Explosions reported at Brussels airport.

Nuking the Middle East would mean destroying Israel also. They are nuclear armed and would defend themselves accordingly.

So would Pakistan.
How do you stop the Nuclear fallout from spreading across Europe? Large parts of the Middle East boarders Russia. Are they going to stand back and allow us to destroy their country? Italy is extremely close to Tunisia. Spain to Morocco and Algeria how do we stop the fall out from effecting them.
The idea of killing millions to stop a few radicals from killing a few hundred is obscene in it's own right but the fall out would make the action impossible.
Image taken from [CCTV of the three suspected attackers at the airport:


There was also a suitcase bomb used apparently.
The guy on the right looks like some random tourist to me, but maybe the guys who've seen the whole tape has a reason to include him in the shot.
Not strictly true with the 'knowing your enemy' though either... not every German was a Nazi etc. Just read about what George Takei went through in America... pretty much all the American Japanese population were carted off to camps with no thought to their actual political stance... almost what Trump's suggesting he wants to happen to the American Muslim population.

Whatever the situation though it certainly isn't easy to fight hidden enemies in our population, i'll agree that much, so i know what you're getting at.
And the group of Japanese Americans allowed to serve in the armed forces eventually turned out to be one of our crack divisions in Italy and briefly in France. Some of the best American soldiers.
Well that's why I originally said for this to work and for us to be free from our definition of terrorism we need to kill anyone who could be reasonably radicalised in the first place. So aside from nuking the middle east (and that sounds so simple) you'd also have to kill all the splinter cells in Africa, Asia, Europe and America plus anyone who follows the same values but in a more moderate manner (i.e. innocent Muslims if we're targeting Muslim terrorists who would almost certainly turn radical if such a thing were to happen).

I didn't say it was a good or a moral way of doing things, just that to stop terrorism you basically need to think like a terrorist. Dehumanise everyone and kill the ones that don't agree with our way of life. To them, we're the terrorists and they wouldn't think twice about killing us.

All it really highlights is that it's a thankless task for the intelligence services and the governments in charge of our societies because we're constantly under threat.

We will end up in an Orwellian dystopian society of surveillance where thought is prohibited just to make sure no attacks like this happen in the future. But even that will fall apart because there'll always be a resistance. We're humans and we like to argue. Arguments lead to fights, fights lead to wars, wars lead to oblivion.
The guy on the right looks like some random tourist to me, but maybe the guys who've seen the whole tape has a reason to include him in the shot.
Because he is wearing a white top, and therefore is the good guys?
I'm not so sure much more can be done about such random terrorist attacks in the west. Either intelligence services get wind of plots, or sadly they don't. The fact that all European nationals have free movement through mainland euro borders makes terrorism pretty impossible to police.

They have to really meet up and decide what to do with the current crisis, going defensive isn't going to cut it. There are too many holes for the terrorist to attack, it's like finding needle in the ocean. Anyone could have walked up to a mall and start bombing/shooting like they did in Sydney. It is like you say impossible to police, they can stop 9 out of 10 but 1 is still a big loss.

They should really change the whole western approach on this issue, I'm no expert in this but it's clear that whatever we're doing isn't working
Exactly. Such a ridiculous suggestion. I mean, there are 50m Muslims in Europe alone.

Concentration camps next? That's the line of thinking some in this thread are going down.

And after they don't work what next gas chambers? Let's imprison or kill millions of innocent people on the off chance that they may be radicalised.
@SteveJ Kay Burley is at it again. Just gave the poor Minister-President of Flanders a really rough time asking shitty questions and yet again appeared to have no sympathy or understanding of the situation. As long as she gets her questions in, no respect, and a feckin disgrace.
I just can't comprehend people blaming Islam for the attacks or religion generally. History has shown that evil people will use whatever they can to convince people that what they are doing is right.

Key word is "evil people"

Was Hitler's reign religion based ? nope in fact it was his "scientific" beliefs that pushed his agenda "Darwinism" .

For goodness sake there's a fricking hashtag stopislam going around on twitter. It's ridiculous honestly and I feel sorry for the Muslims being targeted instead of the "evil people"
As we debate the merits of mass genocide, it's probably worth pointing out that Europe, America and the western world are probably safer now than ever before. So maybe some people are overreacting a bit.
I just can't comprehend people blaming Islam for the attacks or religion generally. History has shown that evil people will use whatever they can to convince people that what they are doing is right.

Key word is "evil people"

Was Hitler's reign religion based ? nope in fact it was his "scientific" beliefs that pushed his agenda "Darwinism" .

For goodness sake there's a fricking hashtag stopislam going around on twitter. It's ridiculous honestly and I feel sorry for the Muslims being targeted instead of the "evil people"
It is unfair to Islam, but to deny religion's role in it completely is a bit naive.
Matherto's post is misdirected of course but the trend with terrorism like this is that more and more people will begin believing in the swordfish option (not saying he does) and that's where we'll see the beginning of the end. A huge problem is that ISIS is now the most prominent representation of islam for many westerners, previously it was Al Qaeda, you can't have this level of negativity - constantly without repercussions and furthermore there are agents within and without of Europe (Russia...China) who will be rubbing their hands in glee at the opportunities they're seeing before them.

There is no answer to the overarching problem, I try to think positively but a huge war must be on the horizon one way or another as too many elements are lining up.
It is unfair to Islam, but to deny religion's role in it completely is a bit naive.

It's not because of Islam this is happening. It's because of the "evil people" behind it.

The same way it wasn't Germany's fault that world war 2 happened but the "evil people" behind it.

