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Well then when was the 'promise' made?

Was it made when he was an Arsenal player? If so that's hilariously insecure. Was it made after he sold him to Barcelona. Equally hilarious.

How the feck would I know? I'm a guy on a message board, just like you. The difference is that I'm not making up awkward conversations between David Moyes and Cristiano Ronaldo.
It's true. I heard Arsenal's players have to recite a pledge every monday that they'll never join #MUFC.
Watching all our resident Gooner fans collectively shit themselves, and then pretend that they're all calm has made all this so worth it :lol::lol: Even if we don't sign him in the end its been a joy to behold. Watching Glaston try and Pal up to Pete was quite amusing too :lol:
He's an Arsenal fan(I think), he would say stuff like that tbf.

A hell of alot of Arsenal fans are saying all kinds of stuff as to why Cesc wouldn't join us. Most just sounds made up to convince themselves rather than anyone else. Our chase for Cesc has made them so much more twitchy and defiant than the RvP chase did. Even if we don't get him, it's quite funny how riled they are getting about us having the absolute nerve to bid for one of their precious ex-players. Man, it'll be even sweeter if he did sign for us. It would be bedlam. I think Piers might even delete his Twitter, tie a rock to his leg and take a running jump.
if experience of twitter has taught us anything it's that noone really has any clue apart from the clubs and players involved.

How many of these recent big player pursuits have been definitely happening only to not? Loads. Thiago was the most recent, but there's been tonnes.

therefore, why would we believe either this Sam Rhodes quote of some 3rd hand exchange, or even the "Barce are rumoured to have accepted the latest bid" tweet on the twitter thread!

If he was indeed just speaking with Darren Dein, why didn't he just ask Dein whether he was joining us, instead of a conversation about a fictitious promise.
That indeed would have been a bit more exclusive and credible.

What total bollocks. United might as well stop trying on the basis of this donkey's tweet. :rolleyes:

They wouldn't have started bidding had they not had the green light from his agent or the player....... and his agent is?
So many contrasting ITK's turning this into a fecking saga.

For your own mental health just see it as unlikely and be pleasantly surprised should anything come of it. Easy stuff
There's really no point speculating on anything in this case.

What happens happens, I expect anyone making definitive statements one way or another will look stupid at some point.
I just tweeted 'Welcome to Manchester' to Cesc

The whole 'encouragement' thing is also a bit mythical tbh. Clubs sometimes make bids simply in an attempt to turn the selling club's head.

Chelsea made bid after bid for Modric, for instance, and each one of them was knocked back by Spurs.
The whole 'encouragement' thing is also a bit mythical tbh. Clubs sometimes make bids simply in an attempt to turn the selling club's head.

Chelsea made bid after bid for Modric, for instance, and each one of them was knocked back by Spurs.

That's not true though is it? The fact is Modric would have left for Chelsea. It could be the club, the player/agent that's providing the encouragement - hopefully both. The fact chelsea got rejected - that was by his club not the player. So the encouragement part is real and probably coming from the player since Barcelona aren't encouraging bids. If it's coming from the player/his agent - are they lying? - that is a possibility also
The whole 'encouragement' thing is also a bit mythical tbh. Clubs sometimes make bids simply in an attempt to turn the selling club's head.

Chelsea made bid after bid for Modric, for instance, and each one of them was knocked back by Spurs.

Modric wanted to leave though
Modric wanted to leave though

Yes, but Chelsea don't pay Modric for his contract, they pay Spurs. And Spurs categorically said bids were not welcome. So Chelsea bid again. And Levy said 'didn't you hear me?'.
The one thing I find astonishing is that comments on twatter still cause so much fuzz on here despite it being clear that 99% are just piss takes or just wannabe ITK's.

Having read Sam Rhodes' tweets for the past month, I can see why he is freelance. Total crap, just repeating the news as we hear it. He is far from ITK.
Having read Sam Rhodes' tweets for the past month, I can see why he is freelance. Total crap, just repeating the news as we hear it. He is far from ITK.

I mean it's not only about him but how many twitter sources that were not official parts of a reliable press outlet or of a club have broken any relevant news about transfers in the last couple of months? My guess it's about 0.

I was referencing the thread where people claimed United acted with better conduct than anyone else in the transfer market, something that regardless of this deal, I find debatable.

Of course its debatable, but your post wasnt. Its clear what you were doing
Yep, no worries. You'll still be a strong contender for the Muppet Vase.
What do you bring to this forum, Glaston? You're an unfunny waste of bandwidth, to steal a line. All you do is act the Billy big balls, seemingly forgetting that you support fecking Tottenham. You're a joke, and a particularly unfunny one. Nobody cares what you think, you clown.

At least Pete knows about football.
The whole 'encouragement' thing is also a bit mythical tbh. Clubs sometimes make bids simply in an attempt to turn the selling club's head.

Chelsea made bid after bid for Modric, for instance, and each one of them was knocked back by Spurs.
Yeah, but he wanted to go to Chelsea, so that's where the encouragement was from. The players camp.
What do you bring to this forum, Glaston? You're an unfunny waste of bandwidth, to steal a line. All you do is act the Billy big balls, seemingly forgetting that you support fecking Tottenham. You're a joke, and a particularly unfunny one. Nobody cares what you think, you clown.

At least Pete knows about football.

This is more like it. There is nobody more annoyingly self-righteous as Glaston. I have always been of the opinion that he is Levy. There surely can't be two chumps as annoying and clueless as this pair?
The whole 'encouragement' thing is also a bit mythical tbh. Clubs sometimes make bids simply in an attempt to turn the selling club's head.

Chelsea made bid after bid for Modric, for instance, and each one of them was knocked back by Spurs.

I think when people are talking about encouragement they're talking about Fábregas being interested in leaving rather than Barcelona being interested in selling. Even though it's improper conduct it's generally the case that when a top club makes a bid, they'll have already spoken to the player/player's agent and have been told that they are open to a move if their club can agree on a fee. Fábregas being open to a move here would be a huge thing even if Barcelona decide not to sell him. I've never got the impression that it's something Fábregas would want to do though which is what makes this all very strange.
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