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But he demands an explanation dammit.

I didn't demand anything, I just said I'm curious.

"We must have got some encouragement" - but from who? If only the agent spurred us on then we are idiots and I hope that's not the case.

We'll never know though, in all likelihood. A shame. I wonder who the next target will be? We weren't even seriously linked with anyone, even the Fellaini thing mostly exists on the Caf.

1. When Utd lost out on Thiago, one of the Barca directors let it slip that they could have Fabregas for the right price if they wanted
2. Fab's agent said it was possible
3. Moyes and The Equalizer decided to take a punt, "if you're not in, you can't win"
4. The stars were in the right alignment
5. who the f**k cares?

Entirely plausible and likely scenario. Hugely embarrassing though.
League trophy isn't good enough for you, Ruud10?

It seems I must have mistyped my last post. My point is that the league trophy IS good enough for me.

The league trophy alone would be a sensational accomplishment for Moyes and would allow him to ease the doubts the big names like Fabregas or whoever they might be in future years to come to United.

If I'm right about that, that the league trophy is good enough, bringing in players like Fellaini -- a player I agree is not on the "A list" -- should not be looked upon with scorn and contempt but with admiration and perhaps even a small doze of pride. And if Cleverley, say, evolves into the kind of midfielder that makes us wonder why we even bothered with Fabregas, all the better. And for all we know, perhaps Zaha could prove to be as effective as Bale.

It's a risk. I know we all want the finished product, but given the doubts about Moyes it may be more sensible to lower our horizons and pick up players like Fellaini rather than Fabregas. The only caveat to all this is that Moyes must know something we don't know...there's just no way we would continue to raise our bids for Fabregas unless Moyes knew there was a price that worked for Fabregas. Or, and I hate to think this, our bids are being staged for the masses in the full knowledge we're in for Fellaini, full stop.
Back on the point of how prepared we have historically been to pay top-dollar, I thought I'd spend a few minutes putting together graphs of our transfer records against teh British and World records.

The first is a logarithmic one for all-time, that shows a remarkably constant progression, with United generally remaining on or around the British record, but never really challenging the world record.

The second is a linear graph for post-1990, as that is when footbal was invented.

It seems I must have mistyped my last post. My point is that the league trophy IS good enough for me.

The league trophy alone would be a sensational accomplishment for Moyes and would allow him to ease the doubts the big names like Fabregas or whoever they might be in future years to come to United.

If I'm right about that, that the league trophy is good enough, bringing in players like Fellaini -- a player I agree is not on the "A list" -- should not be looked upon with scorn and contempt but with admiration and perhaps even a small doze of pride. And if Cleverley, say, evolves into the kind of midfielder that makes us wonder why we even bothered with Fabregas, all the better. And for all we know, perhaps Zaha could prove to be as effective as Bale.

It's a risk. I know we all want the finished product, but given the doubts about Moyes it may be more sensible to lower our horizons and pick up players like Fellaini rather than Fabregas. The only caveat to all this is that Moyes must know something we don't know...there's just no way we would continue to raise our bids for Fabregas unless Moyes knew there was a price that worked for Fabregas. Or, and I hate to think this, our bids are being staged for the masses in the full knowledge we're in for Fellaini, full stop.

Good post until then.
Back on the point of how prepared we have historically been to pay top-dollar, I thought I'd spend a few minutes putting together graphs of our transfer records against teh British and World records.

The first is a logarithmic one for all-time, that shows a remarkably constant progression, with United generally remaining on or around the British record, but never really challenging the world record.

The second is a linear graph for post-1990, as that is when footbal was invented.

You should've adjusted the second one for inflation. Still a pretty good job.
You should've adjusted the second one for inflation. Still a pretty good job.

Why just the second one? We could adjust for inflation, but it would be a right pai in the arse. Given that the point is just to look at the relation between the 3 records, I don't think it's particularlry necessary - inflation (or at least transfer fee inflation) is self-evident within the graph.
Back on the point of how prepared we have historically been to pay top-dollar, I thought I'd spend a few minutes putting together graphs of our transfer records against teh British and World records.

The first is a logarithmic one for all-time, that shows a remarkably constant progression, with United generally remaining on or around the British record, but never really challenging the world record.

The second is a linear graph for post-1990, as that is when footbal was invented.


Who was bought by a Brit club in 96 that set the world record briefly? Shearer to Newcastle?
Does anybody know anything about this clause where there is a set buyback price for Arsenal?

What do you mean by set? I wouldn't rule out a first option type thing but I'd highly doubt there'd be a set price.
"not for sale"

Means up the bid these day.

