Gaming Fallout 4

If it's to Skyrim as Fallout 3 was to Oblivion, I'll snap their hands off.
Is this available on 360?

Want it but can't decide what kind of character i would be.. Stealthy, Shooty or hit with big sticky.
Really excited but after watching that trailer.....those facial animations :lol: for a second I thought I was back in 2007.

Roll on the 10th though.
Didn't expect them to start sending them so early. Shopto better dispatch tomorrow :mad:
Can't wait for this, loved all the the others. Just ordered an Xbox One bundle for it, was going to hold out on next gen until a couple of price drops in the future like I did with the last gen but the hype's made that impossible.
Well, that is your opinion. There were many bugs and glitches on launch and they downgraded the graphics from E3, amongst many other things. I still enjoyed it, but they deserve to be called out for initially lying about the graphics instead of just admitting that they needed to cater to a wider range of specs and consoles. But that isn't really an excuse either because they had the "Ubersampling" feature for TW2 specifically intended for pc enthusiasts.
Even with the downgraded graphics it's still one of the most breathtakingly stunning games out there when maxed on a pc, dont't see a problem there. It's still an incredible plus point rather than a negative. As for bugs, nothing out of the ordinary for a game this size, probably on the low side even. Hardly valid arguments to call a game overrrated.
I can also guarantee you Bethesda won't be rolling out patches to resolve bugs nearly as fast as CDPR did.
The fact that Fallout 3 still doesn't work on most modern PCs without some tinkering and mods sticks out. CD Projekt are slowly making Bethesda irrelevant if they keep releasing games like Witcher 3 imo (especially with Cyberpunk coming up), it's just a pity their fanbase isn't as big yet.
The fact that Fallout 3 still doesn't work on most modern PCs without some tinkering and mods sticks out. CD Projekt are slowly making Bethesda irrelevant if they keep releasing games like Witcher 3 imo (especially with Cyberpunk coming up), it's just a pity their fanbase isn't as big yet.

Irrelevant is perhaps too far, all things considered The Witcher 3 is a much more focused and linear RPG than Fallout and Skyrim where you can basically create terrible builds which are hilarious disasters or super builds where you're god. They are a better developer in many senses but the games are very different. Also Cyberpunk is a far distance off iirc.
I've always been able to deal with the bugs and graphics that come with Fallout because it's such a good game. I never got into Witcher 3. The Fallout world is just far more immersive.
The Witcher 3 world is the most immersive I've seen. The world building is on another level

My preorder is now under processing for Shopto...please come early
I can see why people would prefer Fallout over The Witcher. I personally am not into the fantasy type RPG's and like the Sci-Fi setting of Fallout. Usually that is because the The Witcher was the exception.
One of my favourite things about Oblivion was the whole Dark Brotherhood side plot. Was really lacking in Skyrim, but the fact you can join these evil factions is really fun. Could you do similar shit in Fallout 3? (This will be my first Fallout game)
One of my favourite things about Oblivion was the whole Dark Brotherhood side plot. Was really lacking in Skyrim, but the fact you can join these evil factions is really fun. Could you do similar shit in Fallout 3? (This will be my first Fallout game)
I loved the dark brotherhood stuff also. In fallout 3...from what I remember you could do some evil stuff which would be linked to a single quest (so not like the DB stuff). The evil stuff was a bit lacking in FO3 but FO:New Vegas had quite a bit available.

New Vegas is a better game than Fallout 3 tbh....I hope Bethestha has learned from Obsidian on quest design and player choice.
Anyone got any thoughts about the dialogue wheel? People have called it a way to dumb down the series further which seems hard to argue against. Pretty disappointing.

I just hope the story is decent. Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim have been piss poor story wise. I'm currently playing New Vegas and I have to say its far above the previously mentioned games.
Anyone got any thoughts about the dialogue wheel? People have called it a way to dumb down the series further which seems hard to argue against. Pretty disappointing.

I just hope the story is decent. Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim have been piss poor story wise. I'm currently playing New Vegas and I have to say its far above the previously mentioned games.

Yeah I was hugely disappointed, for me the charm of Bethesda games was the detail in the dialogue, the fact they've streamlined it to one word responses suggests they're compromising detail to cater to the ADD console crowd.

Yeah I was hugely disappointed, for me the charm of Bethesda games was the detail in the dialogue, the fact they've streamlined it to one word responses suggests they're compromising detail to cater to the ADD console crowd.
I've heard the same responses from my friends who were into Morrowind and the likes. Bethesda are a total sellout
Is Attila talking bollocks to himself or has someone got me on ignore? Spun out man.
Just downloaded it off Steam. Now I get to watch it sit in my hard drive for four days.
That wheel thing is going to mean I'm gonna need to listen to what they say, usually I skip through conversations and just skim the words
Made a mistake and invited my GF over for the whole day on Tuesday as I forgot that it was the release day :eek:
It's already available in stores in Germany and people have been very critical of it. Terrible graphics, inconsistent framerate, very small world and dumbed down dialogues are main causes for concern.