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For one, possession does not equal goals. For two, sometimes the better team doesn't win. For three, didn't we take 42 of 48 points to finish last season while fighting with Spurs for a CL place?
Meh it's pointless arguing it.

If you think regularly pushing for the title only to hit a patch of draws and losses to far worse teams which mean you end up finishing 3rd or 4th isn't bottling it, then we're never going to agree. If you think Arsenal's players simply weren't good enough to win against those teams, then that's your opinion and i'm not going to argue with you :D

On your second point, Arsenal have stuggled to nail down trophies. Fighting for 4th spot is a different point altogether to the one i was making which was going for titles and trophies.
I think he meant he wouldn't talk about players we're rumoured to be interested in rather than players we've made a bid for.

Yeah, but he dodged the Thiago question. Now either we never bid for him or Moyes made an exception in talking about Fabregas.
Read the Barca VP's comments about Fabregas not going to be sold - guess that was from an interview but, there is no indication of when the interview took place - before or after our bid.

We apparently lodged our official bid some time last Sunday. Unless Barca are being completely unprofessional and completely ignoring our official bid - I can't see why Moyes would say Woodward, who did fly back from Australia, is dealing with it. There have been no reports saying that Barca has rejected the original bid. Until we get an official response to our bid (negotiations) - there is still a chance for something to happen and the Barca VP's quotes are just him spouting off for whatever reason.
They're never ever gonna come out and say he's for sale or they will listen to offers.

They want top £££ for him so they'll play hard ball publicly.
Any chance Barcelona want one of our Center Backs + cash in exchange for Fabregas?

The Fabregas story was a no go earlier but has picked up steam again now that Barcelona who quite clearly need a center back, lost out on Marquinhos and have been told no for Thiago Silva. Add to that, we've allegedly been in contact with Garay which makes zero sense to anyone unless a center back were to leave. Wouldn't like to see it happen, but Jonny Evans would be perfect for Barcelona.
Any chance Barcelona want one of our Center Backs + cash in exchange for Fabregas?

The Fabregas story was a no go earlier but has picked up steam again now that Barcelona who quite clearly need a center back, lost out on Marquinhos and have been told no for Thiago Silva. Add to that, we've allegedly been in contact with Garay which makes zero sense to anyone unless a center back were to leave. Wouldn't like to see it happen, but Jonny Evans would be perfect for Barcelona.

I'd rather keep Johnny than get Fab! One of our academy products..
Would they take a flat £40m, or would they push us higher do you think?
Wow i'm not sure to be honest. What's £40m in Euros...like 48 or something?

I think once you get to the £40m+ mark it starts becoming silly money. As inflated as the prices are at the moment i think there is better value out there. Is he worth £15m more than he was 2 years ago?

I'd be happy if we paid it, because i'd love to see him here, but i think £35-40m would be a sensible offer, perhaps with some add-ons slung in.
Can't we just give them Rooney? They've been chattering about him for years. We get shot of someone who doesn't have his heart set on United and we get a player to play in a position we desperately need. Win win. Except for Barca. They get Rooney, who is a shit.
Wow i'm not sure to be honest. What's £40m in Euros...like 48 or something?

I think once you get to the £40m+ mark it starts becoming silly money. As inflated as the prices are at the moment i think there is better value out there. Is he worth £15m more than he was 2 years ago?

I'd be happy if we paid it, because i'd love to see him here, but i think £35-40m would be a sensible offer, perhaps with some add-ons slung in.

In euro, it's about 46.5m.
I don't think he's worth 15m more, but Barca are playing hard ball. I think for once, Cesc is worth it. That doesn't mean we should do it again.
Can't see this deal happening myself to be honest. We can live and hope though!

Can't we just give them Rooney? They've been chattering about him for years. We get shot of someone who doesn't have his heart set on United and we get a player to play in a position we desperately need. Win win. Except for Barca. They get Rooney, who is a shit.
Aren't they short of a proper centre forward now Villa's gone?
Can't see this deal happening myself to be honest. We can live and hope though!

Aren't they short of a proper centre forward now Villa's gone?

I imagine Messi would play in the middle/false9, with Neymar on the left and Pedro/Alexis on the right. Rooney on the right could be an option, as they play so narrow anyway. Xavi and Iniesta in the middle. Cesc to United. Phwoar.
I imagine Messi would play in the middle/false9, with Neymar on the left and Pedro/Alexis on the right. Rooney on the right could be an option, as they play so narrow anyway. Xavi and Iniesta in the middle. Cesc to United. Phwoar.
I was just spitballing. I don't think Wayne will be anywhere except United or Chelsea next year. Probably Chelsea. I hope.
You want him at Chelsea? I thought everyone just wanted him far, far away - unless Chelsea give us Mata and the fit physio?
I would rather have him at Chelsea for a fee of £35m+, because i don't want him at United now. I think it's best to just move on, sell him on now for a decent fee and put it to bed. All the press ever do is mention Rooney and with contracts running down i think we'd be better off just shipping him out. Just feels like the logical conclusion to the whole thing atm.
To what extent is that letting your heart rule your head? If he's "better" than Smalling or Jones and will be first choice for 8-10 years, valid point. The fact he's one from our academy is sentimentality.

I do agree with that, but I also think that he's good enough to be a first choice for us. However, the importance of academy players cannot be underestimated, but that is for another thread :)
Apparently barca have called a press conference for 8.30 tonight? Wonder what that will be about.
I can't remember a player being sold, being announced this way. So it isn't about Fab IMO.
It could be nothing to do with Fabregasm, a conference to announce he's sold or a conference to difinitively say hands off.

It could also be a conference to announce something to do with Thiago Silva, something to do with the heirarchy and set up at Barca or even something to do with Tito.

Who knows, exciting though!
Oh calm down girls, it's nothing to do with Fabregas. You don't have a press conference to say you're selling a player, or that someone is trying to buy your player, or even that you've told someone trying to buy your player to feck right off.

Who are they pursuing at the moment? Maybe they've landed Luiz or Thiago Silva.
It will be promising signs if they announced that they have signed someone. Meaning they might need to sell to offset that amount, just hoping
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