Fifa 12: Ultimate team

Could you suggest what sort of players are good for that then, to get me started?

I've always been interested in the trading aspect of the game but I've never been good at it. I really want to get into it for FIFA12.

It takes time/patience and a lot of luck.

Some of the best teams just get lucky with the players they get in packs, i.e get one IF player or a player of Silva/Aguero calliber and you can sell it and create a brilliant team with the earnings from that card alone.

Most of the best teams are built buy players who pump shit loads of their hard earned cash (or there dads) into buying packs.

Others simply have the time to scroll to the 59th minute and look for 'buy now' prices which have been put up for auction by either newbs who are clueless about prices, people who have shit loads of coins and care little about the prices they get for mediochre players, or people who simply feck up the amount of 0's they put at the end of the supposed price. Either way buying this way often takes hours to get a good bargain.

Selling high means you have to sit in front of your computer waiting for some plonker to pay way over the odds for a player. It's not hard to make the odd few hundred on a player here or there, but at those rates it's not even worth your time.

The most rewarding way of building a team is simply making an O.K team with good chemistry your happy with, then winning tournaments to get coins, to either buy on packs and hope to get lucky or buying better players.

I'm sure people will argue with the above however, and tell me I'm just shit at the game.

On another note, what time do the daily bonus's come out? I just bought Hargreaves and I'm skint. (Yes I am a poor bastard.)
Thanks for that, I was aware of most of it but not the extent of just how difficult it can be to make a good profit purely by playing the market...

I've been trying it tonight by buying shiny gold PL players for around 2k (so players like Ruiz, Kuyt, Hangelaand etc) and selling them for a little bit more, but its time-consuming work and it gets boring very quickly.

I might try out the tournament method, except I'm not that much of a good player to win tournaments often enough!

Thanks very much for the reply though, hopefully I'll get a semi-decent team going soon.

Oh, I just rejected a swap of Tevez for my Villa... hopefully that wasn't a wrong decision!
Thanks for that, I was aware of most of it but not the extent of just how difficult it can be to make a good profit purely by playing the market...

I've been trying it tonight by buying shiny gold PL players for around 2k (so players like Ruiz, Kuyt, Hangelaand etc) and selling them for a little bit more, but its time-consuming work and it gets boring very quickly.

I might try out the tournament method, except I'm not that much of a good player to win tournaments often enough!

Thanks very much for the reply though, hopefully I'll get a semi-decent team going soon.

Oh, I just rejected a swap of Tevez for my Villa... hopefully that wasn't a wrong decision!

I'm not clued up on the prices of the top players, but I'd say it's a mixture of skill of the player and how much 'fanboism surrounds the player' as to how rare they often are/expensive they are.

In any case, I'd say keeping hold of Villa was probably a good idea, especially after last nights actions, City fans won't be pushing his price right up.
Honestly, I don't understand how on earth people manage to save up so many coins.

I can see how people might be able to save some if they play tournys all the time, but its never enough to afford some of the crazy prices they have for star players....

I've heard of people waiting on the 59th min for deals - but they must honestly spend hours and hours doing that!

As for Gold packs - i'm lucky if I get one decent player amongst the rubbish I normally get. I mean i've even gotten the same crappy player 3 or 4 times in several packs - surely those odds are far greater than getting one star player!
After complaining about my "free gifts" yesterday the FIFA Gods answered my prayers.

When I got in last night I got a mini gold pack containing a contract, a kit and a pretty average player and this morning I got 1,000 coins.

Nothing amazing but easily the best I've had so far :D
Got 1500 coins today, can't really complain with that one... A lot better than I've had recently anyway.
I'm not clued up on the prices of the top players, but I'd say it's a mixture of skill of the player and how much 'fanboism surrounds the player' as to how rare they often are/expensive they are.

In any case, I'd say keeping hold of Villa was probably a good idea, especially after last nights actions, City fans won't be pushing his price right up.

Yeah, I'm making the odd 100 profit here and there but its nothing amazing.

