Explosions at Boston Marathon

I doubt it - look at the info that filtered out once the photos were released yesterday...it was all over the place.

These guys don't fit any profiles. They weren't loners...were outgoing, involved in things - boxing etc etc, did and said all the right things.

Almost poster material for assimilation...that is until a couple of days ago :(

The media claim to be finding Jihadist videos and postings particularly from the elder brother, and if i heard correctly he is said to have been overseas for six month period not long ago.

On the other hand if the authorities had known of them even only in a minor way, yesterday doesn't quite square with that as you say.
70% of the cordoned area searched, anyone else thinking now that he is just not there anymore? Probably got out before they cordoned it off.
The media claim to be finding Jihadist videos and postings particularly from the elder brother, and if i heard correctly he is said to have been overseas for six month period not long ago.

On the other hand if the authorities had known of them even only in a minor way, yesterday doesn't quite square with that.

It will be interesting to see how much was or was not known of either of these two prior to the bombing. And if they were known then all the questions that spin off of that fact (too many questions to list probably).
Aunt being a complete cnut. Apparently she identified them from the photos yesterday, but refused to report as she thought it was a setup and there was no direct evidence.
This whole escapade just makes me lose faith in the human race. First of all two evil idiots commit the most horrific atrocity. Then it seems like the whole world starts sending out disrespectful images of the dead & wounded. And now you get the youtube video's of bastard shameless journalist harassing the families of the perpetrators and victims...
This whole escapade just makes me lose faith in the human race. First of all two evil idiots commit the most horrific atrocity. Then it seems like the whole world starts sending out disrespectful images of the dead & wounded. And now you get the youtube video's of bastard shameless journalist harassing the families of the perpetrators and victims...

Meanwhile, the majority of the world continue to live normal, peaceful lives.
Aunt being a complete cnut. Apparently she identified them from the photos yesterday, but refused to report as she thought it was a setup and there was no direct evidence.

Umm that's easy for us to say - but it's not THAT abnormal a reaction. See how the father in Russia is still saying his boys are 'little angels'. It makes perfect sense that most of the family would stand behind their own and go into 'denial mode'

Read the article below about a friend, who recognized them, but didn't want to call the hotline 'on my friend' and refused to believe it, until it was impossible to deny.

Virtually no one will agree with their sentiment - but it really isn't that uncommon.

BOSTON– None of the young local neighborhood guys who grew up with the young brothers Tsarnaev could believe they were the same pair fingered on video last night as the two Boston Marathon bombers.

“When I first heard the news (last night), I thought they were joking,” said Derek Winbush, who graduated in 2011 from Cambridge Rindge and Latin high school with Dzhozkar, the youngest brother.

“But the way they [the two brothers] were walking, the way Dzhozkar was holding his backpack, it was them” seen placing the bombs near the finish line Monday afternoon on Boylston Street in Boston’s Copley Square.

“I wouldn’t say he was a good friend, but we hung out,” Winbush said of 18-year old Dzhozkar Tsarnaev from the seat of his silver Schwinn 7-speed bike, amidst an endless stream of SWAT team vehicles arriving to cordon off the working class Cambridge neighborhood where the brothers have lived since they were pre-teens.

Although they kept their home lives to themselves, the brothers got respect on these streets as skilled wrestlers and boxers, but also as fairly good students. Winbush said they used to attend parties on nearby Magazine Street with ordinary high school kids, just drinking and smoking pot.

“Dzhozkar likes the chronic,” he shared. He said he never discussed politics, preferring discussions about rappers.

Winbush said he “didn’t want to call the hotline on my friend after seeing the video, because it couldn’t have been them, but it was. I couldn’t believe it.”

As the National Guard rolled in with swarms of FBI agents to surround the tenement home of the two brothers in this working class neighborhood not far from MIT, and as gawkers gathered as close to the home as you could get, about a half a city block away, he became a believer.

Friends said the younger brother seemed non-religious, although the older of the two, Tamerlan, was more overtly open about his Muslim religious convictions, at least online. Tamerlan, who died in a shootout with police late last night, was also less social.

“They didn’t seem angry at all,” said Devon Clark. “We all hung out because we lived in the same area. They were very gentle guys, very soft spoken.”

While Tamerlan, the older brother in the video who led the procession down Boylston Street at the marathon, was shot and pronounced dead at 1:30 am—and as the noose tightened around a 20 block area of Watertown, a sleepier, wealthier crosstown neighborhood where the younger brother is believed to be strapped with an explosives belt—neighbors were still trying to take in the Hollywood stage set that the streets of Boston have become.

18 year-old Jean Almodovar, wearing a gray hoodie and Vancouver Grizzlies cap tilted sideways, said he felt there were more than just the two brothers living on the third floor of the triple decker unit. An older brother of the two may have been living there with his wife, and they were thought to have a toddler.

Although friends said they’d never met the third brother, they said he was often referenced by the other two brothers in terms of his new car, a green Honda Civic, and his boxing abilities.

Almodovar said he last saw Dzhozkar at a house party in December. They talked about school and music and his aspirations to be an engineer.

