Explosions at Boston Marathon

I cannot see him walking out of this, they'll surely aim to use a gas to knock him straight out then try and figure out if hes got a bomb on him
Earlier on in the day, on the police scanner, you could hear someone talk about grilling burgers for the officers, as if it was some sort of priority...

:lol: to be fair, a lot probably haven't stopped since this started.
They were about to do a shift change after 18 hours, but I'm guessing that got delayed...
im very reluctant to criticize any authorities in any chaotic situation like this. decisions are made rapidly with the best intentions in mind and its normal for speculation to follow. however, this saga has typified the atrocious bad side of media on the internet. the sheer volume of poorly relayed information, speculation, lies and complete lack of sense has been mesmerising. people vaguely commentating on live feeds without any idea what is happening and what im watching has read out tweets, yes tweets, and began all with "not sure if this is correct". most information is completely mundane and a waste of time, "it looks like a pretty big boat on google maps"....and also the reporter announcing, "ive just got an email saying GOT HIM!" followed by the guy on the phone explaining that he meant he got to the scene.

Irresponsible, rubbish, low brow speculation. is there no journalistic standard to be expected or have we sunk so low that reading random strangers tweets counts as a source.
also, how the feck is it "inconceivable" that they didnt find him until now. he was in a boat, in the back garden of a city of millions.
im very reluctant to criticize any authorities in any chaotic situation like this. decisions are made rapidly with the best intentions in mind and its normal for speculation to follow. however, this saga has typified the atrocious bad side of media on the internet. the sheer volume of poorly relayed information, speculation, lies and complete lack of sense has been mesmerising. people vaguely commentating on live feeds without any idea what is happening and what im watching has read out tweets, yes tweets, and began all with "not sure if this is correct". most information is completely mundane and a waste of time, "it looks like a pretty big boat on google maps"....and also the reporter announcing, "ive just got an email saying GOT HIM!" followed by the guy on the phone explaining that he meant he got to the scene.

Irresponsible, rubbish, low brow speculation. is there no journalistic standard to be expected or have we sunk so low that reading random strangers tweets counts as a source.

yeah the media has not been great and in truth is seldom very good during these types of situation. If only they had the courage to say 'we have no idea what is going on right now and have no new info, so we are going back to the studio for our normal news coverage. We will come back if anything happens."

Let's face it , it was misreporting on 9-11 that inspired the guy who did Loose Change to believe there was a major conspiracy afoot. And to this day even with the Sandy Hook shooting the tin foil hat brigade isn't smart enough to figure out that this type of mis-reporting is about the media not about the police covering up something.
I still find it hard to believe that I'm sitting here just listening to the police, I might as well be in the neighborhood with this level of coverage.
also, how the feck is it "inconceivable" that they didnt find him until now. he was in a boat, in the back garden of a city of millions.

Because in TV Show and movies they catch the bad guy quickly. Also people watching the news are assuming that the car chase that started todays events involved all the police they are seeing on TV, so they can not process how someone could get away.

Having no law enforcement background, never being involved in a "manhunt" I have no idea if the cops did a good job or bad job tracking him down.
yeah the media has not been great and in truth is seldom very good during these types of situation. If only they had the courage to say 'we have no idea what is going on right now and have no new info, so we are going back to the studio for our normal news coverage. We will come back if anything happens."

Let's face it , it was misreporting on 9-11 that inspired the guy who did Loose Change to believe there was a major conspiracy afoot. And to this day even with the Sandy Hook shooting the tin foil hat brigade isn't smart enough to figure out that this type of mis-reporting is about the media not about the police covering up something.


we currently watch carlos walking home with his pizza under arm, standing talking, right as rain. and to drag the arse out of it "and are you ok carlos?". they should be allowed to get every single media outlet out of any reasonable distance
I really shouldn't have started tuning onto this after watching 2 episodes of The Following.
why do they keep saying more "pops". theyve said pops about 25 times in 22 seconds.

definitely action here though.
So the whole time he's been hiding in a boat in someone's backyard? Have I got that right?

You gotta laugh really, the cnut had most of us convinced he'd managed to somehow escape the police cordon and the whole time he's been hidden...in a boat.
finally listening to a responsible guy admitting hed only be speculating if he said what he thought the banging noises were.
I swear there has been breaking news of gunshots and explosions all day.
So the whole time he's been hiding in a boat in someone's backyard? Have I got that right?

You gotta laugh really, the cnut had most of us convinced he'd managed to somehow escape the police cordon and the whole time he's been hidden...in a boat.

A shed in the back garden originally, the home owner spotted the door open and called the police back which is when they discovered blood on the floor and bloodstained clothes.

However does that suggest that they didn't check the back yard to begin with?