I rejected the Tevez bid because I thought he might be transfered in January... seems like I might be right!
Remember that you get taxed on coins earnt from trades so ensure that the value you will receive will be more than what you bought the player for.
Picked up Bosingwa before for 1k. I'm expecting to at least double that.
Got 12k on my xbox account where I just lucked out in my starter pack with Wilshire and basically sold the stuff that was worth anything and received a few daily rewards

At 16,440 with Bryan Ruiz left to sell on my ps3 account where I've been doing my 'arry wheeling and dealing. Might take a break now till the game is out and then get back to dealing while I wait the extra day for my game to arrive
Well forget that, I went in on a few auctions and having just sold Hernandez for £17,750 I now have just over 20k on my ps3 account :lol:
I wish I could be bothered to play the market a bit more. I generally buy Kompany's for 7k, sell for 8-8.5. Managed to get up to 14 k again yesterday, then bought a gold pack, which just all got discarded. Bad times.
I wish I could be bothered to play the market a bit more. I generally buy Kompany's for 7k, sell for 8-8.5. Managed to get up to 14 k again yesterday, then bought a gold pack, which just all got discarded. Bad times.

Is that Xbox or PS3? I've gotten bored of profitting off of Ruiz's and Kuyt's etc now, but I don't know enough about the prices of the better players to be able to jump up to them. Are Kompany's easy to pick up/sell?
Is that Xbox or PS3? I've gotten bored of profitting off of Ruiz's and Kuyt's etc now, but I don't know enough about the prices of the better players to be able to jump up to them. Are Kompany's easy to pick up/sell?

They were, yesterday and a few days before you could get the occasional one for 7k ish and sell for like 8.5k. Today though all the prices are up the shit creek and they're going for anything between 13k-30k or something stupid.

Oh, and it's 360
500 coins today, wasn't too bad as that's 2000 coins over the last two days.

Managed to pick Fabio up for 450 along with Adriano & Juan. May try and make a profit on Fabio has he's not the right formation plus I just found out my Fabio Aurelio is worth a bit... Sold.
I thought i'd try my hand at wheeling and dealing today, sold a guy for 600 and then scouted the 59 minute mark and bought Maxi Rodriguez on a BIN for 400. Hope to get some profit off him and then try again, mighty oaks from the littlest acorns and all that.
Got 1000 coins today, and 500 coins on my other account
i have ultimate team, and have since 09 on the xbox, if i purchase the ps3 fifa 12, can i play on the same UT account ?
And you can do yourself a favour and have some of the subs like lowly rated bronzes to help keep the star rating down
Managed to pick Fabio up for 450 along with Adriano & Juan. May try and make a profit on Fabio has he's not the right formation plus I just found out my Fabio Aurelio is worth a bit... Sold.

Just checked my FUT and found that both my Buy Now prices on Fabio & Fabio Aurelio were matched. Sold Fabio for 1400, a nice 950 profit and Fabio Aurelio for 2200 :eek::cool:
I thought i'd try my hand at wheeling and dealing today, sold a guy for 600 and then scouted the 59 minute mark and bought Maxi Rodriguez on a BIN for 400. Hope to get some profit off him and then try again, mighty oaks from the littlest acorns and all that.

Ok Maxi went for 950, with that and what i had left i bought Roger Johnson for 350, Guttierez for 400 and Cabaye for 500 all on BIN's. Roger Johnson then sold for 900, Guttierez is going for 650 right now with about 40 minutes left and nobodies bid on Cabaye yet.

With the left over money i bought Burdisso for 600 who fits right into my team nicely. Decent bit of wheeling and dealing on a budget there.

EDIT: Cabaye sold for 1300, and Guttierez for 850.
Got Essien in a gold pack yesterday, and an in-form Ramires.

Played my first game online, won 4 - 1. It didn't disconnect :eek:
I have no idea what I'm doing with this, decided to give it a go though, what the hell are all these formation, contract and fitness cards all about?

got some decent players though like rosicky, donovan and salomon kalou, but I dunno what i'm supposed to be doing -_-
I have no idea what I'm doing with this, decided to give it a go though, what the hell are all these formation, contract and fitness cards all about?

got some decent players though like rosicky, donovan and salomon kalou, but I dunno what i'm supposed to be doing -_-

Ok. Each player card has a formation that goes with it, 4-4-2, 4-3-3 etc. When you make your team, you can choose whatever formation you wish. However, the players you use in that formation player better if their formation matches your one. For instance, if you play 4-4-2, try to only use players who have a 4-4-2 formation. The formation cards you see are cards that you can apply to a player to change their formation.

Contract cards are pretty obvious. Each player card has a limited number of games that they can play. When this runs out you need to 'extend their contract' - simply apply a contract card to them.

As players play matches, they lose fitness (obviously). After a while, this will man you start as match with a player who's knackered. Fitness cards increase their fitness level.