Dzhozkar had come to the United States when he was eight years old and his brother Tamerlan was ten. Both brothers graduated from Cambridge Rindge and Latin. The younger one went on to the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, while the older brother pursued studies at Bunker Hill Community College.

All seemed perfectly normal. Then, four days after exploding the bomb that killed three and injured over a hundred, the two reportedly robbed a Seven Eleven convenience store, shot and killed an MIT security guard, and lobbed hand grenades from a bag at police returning semi-automatic gunfire on a mad chase along Memorial Drive, a winding roadway that passes MIT and Harvard University along the Cambridge side of the River Charles.

The day after the bombing, Dzhozkar the 19 year-old, was seen in the gym working out at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus.

Meanwhile, Boston has remained in surreal lockdown, not 24 hours since the president spoke here in the city’s South End. Residents are indoors as the police helicopters that shifted spotlights all night from the Boston to the Cambridge side of the river continue to spin overhead.
There is a fairly gruesome morgue picture leaked of the dead suspect, just so people know: it should not be posted even in spoilers.
Kid is going to get caught or be killed eventually, but I think they probably achieved everything they thought they would, and perhaps more. Massive man hunt, all over the news, a major city being brought to a stand still, and eventually his message is going to be aired publicly for days and days...
A mate of mine just posted this on facebook

His evidence is pretty convincing, I mean the government orchestrated this plan by using Navy Seals but cleverly hid them by letting them wear their off duty unofficial but super recognisable uniform, thank God for Alex Jones.
The guy is either mental, or he is a genius...he has found a niche market and he has made a lot of money because of it

I can't help but think that he doesn't actually believe a lot of what he says, he just knows what to say to make lots of money
There is a fairly gruesome morgue picture leaked of the dead suspect, just so people know: it should not be posted even in spoilers.

Saw that...fecking hell! Hope it fecking hurt!
There is a fairly gruesome morgue picture leaked of the dead suspect, just so people know: it should not be posted even in spoilers.

Yep seen it, its pretty gruesome alright.
Kid is going to get caught or be killed eventually, but I think they probably achieved everything they thought they would, and perhaps more. Massive man hunt, all over the news, a major city being brought to a stand still, and eventually his message is going to be aired publicly for days and days...

What is their message? Seriously the world moves on and this will change what? We'll have experts and politicians tell us about this and that...but really, what will change?

I hate that we(people in general) give so much thought and importance to these animals - for every 'aggrieved' muslim, there are 10,000 lined up in front of western embassies trying to live in the land of the infidels, rather than whatever Utopian Caliphate or bullshit they spew on youtube.

Hate everything the west stands for, yup Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan are going crazy with illegal immigrants wanting to live the dream(asians from india/pakistan/bangladesh working in the middle east to earn a living don't count) :rolleyes:

They are homicidal criminals and need to be treated as such. These guys had just about everything going for them - got away from a war stricken country - immigrate to the US, live in relative comfort, doing well enough in school - access to higher education.

That is the dream of every immigrant that makes it to the US - that was the dream of my muslim parents when they fled war stricken Bangladesh in the 70s.

Yet we now have these wankers telling us - everyone is out to get us and our neighbors are our enemies and we need to kill little 8 year olds to prove some fecked up point.

So again - they've accomplished nothing, unless bringing despair and anguish to innocents(which they will overcome in time) is winning, unless ruining your family(they on the other hand will never recover - will always remain infamous and the guilt will stay) and ethnic community is winning.
Shit is about to go down on the scanner link Grinner posted!
That's a rational viewpoint though from a person who isn't interested in killing an 8 year child. In reality, they're dead, they've ruined their lives and the lives of countless others.

But to them, and people like them, they've probably achieved everything they hoped they could. They'll either be martyrs or they'll be heroes to some one as fecked up as they are. I wonder what the young guy is feeling right now - fear, panic, hell, perhaps even regret. But perhaps he finds solace in the fact that his actions have shut down a major international city, that his actions have brought on this response, and that in all likelihood, he, unlike most, will be remembered...however fecked up, however unnatural his actions are, there are those who will be inspired by this
Shit is about to go down on the scanner link Grinner posted!

Yep! Whoever this fella they are looking at now is they are going to fecking take him thats for sure!
Ermmm.. the majority of the world? Are you sure?

Perhaps not normal in the sense that many are living in poverty, but I'm fairly sure the majority of people are living peaceful lives and don't wish to harm other people.
:lol: At the news clip of the woman accidentally rapping Forgot About Dre.
Anyone else hear that the NYPD are grilling burgers on the scanner? :lol:

EDIT: Top window at this location they think he is in has just opened!!
All I'm hearing is stuff about a catering truck for hungry cops!

They seem to be on a very fine balance of acquiring food and arresting the terrorist, maybe in that order. Moments before they started talking about food and how hungry they were, they had possibly located him and were anticipating him leaving the building at that point. Then it went on to food so I don't really know.
Something going down, according to the police scanner.
According to the scanner they have someone apprehended on the ground?