In most cases I agree that it does but in this one I believe it genuinely means he's not for sale.

Everyone has their price of course...
Why just the second one? We could adjust for inflation, but it would be a right pai in the arse. Given that the point is just to look at the relation between the 3 records, I don't think it's particularlry necessary - inflation (or at least transfer fee inflation) is self-evident within the graph.

I thought so because the adjusted data would be available more easily.
Any such clause Arsenal have would likely be 'subject to being able to agree terms with the player', so in practice Fabregas could get round it if he wanted to go elsewhere.
Good post until then.

Help me understand the objection.

Hasn't it been opined here many times that our bids for Fabregas can't be serious in light of what we know publicly?

I'm not saying I buy into the smokescreen theory...I'm only suggesting we can't rule it out. On the face of things, it makes no sense to submit bids for a player whom the club neither wants to sell nor the player wants to leave. It would be like Chelsea bidding for Vidic.

But the folks who run United are not senseless fools, so there must be a reason for these seemingly senseless bids. Either Fabregas really is up for sale OR there is strategic value is submitting bids we know will be rejected. The strategic value is submitting bids that have no hope of being accepted could be to unsettle Barcelona, but I'm not sure how that makes any sense. Why would we care about Barcelona right now? Or to unsettle Fabregas and see if perhaps we can pry him loose despite the seeming long odds, which makes some sense but also carries risk. Or it could be something else. Any theories on what that something else might be?
Help me understand the objection.

Hasn't it been opined here many times that our bids for Fabregas can't be serious in light of what we know publicly?

I'm not saying I buy into the smokescreen theory...I'm only suggesting we can't rule it out. On the face of things, it makes no sense to submit bids for a player whom the club neither wants to sell nor the player wants to leave. It would be like Chelsea bidding for Vidic.

But the folks who run United are not senseless fools, so there must be a reason for these seemingly senseless bids. Either Fabregas really is up for sale OR there is strategic value is submitting bids we know will be rejected. The strategic value is submitting bids that have no hope of being accepted could be to unsettle Barcelona, but I'm not sure how that makes any sense. Why would we care about Barcelona right now? Or to unsettle Fabregas and see if perhaps we can pry him loose despite the seeming long odds, which makes some sense but also carries risk. Or it could be something else. Any theories on what that something else might be?

Or we just made blind punt on a "what the hell" basis.
I can just imagine his drooling at the very thought of working with Moyes.​
Poor guy.​
No he wouldn't.

People are losig their marbles with transfer fees. In what world is McCarthy worth 20M? Not this one. He will be playing in the Championship otherwise next season FFS, even if Wigan tried to play hardball they would be on quicksand knowing the player would have only one preferred outcome in mind. If we paid 15M we woudl be generous, any more and we are getting raped.
The main reason is that they need to bring in talented players themselves - and most level-headed managers know that if they take away the chance their most talented players have for playing for the best sides in the country, will make it harder to sign talent from smaller clubs. So even if Wigan feels McCarthy is worth more, they will probably accept a smaller offer to avoid this situation.

That's an excellent point.
This isn't a very good summer. I really hope we haven't been wasting our time, and that we end up pissing around near the end of the window getting also-rans in.

I hope Sults is right and that this is a ruse from Barca. I guess we'll get an impression once Moyes speaks next. After all, we've been maintaining Rooney isn't for sale, and...
I thought we didn't put a bid in for Thaigo, something like Moyse not being sure whether he'd be able to put a graft in against Stoke on a lovely January evening.

Thiago said to Marca a couple of days ago that

1. He didn't feel appreciated at barca or that they were making an effort to keep him
2. There was no contact from us
3. He couldn't comment on whether Real made contact

Could have said no comment both times rather than a categorical no and a maybe.
They're not selling Fabregas. Let's move on and make some actual signings before the season begins, we do have a very complicated set of fixtures.
I hadn't been on the ESPN site before.

Is it normal that they have a highlighted "FEATURED TRANSFER NEWS: UNITED RECEIVE CESC BOOST" and when you click on it the title says "Cesc going nowhere, says Barca".

fecking WUMming ABU cretins :mad:
I hadn't been on the ESPN site before.

Is it normal that they have a highlighted "FEATURED TRANSFER NEWS: UNITED RECEIVE CESC BOOST" and when you click on it the title says "Cesc going nowhere, says Barca".

fecking WUMming ABU cretins :mad:


Is it common though? I don't check sites at all, I went there for different reasons and went "Oh wait!".

If that is what people are getting on a daily (or hourly) basis they should really really find something else to do. It can't be healthy.
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