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I'd be happy for us to pay £40m for him if that's what it took.
Chelsea's squad is inferior to ours, clearly IMO.

Agreed. Yes, the likes of Mata, Hazard, Oscar, Ivanovic and Ramires are all top players in their own right, but the squad lacks depth. Especially in comparison to ours.

I'd fear for them if they picked up anything to close to the injury crisis we suffered the season before last.
I couldn't care less how much it costs, to be perfectly honest. If the board say we can afford to spend it, then I'd happily see us chuck £50m at him, he'd make our midfield so much stronger, what difference does it make to us as fans how much he cost?
Something in the dialogue must have made us feel it'd be worth making a second bid.

Woodward on the phone: "We'll give you 25 million for Fabregas!"
Barca: "I am sorry, we cannot accept that little. Even if we could, it would be complicated. Fabregas is important to us. We would have to discuss it. The situation with Arsenal is difficult."
Woodward: "I'll be on the next flight out of Sydney!"

*caf suicide*
I said Barca officials:

“We can assure you that we won’t listen to any offers for Cesc. It is not an option. Cesc is non-transferable,” Bartomeu said.

Two points:

  1. Who is Bartomeu? Genuine question for Spanish guys on the forum. This was not an official announcement on an official Barca club channel, so hard to know whether this is to be given credence. I know he's a VP at Barca - is that a senior position or do they have 20,000 VPs? Is he authorised to speak for Barca on transfers? Is he the sort of guy who might be being used to give quotes designed to drive a price up?
  2. The Fabregas quotes that everyohne keeps referring to were, if you read the smallprint of the context of the Vilanova quote, from the end of the season. A lot can change in two months of soul-searching about your career.
Of course, the third point is that the new manager potentially changes everything - either Barca or Fabregas' attitude to the sale, in either direction (since we don't actually know what either position is!); and / or gives them cover to be seen to reverse their position, irrespective of previous statemenets.
I'd be happy for us to pay £40m for him if that's what it took.

I couldn't care less how much it costs, to be perfectly honest. If the board say we can afford to spend it, then I'd happily see us chuck £50m at him, he'd make our midfield so much stronger, what difference does it make to us as fans how much he cost?

I bid £60m!
I couldn't care less how much it costs, to be perfectly honest. If the board say we can afford to spend it, then I'd happily see us chuck £50m at him, he'd make our midfield so much stronger, what difference does it make to us as fans how much he cost?

Yep. For once I'd like us to to for the "manager wants the player we'll do whatever it takes to get him" approach. Forget reason on this one. Cesc would improve the team by a long distance.
He'd have his place in the side locked down locked down for the next 6 or 7 years. I know he'd prefer to stay at Barca but he'd probably be or captain within a couple of years.
"C'mon bro, I'm new in the job so I really need this. You keep Fabregas, all I'm asking is just let this drag out for another 3,4 weeks. Do me this favour and you can have Rafael next season."
If we are to bust the bank over a superstar, I'd rather we threw £60million at Barca for Cesc than throw £60million at Spurs for Bale.

Though, I think we could get Cesc for less. Maybe £40million would be enough to make Barca cave.
Bielsa?, Hiddink... its going to be a tough call, this is a pivotal season for Barcelona and they're going to need a strong figurehead at the helm. There's the Xavi issue, Neymar/Messi and whether or not they want to continue with their current style of play or get in someone new who might have a very different vision to how the game will be played. Interesting times.

Hiddink would be a good choice in my opinion, experienced and a very attack-minded manager.
If we are to bust the bank over a superstar, I'd rather we threw £60million at Barca for Cesc than throw £60million at Spurs for Bale.
Agree totally with this. Fabregas would really be perfect for our midfield. He's worth a massive bid
He'd have his place in the side locked down locked down for the next 6 or 7 years. I know he'd prefer to stay at Barca but he'd probably be or captain within a couple of years.

I thought that too. Got to be a candidate when it comes up if he's here.
If we are to bust the bank over a superstar, I'd rather we threw £60million at Barca for Cesc than throw £60million at Spurs for Bale.

Though, I think we could get Cesc for less. Maybe £40million would be enough to make Barca cave.

I agree. In terms of our current squad one would be a luxury, the other a necessity.
I refuse to believe that in the conversation between us and Barcelona, we weren't given some inkling that a second bid would be worth making. If so, its just a case of whether or not we're willing to meet their valuation.
Moyes wouldn't keep talking about him in his press conferences if he wasn't confident of signing him.
Moyes wouldn't keep talking about him in his press conferences if he wasn't confident of signing him.

It's funny how when Guardiola commented on Thiago, it was "the end of our chances of signing him" and he was "100% on his way to Bayern" yet when Moyes comments on Fabregas it is "going to be embarrassing when he doesn't sign for us" and "we have no chance".
It's funny how when Guardiola commented on Thiago, it was "the end of our chances of signing him" and he was "100% on his way to Bayern" yet when Moyes comments on Fabregas it is "going to be embarrassing when he doesn't sign for us" and "we have no chance".

