Fans wilfully accept or won’t even acknowledge Sir Alex Ferguson’s ongoing influence at Manchester United.

He got Mata without Moyes really needing him. He would have been insturmental in Ronaldo returning, whether thats a good/bad thing is debateable
If he had that much influence on the current situation the players would not be getting away with their behavior and performance. They are absolutely getting away with murder, a pack of charlatans.

I agree that with the exception of a few players, the rest of the team has been dreadful this season (both on and off the pitch).
I agree that with the exception of a few players, the rest of the team has been dreadful this season (both on and off the pitch).

Don't think i'd give anyone a 6/10 overall, but Elanga, Sancho and Fred have been positives. Actually think Lindelof has been decent too.
This was one of the issues with Ole, couldn’t get his head around the fact he had to move away from the past and the whole United DNA bollocks. Big hope for me is Ragnick will actually be consulted and Murtough isn’t from that clique, get a manger in, sign young players with the bit between their teeth and sever all connections between the class of 92 and the current players. Remember them fondly for their times here as players but they are useless pundits who just heap pressure onto players, are reactionary in their views and, most importantly, are not in touch with modern elite level football. The past is of no use to us, we need to look forward.

All connections to the class of '92 would include Sir Alex Ferguson as well. It would not be possible to be remove all connections to the class of '92 whilst our old manager is still on the board.
I wasn't aware of any idea that Sir Alex was pushing for Poch. I was aware that Neville and Rooney were favouring the ex-Tottenham manager.
Once the new manager is announced it will be interesting to see how the process unfolded.

If we ever find out. It seems some have decided on here Ferguson wants Poch.
It will be interesting to see what the next manager does in terms of bringing in their own team of backroom staff. Based on the way the club is run, I don't believe any new manager will be given carte blanche to manage all aspects of the role their way; more than likely it will come with stipulations that will have already been made aware to them before they are offered the role.

But it's up to them to explain how they want it to be set up and why. If there's a problem with it then they need to put their foot down and if there's no problem with it and they feel they can get on with their job then all good.
Completely agree that this is a thing and can’t argue against the points you make. The McTominay love in from within the club is bizarre but the SAF connection goes a way to explaining it.

Dont agree that SAF has credit in the bank to make decisions though, not after Moyes and how much the game has changed in 9 years. It’s clear we need a radical new direction to bring us in line with top clubs globally.

IIRC we had this with Busby where he lingered around in the background and there were suggestions he was still making decisions, we suffered a similar fate.

Let’s also not forget that Fergies best traits were his man management, work ethic and determination. He delegated and frequently updated his personnel in terms of players and staff to stay ahead of the competition.

There’s clearly far too much sentimentality at the club and not enough ‘best in class’ recruitment at all levels. I think that’s largely responsible for where we are now along with a distinct lack of leadership

A sensible post to be fair.

An interesting point made about Sir Matt Busby; it could well be that history is currently repeating itself.
Whatever influence he has, he's not the one making the final decision and if we get it wrong, it's on the Glazers and their management team.

The last thing I want to hear is using SAF's name as a cop-out for crap decision-making from the clowns in charge, especially if they pick a three times sacked guy instead of the obvious choice.
He got Mata without Moyes really needing him. He would have been insturmental in Ronaldo returning, whether thats a good/bad thing is debateable

I wasn't aware of Sir Alex having anything to do with Mata coming in. I was aware that he had spoken with Ronaldo prior to him coming back.

The question that brings up is, are things like that undermining the manager in place?
The Mata one could be, and certainly would be if Moyes didn't want him.

The Ronaldo one, not so much because it was clear Ole wanted him anyway.
Of course Alex Ferguson is a man people will look to for advice. Has anyone at United done that since he retired? Duh. Yeah.

Did he force the Ronaldo-to-United move through (does he have that kind of power)? No, of course not.

Was he involved, in some capacity, in that deal? Not unlikely at all. He could have been the one to convince Ronaldo to go for it - sure.