People like to talk about religious people pushing agendas but times like this is when atheists push their own agendas. Call a spade a spade and focus on the actual issues.
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@SteveJ Kay Burley is at it again. Just gave the poor Minister-President of Flanders a really rough time asking shitty questions and yet again appeared to have no sympathy or understanding of the situation. As long as she gets her questions in, no respect, and a feckin disgrace.

Good grief. Perhaps she'll shack up with Hatie Hopkins.
It's not because of Islam this is happening. It's because of the "evil people" behind it.

The same way it wasn't Germany's fault that world war 2 happened but the "evil people" behind it.

People like to talk about religious people pushing agendas but times like this is when atheists push their own agendas. Call a spade a spade and focus on the actual issues.
An evil strain of Islam same as Hitler's evil strain of Nationalism same as the evil strains of Christianity that popped up centuries ago and still do occasionally.

There many reasons behind these strains, usually economic or political, but you cannot divorce them to just being due to as you say 'evil people."
I'd be worried if I were them of retaliatory attacks from idiots linking them to attacks like these.

Muslim communities have been mindlessly attacked in the past for this stuff, anyone who a racist idiot could mistakenly identify as a potential terrorist will probably be on edge right now and that's so wrong.

This is my point, there are tons of idiots out there and if one refugee was involved it would fuel their fire.

There are enough European-born idiots who are happy to blow themselves up.

I know but my point was it would be damaging to refugee aid which would make it even more of a tragedy in my opinion.
I just can't comprehend people blaming Islam for the attacks or religion generally. History has shown that evil people will use whatever they can to convince people that what they are doing is right.

Key word is "evil people"

Was Hitler's reign religion based ? nope in fact it was his "scientific" beliefs that pushed his agenda "Darwinism" .

For goodness sake there's a fricking hashtag stopislam going around on twitter. It's ridiculous honestly and I feel sorry for the Muslims being targeted instead of the "evil people"

In the same way that it would be stupid to dismiss Islam and all its adherents as evil or sympathetic to aims of IS, neither can we pretend that there isn't a religious component. What do we know about the process by which some young people are being radicalised in Molenbeek, is there a particular Imam or mosque allowing such views to be nurtured? Is there somewhere akin to the Finsbury Park Mosque for example.
An evil strain of Islam same as Hitler's evil strain of Nationalism same as the evil strains of Christianity that popped up centuries ago and still do occasionally.

There many reasons behind these strains, usually economic or political, but you cannot divorce them to just being due to as you say 'evil people."

Are Christians evil? Are German's evil? Are Muslims evil?

Is Hitler evil? Is sadam Hussain evil? Is fidel castro evil?

What do they have in common? Religion? Nationality? Nope

They were evil people. Simple

These ideals and beliefs are just used as conduits for what ever nonsense people or group want to push as their agenda. They aren't the issue the people who use them for evil are.
If you're putting in Fidel Castro, then you may as well put in every leader of the United States and UK for the last hundred years or so.

He's still alive, by the way.

I know he's still alive I'm also not going to pretend to be an expert on him but we all know what he is generally known for.

Either way it's besides my point
I know he's still alive I'm also not going to pretend to be an expert on him but we all know what he is generally known for.

Either way it's besides my point
What is he generally known for? Not to derail the thread... but you've just associated him with Hitler!
Because your too terrified to accept it's not.
It does have quite a lot to do with politics. Like Israeli abuses and Western blindness to them. Whole scale bombing of entire civilizations for decades (either directly of via proxies).

You can't make excuses for people who murder, but it would be wrong to say that people commit these acts in vacuums.
I know but my point was it would be damaging to refugee aid which would make it even more of a tragedy in my opinion.
I'm sure that certain politicians and people will use this for their propaganda. They don't want to see or admit that it's exactly the IS ideology that many refugees are fleeing.
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It does have quite a lot to do with politics. Like Israeli abuses and Western blindness to them. Whole scale bombing of entire civilizations for decades (either directly of via proxies).

You can't make excuses for people who murder, but it would be wrong to say that people commit these acts in vacuums.

What vacuum? They have an entire self-igniting ideology behind them that nourishes their bloodlust.
What vacuum? They have an entire self-igniting ideology behind them that nourishes their bloodlust.
If you choose to keep your view so narrow, then it may seem like this is the case and always has been.
Need to use extreme force in urban areas. Kick in doors in areas the coppers know are hot spots. These bombers are given sanctuary by friends and neighbors. Simple , it will piss people off but they will be less dead.
Even better - convert.

No surprise that you're missing the obvious. First step, stop the killing and see where it goes. I've converted to this opinion just today. No god would sanction the bloodshed we've witnessed in the ME since the late 1930s. That men do is telling.
Need to use extreme force in urban areas. Kick in doors in areas the coppers know are hot spots. These bombers are given sanctuary by friends and neighbors. Simple , it will piss people off but they will be less dead.

The intelligence services are pretty much already doing this. Whenever they pinpoint a cell to a location, they apprehend them and pre-emptively stop an attack. We don't always hear about it because only the successful terrorist attempts get covered by the media, but for every successful one there are dozens foiled.
So why is Belgium getting targeted then? What are they doing that's pissing off extremists so much?
Belgian intelligence seems to have done little over the years to keep track of their would be terrorists, unlike some other countries. One of theirs was a major participant in the France bombings and then fled back to his home in Belgium. From there, buoyed by his success in France, he has maybe helped to organise more bombings, but this time in Belgium. Getting back into France for more bombings would be a touch more difficult now since they have increased border checks.

It's all about hitting European countries and the easier the targets the better. Don't think they're too bothered about which countries are bombed....the more the merrier probably. Belgium should really have been more alert to the chances (very high) of this happening, particularly after the arrest of that bloke the other day. It seems obvious to me that the chances of him being involved in the planning (or encouraging the planning)of something in Belgium were incredibly high.