Explosions at Boston Marathon

Looks like they've given up, they really fecked up letting his car get away. I would be livid if I was a local and this guy has slipped the net twice now!
So I go out for a couple of hours playing astroturf fully expecting him to be caught by the time I get back but it seems he's still at large?? Incredible that he's managed to get away.
He was on foot according to the police after the shootout, which would likely make him harder to follow through residential areas.
It mentions him in the top paragraph here - http://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1cpb55/live_boston_update_thread_part_7/ Not sure how true it is as the media have mentioned so little about it.

I heard it on the police scanner myself, something was definitely going on.

Oh and this

he embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, DC, has released a statement underscoring the fact that it is not Chechnya. The statement reads in part: "The Czech Republic is a Central European country; Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation."

As many I was deeply shocked by the tragedy that occurred in Boston earlier this month. It was a stark reminder of the fact that any of us could be a victim of senseless violence anywhere at any moment.

As more information on the origin of the alleged perpetrators is coming to light, I am concerned to note in the social media a most unfortunate misunderstanding in this respect. The Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities - the Czech Republic is a Central European country; Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation.

As the President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman noted in his message to President Obama, the Czech Republic is an active and reliable partner of the United States in the fight against terrorism. We are determined to stand side by side with our allies in this respect, there is no doubt about that.

Petr Gandalovič

Ambassador of the Czech Republic

They actually had to release that because of the amount of people on twitter blaming the Czech Republic.

hes going to have to eat, sleep or keep moving. all of those things make an eventual capture more likely. i reckon hes killed himself and they will find a body.
A Palestinian woman said she was assaulted and aggressively harassed while walking with her infant daughter and friend near Malden Center late Wednesday morning, in an apparent hate crime motivated by Monday's attack at the Boston Marathon.

Malden resident Heba Abolaban said she and her friend, both wearing hijabs, were walking with their children on Commercial Street when a man forcefully punched her left shoulder and began shouting at them.

“He was screaming 'F___ you Muslims! You are terrorists! I hate you! You are involved in the Boston explosions! F___ you!'” Abolaban remembered. “Oh my lord, I was extremely shocked.”

She said the man – described as a white male in his thirties wearing dark sunglasses – kept shouting and walking toward her as she backed away.

“I did not say anything to him,” she said. “Not even that we aren't terrorists...he was so aggressive.”

After about two minutes, Abolaban said the man continued his brisk walk toward Malden Center. Shaken, Abolaban called her husband in tears, and then 911.

“The police came and were so kind and helpful,” she said, though no suspects were arrested in the incident.

“I love Boston and its people”

Abolaban and her husband, Ahmad Almujahed, are doctors who came to the United States from Syria to develop their specialties.

Last year, she did her six month observership at Mass General Hospital in the Clinical Genetics Department. While she was the only woman on staff to wear the Islamic hijab, she said she never felt singled out by her peers.

“I really do love the beautiful diversity of Boston (and its) people,” she said. “What happened to me yesterday saddened me a lot.”

Abolaban described Islam as a “religion of peace,” noting she spent the day before the attack handing out hot meals with her mosque.

“Our [Mosque] cooked food for the homeless regardless of their religion, ethnicity or race,” she said.

“Even if a Muslim man was the one behind the Boston Marathon blasts, he does not represent our beautiful and peaceful religion,” she later added.

Mayor: City will “not tolerate this type of behavior.”

She noted that she also appreciated a phone call from Mayor Gary Christenson, who reached out to the family after the police report was filed.

“I am simply outraged that such an act has occurred in Malden, a community that takes pride in its diversity and embraces people of all cultures and backgrounds,” Christenson wrote in an e-mail when asked for comment. “I have been in contact with Heba and am relieved that she and her child were not seriously injured.

“Police Chief Kevin Molis and members of his department responded quickly and are diligently proceeding with the investigation to find who was responsible for this heinous act.

“In the meantime, I have assured Heba and her family that Malden does not tolerate this type of behavior and that the acts of one despicable individual will not stop our community from moving forward together.”

Final showdown, multiple shots fired, ambulance, helicopters are all targeted on one area. I think it should wrapped up. Lets hope he is taken alive.
I know its a long shot, but has anyone considered calling Borat to mediate?

Edit: Just saw that Boston article from Eboue. GO BOSTON CITY!!!
Traffic advisory 04/19/13 14:31 (dracut - 482.8875/154.40) units on scene motor vehicle accident 2 vehicles into stone wall, emergency medical services evaluating injuries, use caution in area. [mas285] swat/ert 04/19/13 11:04 (watertown - ) units have a man down on the ground threatening to blow himself up, negotiator working [mas198]
What happened to the old man that was handcuffed and on the ground with apparently a suspicious device strapped to him? I haven't seen it mentioned on the news.

When they discovered that it was a colostomy bag the shit hit the fan.
It seems they have IR cameras on him. They know how he's positioned in the boat. Now moving.
I don't think he'll let them take him alive. He'll put them in a position where they have to shoot him. Either that, or he'll kill himself.
What the feck? Why on earth have they not had a thermal camera from the beginning?

If everyone else was inside their houses there would be a good chance that someone ducking around people's gardens then hiding in a boat would be him.
Flicked on to CNN, first thing I see is a city bus full of police pulling up.

fecking hell, how fat are the old bill over there? No wonder he escaped, probably just walked briskly :lol:

Earlier on in the day, on the police scanner, you could hear someone talk about grilling burgers for the officers, as if it was some sort of priority...