Has he been instrumental in any of the managerial appointments since his retirement?

Yes, one - and that is Moyes.

After that - no, that's bollocks. He may or may not have been consulted (in one way or another) - but the managers post-Moyes obviously have not been appointed on his say-so.

This is just another "the reason why we're so shit" myth.
i’ve seen fred in a fish and chip shop in stockport. he was looming over three plates of fried haggis and a plate of tatties, quietly weeping and saying to himself “ah cannae keep daein' this, isnae real fairn.” i knew it was him when shaw walked in and asked “you going to finish that, mate?”
:lol: :lol: :lol:
A sensible post to be fair.

An interesting point made about Sir Matt Busby; it could well be that history is currently repeating itself.
It was a point my dad made shortly after SAF retired, I wasn’t around in the 70’s but perhaps others could verify but I think I’ve seen it mentioned on here before.
There isn’t a single person on the forum who knows how much (if any) influence Fergie still has on the decisions that are made within the club. Stop getting upset about hypothetical situations you’ve made up in your own head.
I feel like you can attach this post to any opinion piece or rumour news surrounding sports in general. People have become rich or famous just by being lucky and guessing some shit right when it comes to sports ‘journalism’. The microanalysis that goes on from people who know nothing about what goes on is baffling indeed.

Having said that, OP might be somewhat right. I think Sir Alex will of course have some amount of influence over the club. But nobody knows the extent of it. For all we know, he might not have any position of power, and might merely be a face to the people in charge.
All connections to the class of '92 would include Sir Alex Ferguson as well. It would not be possible to be remove all connections to the class of '92 whilst our old manager is still on the board.
I mean the actual class of 92 hence the part you didn’t bold, unless SAF is now doing punditry.
Let's also not forget Karen the press officer, appointed by Sir Alex in the early 2000's but still at the club long after SAF has retired.

How long will Karen be at the club?

Can the club move forward with Karen still in place?

Karens are ten a penny. Just search YouTube.
he has far too much influence for my money. scott mctommy only gets as much game time as he does because fergie demands at least one scottish person in the team at any one time. every wondered why fred is called fred and not some exotic brazilian name?
it’s because it sounds scottish. he’s forced to wear a ginger wing and tartan cap whenever mctommy is out of the starting 11 and affect a scottish accent to please sir alec and his requirement.

there was a thread the other day questioning the condition and general athleticism of players after they join us. that’s because fergie demands all team dinners are scottish. you try running around after a plateful of deep fried mars bars. and why do you think shaw was putting out feelers about signing a new deal?

You can definitely argue that Fergie had a big role in where we are as a club right now, but it’s not for any of the reasons the OP mentioned.

Blaming him for McTominay is quite spectacular, considering the amount of youth products that left the club in his time. Then again, Fergie did refuse to sign a central midfielder for the last 5 years of his United career so maybe there’s something to it.
He sits on the football board which is made up of figureheads. The PLC board is the one with power and they run the day to day. I've no doubt SAF's opinion is still heard but he's not running anything and De Gea and McTominay playing has nothing to do with him.
De Gea is playing in matches because he is quite comfortably out best goalkeeper.

McTominay is playing because he’s one of our best midfielders.

That’s the conspiracy
If someone at the club picks up the phone to ask Fergie for an opinion or a recommendation, it's not fergie's fault really. But I honestly doubt at his age and after his health issues in recent years that he proactively puts pressure on the club to do anything. We're just imagining things at this point.

I do however question what Fletcher is doing at the club, as he has no experience to back this up. It's bizarre that he's on the team trying to pick the next manager.
Most of this is just shit stirring by the media and I doubt if it holds much truth at all, the man had a stroke for God's sake I'll doubt he'll spend his time trying to meddle with club affairs.
You will never get a man or manager who will or could command the respect he has or had. Any other manager coming in has to have the balls to do the same, SAF did it when Busby was still there. Its more to do with those than him imo.
I wasn't aware of Sir Alex having anything to do with Mata coming in. I was aware that he had spoken with Ronaldo prior to him coming back.

