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I have normally found your posts pretty balanced, just like the match day thread, posts get posted in the heat, its understandable.No worries, I can see where you're coming from as I have been hard on Hamilton at times for sure (usually when emotions run high and I'll admit the bad luck Max has had this season hasn't helped) but I don't hate him at all. I'm not sure I like him either (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't) but he's a fantastic driver no doubt about it. Apart from the Lewis/Merc brain fart today with the intermediates which was probably 50/50 between him and the team, he had a good race. I just think Ocon was faultless really and Alonso did brilliantly to keep Lewis behind him as long as he did so that's why I have Lewis as #3 DOTD-wise today.
I am a Lewis fan, but I dont dislike Max, today was harsh on him and did feel for him.
All drivers need good luck, has Lewis had more than his fair share, maybe yes, where has Max has been pretty unlucky this season in a few races.
Ocon today did excellent, Lewis for me was DOTD, dead last to 3rd is a formidable drive.