chip but sort of like this

Just doing the chip part (lifting the ball) not the shot or the turning around part, but when he lifts the ball of the ground

I think hold pace control and then the chip button
It'll be interesting to see how human players defend against it, but it's looking dangerously close to becoming another gimmick. I wish there was more freedom with it, so you could do stuff like this:

Possibly the greatest no touch dribble ever. If only he'd scored...

When did a dummy start being called a no touch dribble? Seen a thread today on Reddit about Neymar doing a dummy and it's being called a no touch skill.

Dummy! It's always been dummy.
A few games later I can safely say that I like it. They improved several things but the most noticable one for me is that speed merchants no longer win games. You can have Sterling running at defence in full speed but if there is little space to accelerate it will be for nothing. Shooting has also been tweaked in a very good way. Obviously some things are still off and the speed of the game is still slightly too high but it doesn't take much away from the fact that the game itself is very good.
A few games later I can safely say that I like it. They improved several things but the most noticable one for me is that speed merchants no longer win games. You can have Sterling running at defence in full speed but if there is little space to accelerate it will be for nothing. Shooting has also been tweaked in a very good way. Obviously some things are still off and the speed of the game is still slightly too high but it doesn't take much away from the fact that the game itself is very good.

You're doing it wrong... you're supposed to say that it's the same shit, with one or two added gimmicks and that FIFA's been the same since 2002.
How do I do a chip in fifa 15 or 16. Not the normal chip but sort of like this

Just doing the chip part (lifting the ball) not the shot or the turning around part, but when he lifts the ball of the ground

L2 and R1 when receiving the ball, same as when juggling it
I played it for the first time last night and actually thought it was really good. It certainly felt different to 15, which is a good thing - both from an improvement perspective but also purely from an interest perspective!

FIFA always seem to have a marked difference between the demo and the final game, so not going to read too much into it. Will certainly be getting it for Clubs :)
I played it for the first time last night and actually thought it was really good. It certainly felt different to 15, which is a good thing - both from an improvement perspective but also purely from an interest perspective!

FIFA always seem to have a marked difference between the demo and the final game, so not going to read too much into it. Will certainly be getting it for Clubs :)
Yeah clubs is the main reason I'm going to be investing in it this year. Sure all the old faces will be doing the same and we can get some good numbers on. Just don't let @Damien in net.
Cant decide whether to get a digital or physical copy. Any guesses what the download size would be like?
Cant decide whether to get a digital or physical copy. Any guesses what the download size would be like?
The same as installation size anyway if you're worried about the space on your HDD.
Seems a lot like 15 to be fair, the drilled pass with R1 is cool, naturally it's all slowed down here and shit and the final, retail version will differ a lot compared to demo just like every single year so I'm not holding my breath. Crossing is overpowered as feck, can't see much of a difference with the sliding tackles to be fair. As long as the changes to career mode are good I'm bought anyway.
You tried Powerline adapters? Worked a treat for me when it comes to gaming.
Its the data cap that is a bigger concern for me. 25-30 GB game size is fine. But the 40-50 GB games nowadays are not feasible for me.
Its the data cap that is a bigger concern for me. 25-30 GB game size is fine. But the 40-50 GB games nowadays are not feasible for me.

Ah right, apparently it's 21.84GB anyway so you should be alright.
Improved physics, better AI, women's football. Doesn't matter. It's just going to be another year of YouTube twats shouting and screaming as they open UT card packs on their videos that have a thumbnail image of them looking at the camera open mouthed.
FIFA 15: you can dribble past players with your CBs, to get the right passing angles. Technique is very precise and clean, you can exploit even small gaps in their defense and play an ultra fast passing style
FIFA 16: even elite players have sloppy or heavy touches

How does that encourage players to play patient? In 15 you could easily play your way through any aggressive pressing and use it against them to find spaces, yet no one cared. In 16, if it stays like this, every pass will be a risk, because if your player botches his first touch and the opponent happens to be pressing him then you can easily lose the ball without doing a whole lot wrong, the Demo is misleading in that way because the CPU defends rather passive.
I think it encourages players to not risk the ball in their own half, so they'll hoof it or just play down the wings where there is more space.