There's obvious differences between the two situations.
It's funny how when Guardiola commented on Thiago, it was "the end of our chances of signing him" and he was "100% on his way to Bayern" yet when Moyes comments on Fabregas it is "going to be embarrassing when he doesn't sign for us" and "we have no chance".

Slightly different though isn't it? Guardiola and Thiago worked together before and have a good relationship.
Indeed - namely the pessimism of our fans.

Or the fact that it was well known that Thiago wanted to leave, and that Pep was his former manager, and that Bayern are known to conclude any transfers quickly and quietly.
Slightly different though isn't it? Guardiola and Thiago worked together before and have a good relationship.

The point remains that Moyes feels confident enough to let the world know we are trying to knock out a deal with Barcelona. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out how embarrassing it would be if we agreed a price and Fabregas came out publicly to say he has no interest in signing for us.
It's been made public that we've made two bids but, as far as I can tell, it hasn't been made public that they rejected the first offer. Is it possible this means that Barca showed that they were willing to negotiate?

The real question is...who made it public? I'm assuming that Utd made it public to accomplish two things:
1. To have Barcelona consider selling the player (if it ever came to it) \
2. Have the media push the story so that Barcelona doesn't have a choice but to comment and unsettle the player a bit.

Let's be reminded here that at no time in this entire story has Barcelona actually made a statement about them considering a bid for the player. It's all a good PR campaign by Utd to have Barcelona wonder whether they should sell Cesc or not and it may or may not be working. There's no proof that Barcelona were willing to listen to any offers for the player at any time. You may think that Utd won't go through all this trouble to sign him if the signs weren't positive but it all begins with putting in an official bid and have the PR, media and pundits drive the story in Utd's 'favour'.
Been rejected apparently. Stop fecking around, offer them 40m final offer and if not then move on and get Modric for cheaper than that.
Would be interesting to know the actual time-frame between the second bid being placed and being rejected. If they have zero intention of selling him it should have been a matter of hours.
Or the fact that it was well known that Thiago wanted to leave, and that Pep was his former manager, and that Bayern are known to conclude any transfers quickly and quietly.

Either we know they conclude transfers quickly or we don't know and thus they do transfers quietly, but we wouldn't know how quickly they carry them out!
I think we'll submit one more bid, of £35-£40mil (bear in mind that Barcastuff tweet is talking in Euros.) When they reject that one, we can jump ship and go crying to Modric. :wenger:
I simply refuse to believe that we're bidding for a player who they have no intention of selling. Surely Barca are just driving the price up?
I simply refuse to believe that we're bidding for a player who they have no intention of selling. Surely Barca are just driving the price up?

That's the common sense view I think. The alternative view is that we're doing it as a PR stunt to appease fans. Take your pick!
Either we know they conclude transfers quickly or we don't know and thus they do transfers quietly, but we wouldn't know how quickly they carry them out!

Either way, they don't feck around and get it done. Martinez, Gotze and Thiago are testament to this. The presidents comments about 3 or 4 million being inconsequential in the grand scheme of things further proves this point IMO.
Barcelona daily Sport reports that Manchester United's latest bid of 35million euros (£30m) for Cesc Fabregas has been rejected by the Catalan club, who insist the midfielder is not for sale.
That's the common sense view I think. The alternative view is that we're doing it as a PR stunt to appease fans. Take your pick!

Again, I just don't see the point in wasting our time on a PR stunt - we could have just tied up a deal for a Modric type player instead, and he'd still improve our prospects.

If we are just blindly bidding for a player without any sort of encouragement, I'll be a bit sickened.

I do find it instructive that Barca haven't issues a hands-off statement. You would think that if they flat out refused to countenance a sale that we'd move on...
Some of the talk in here is crazy! Bale is worth £60m and would dramatically improve our wing play. In fact he would be so good, it wouldn't matter about us playing our young midfielders, because Bale would make up for their inexperience with his monstrous abilities. Fabregas is good, but not £60m good. £40m MAX and even that is super generous!
Some of the talk in here is crazy! Bale is worth £60m and would dramatically improve our wing play. In fact he would be so good, it wouldn't matter about us playing our young midfielders, because Bale would make up for their inexperience with his monstrous abilities. Fabregas is good, but not £60m good. £40m MAX and even that is super generous!

Wanting Bale over Fabregas is FM talk. You buy for the positions you are weak in first. Fabregas would improve us as a team more than Bale would.
Barca says 'no' to the second offer United's Cesc

Barca again rejected a new offer from Manchester United for Cesc, which is about 35 million euros for midfielder

Manchester United will not cease in its efforts to take Cesc to Old Trafford, but the club remains firm: the player is not for sale.
The Catalan club again rejected a second proposal by the British bank Catalan midfielder, which is already around 40 million euros according to British media reports.
The United manager, David Moyes, Monday reaffirmed the interest of the 'Red Devils' by the Arenys. "After the response that took the first offer, we have a second," he said.
"When you're interested in signing a good player, you try until it materializes," he added.
However, if it was highly unlikely the departure of Cesc, Thiago transfer to Bayern has finally output rendered impossible any Barca midfielder.

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