I must have saved over 50k in total, and blazed it all on gold packs (before the promos.)
I'm not that into Ultimate team and rarely play it but thought it would be a laugh if I bagged a Messi or inform card. Unfortionatley after wasting all my coins on gold packs and being rewarded with absolute SHITE (3 rare cards you say? Oh you mean a rare formation, a rare healing pack and a rare team badge, which isn't even rare because I got the Schalke one in the last 3 packs.) They can feck off with that bollocks.
The whole game is pure luck, it's only worth playing if you like the idea of actually playing with your team and winning cups, which hardly anyone does, me especially as you never get manual players.
Anyway yeh, could be good if you played on auto just for the fun of winning cups, otherwise it's a total waste of time and purely down to luck, and/or willingness to waste your own money.