You basically said it yourself "even short passes are hard to execute" and you think the community will be like "oh they made that one harder to execute, so I'm actually gonna use that way more than I did when it was super easy", it'll be more like "OMG SHORT PASSING IS SO SHIT THIS YEAR OMGGGG IM JUST GONNA CROSS IT AND PLAY LONG BALLS SO BEAST YEAAAH!!! CHECK OUT THAT 99 PACE GUY WITH ZERO SKILL STATS SO BEAST ACE YEAH!!! RAPE LOL!!"

FIFA youtubers and streamers are filthy kids who play the same shit everyone else does, just that they fake hype everything they do. Fifa ralle is the only exception I've seen thus far.
You're missing the point though. What I initially said was that FIFA 15 is awful for possession and that it doesn't exactly encourage it, when you take into account the game structure and how that's centred mainly around pace. Which I'm sure they didn't want to achieve. That doesn't mean you can't play it. The FIFA 16 demo is much more stronger in the possession department because pace has been nerfed significantly, meaning you have to be patient and not spam the sprint button, though this isn't the final product. The beta version, which I haven't played, is a better representation of the final product. Ultimately no one cared about playing possession football on FIFA 15 because it was the antithesis of the game.
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Anybody got any tips when shooting? When I'm through on goal, I shoot with great power but my player hits the ball in a weird finesse manner, and the goalkeeper easily saves it.
You're missing the point though. What I initially said was that FIFA 15 is awful for possession and that it doesn't exactly encourage it, when you take into account the game structure and how that's centred mainly around pace. Which I'm sure they didn't want to achieve. That doesn't mean you can't play it. The FIFA 16 demo is much more stronger in the possession department because pace has been nerfed significantly, meaning you have to be patient and not spam the sprint button, though this isn't the final product and that the beta version, which I haven't played, is a better representation of the final product. Ultimately no one cared about playing possession football on FIFA 15 because it was the antithesis of the game.

They will probably change this completely when the game is out though like they did with 15. It was also much better during the first two weeks than after.
They will probably change this completely when the game is out though like they did with 15. It was also much better during the first two weeks than after.
Agreed, but I can't imagine the final product being too far off. There's quite a few things that need to be altered, one of which is pace (ironically). You have to knock the ball forward using RS if you want to gain a significant advantage over a defender, which I think is daft. The most important thing though, is that a new dawn will soon be upon us.
No one cared about possession football because it's the antithesis of the community. Because it takes skill (compared to the other stuff you do in FIFA), effort and concentration to pull it off reliably and successfully. At a higher level that Rambo style wasn't effective at all, because any decent player could defend against it if he defended with patience and focus. Meaning that those guys who still did it basically kept running into your defenders hoping that maybe the clowny animations of the defenders or the occasional blackouts would put them through on goal and this also meant that their strategy was to keep running head on into a wall until the game's flaws would gift them a goal.

These people (and that's probably the largest part of the community) won't suddenly start playing proper football. No matter what the game is like. The rambo "dribbling"/running into your defenders approach will simply be replaced by the next perceived imbalance, trying to turn games into coin flips. Spaming crosses is always a likely candidate, because it takes little skill or effort to run down the wing, another option will be spaming through balls from the middle of the pitch or long shots from the middle of your opponents half.

I also think that pace by itself wasn't imbalanced at all in FIFA 15. Attackers had a big advantage over defenders because their movements and animations were much more refined, but just like in the past couple of FIFAs it was quite easy to negate pace with a good back line and solid, patient defensive plays. If 15 was centered around one attribute it was dribbling.
You're missing the point though. What I initially said was that FIFA 15 is awful for possession and that it doesn't exactly encourage it, when you take into account the game structure and how that's centred mainly around pace. Which I'm sure they didn't want to achieve. That doesn't mean you can't play it. The FIFA 16 demo is much more stronger in the possession department because pace has been nerfed significantly, meaning you have to be patient and not spam the sprint button, though this isn't the final product and that the beta version, which I haven't played, is a better representation of the final product. Ultimately no one cared about playing possession football on FIFA 15 because it was the antithesis of the game.
See this is the one thing I really feel pro does well, it makes possession feel important and actually enjoyable. You feel like you are actually building up to an attack whereas Fifa is just non stop and way too fast paced.
I deleted the demo after playing one game. It's an insult to my intelligence. Basically the same game again.