The question that brings up is, are things like that undermining the manager in place?
The Mata one could be, and certainly would be if Moyes didn't want him.

The Ronaldo one, not so much because it was clear Ole wanted him anyway.
i read a Moyes interview years later where Fergie said 'look we can get Mata, do you want him? and Moyes is like erm... ok? We had Kagawa playing out wide and then bought Mata to do the same. this was the time when Chelsea wanted Rooney, at the stamford bridge game you could see Fergie/Gill walking across the pitch at half time etc
I always felt there's a bit of a "boys club" vibe with some of the people employed in the club, some players who are not good enough should not be a starter, some players getting a lot of injuries, mixed bag with player recruitment(we've had good and bad).

Not sure how long the current coaches are working in the club but we do have some in -experienced coaches and while I agree everyone has to start somewhere maybe they should be learning their trade elsewhere before getting the big one at UTD as its a lot of responsibility.

Hard to say if Fergie is still pulling strings and influencing, there could be others also.
he has far too much influence for my money. scott mctommy only gets as much game time as he does because fergie demands at least one scottish person in the team at any one time. every wondered why fred is called fred and not some exotic brazilian name?
it’s because it sounds scottish. he’s forced to wear a ginger wing and tartan cap whenever mctommy is out of the starting 11 and affect a scottish accent to please sir alec and his requirement.

there was a thread the other day questioning the condition and general athleticism of players after they join us. that’s because fergie demands all team dinners are scottish. you try running around after a plateful of deep fried mars bars. and why do you think shaw was putting out feelers about signing a new deal?
It clearly eats you up that Utds 2 best managers were Scottish. So much so that you feel the need to rip the hole out of it. You got a few giggles from your mates so job well done.
It was a point my dad made shortly after SAF retired, I wasn’t around in the 70’s but perhaps others could verify but I think I’ve seen it mentioned on here before.

It's true. Sir Matt even had an office. It's not only at United it happened. It happened at Liverpool too when Bill Shankley retired. He was hanging around Anfield.
It's true. Sir Matt even had an office. It's not only at United it happened. It happened at Liverpool too when Bill Shankley retired. He was hanging around Anfield.

Aye but the dippers soon put a stop to it. We didn't. Matt was still influencing transfers when Tommy Doc was manager. He put the kibosh on a move for Peter Shilton because he didn't want to pay him £200 odd a week.
Not sure if those four are still here due to his influence, Fletcher and Phelan possibly. I am of the view however that we resigned Ronaldo due to Fergies influence. Did Fergie not phone Ronaldo asking him to come back to us over City?

He was never an Ole signing that's for sure.
I reckon it’s more likely that Woodward wanted Ronnie and asked Fergie for his help, which was gladly given.

I doubt that Fergie was the instigator.
He is in a senior position in the club and has a big influence, shock horror!
I don’t even think he does. He’s an 80 year old man, he has better things to do then bang down Richard Arnold’s door every week asking him to hire Pochettino. Or Rangnick’s door to make him play McTominay, for that matter.

It’s simple for newspapers though. Fergie = clicks.
Aye but the dippers soon put a stop to it. We didn't. Matt was still influencing transfers when Tommy Doc was manager. He put the kibosh on a move for Peter Shilton because he didn't want to pay him £200 odd a week.
Really? He was certainly still interfering when O’Farrell was manager, but as I understand it that was mainly to do with rounds of golf with the players, listening to their gripes about begin getting dropped and generally undermining Frank. I thought his control of transfers had ceased once O’Farrell had arrived, and certainly didn’t continue under The Doc. Didn’t the latter make it clear that he’d only take on the job if Sir Matt’s influence in the background was completely removed?
I remember during one of his post match interviews he said along these lines, there is a sir here, the greatest manager, who looks after everything.
Well if Jose could find someone else to blame for his own failings he wouldn’t forsake the opportunity to do so ;)