Explosions at Boston Marathon

Somebody has a hostage not sure if its him though. What seems odd is that he has nothing to gain and everything to lose now, I'd have though he would have just topped himself by now
Apparently a woman has told watertown PD she has received texts from her daughter saying she is being held hostage. Reports claim swat team surrounding building. Could be twitter bullshit, who knows.
Somebody has a hostage not sure if its him though. What seems odd is that he has nothing to gain and everything to lose now, I'd have though he would have just topped himself by now

I guess it takes more balls to shoot yourself than it does to get yourself in a position where you will be shot. I wouldn't be surprised if the chase gets too much for him over the next couple of hours, and he just goes for death by cop.
Apparently a woman has told watertown PD she has received texts from her daughter saying she is being held hostage. Reports claim swat team surrounding building. Could be twitter bullshit, who knows.

It is being mentioned on the police scanner too, although they have been wrong/misinformed too.
Seems fecking weird that as a pair of terrorists they had no idea what to do after the bombing... surely robbing a 7-11 is the worst thing they could possibly do... it's all a bit odd. I assumed from giving it a quick read that they had intended to plant a bomb at MIT, but why would they rob a 7-11 before doing it? The car jacking is understandable although you'd think they'd have their own vehicle? None of it really makes any sense...

It seems like they only did this after their pictures were released by the Bureau and they knew they were wanted men.

The outstanding lad is only 19. Probably panicked or was in the store and recognised.

Very much doubt they had an initial plan to commit a robbery at the store.
As long as they get the ratings (viewers) they will not care. But yes as usual these kind of stories are a mess with everyone rushing to be the first to report ANYTHING they hear, in order to feed the publics thirst for information NOW.

I'm not surprised that they're rushing to put out any information they get but surely they should be at least giving it some kind of check first. There's been practically zero difference between social media sources and actual journalism, it's insanity. The rumours in this thread have been as reliable as what actual journalists have been reporting, that's a disturbing notion. The caf shouldn't be a reliable source for anything.
Why would he tell her to text her mother and not contact the police direct?

Earlier they said that the other brother had an explosive trigger on his body, would it too optimistic to think that the remaining one does not otherwise we'd have seen him use it by now?
Going back to last night primarily but also in the hours which have followed, was there not a police helicopter involved during this chase? How with the use of IR/thermal imaging cameras would they have so completely lost the other brother?

Not sure if there were helicopers or not. If there were then it becomes a matter of how many and if they had complete coverage of the area wirh IR/thermal imaging cameras. If they didn't have complete coverage then it could simply be that he got lucky and took a path that was not covered by any of the cameras on the helicopters.

The other optionsmight be that they lost him amongst all the clutter provided by buildings, trees, etc. that would be in this urban/suburban landscape.
I'm not surprised that they're rushing to put out any information they get but surely they should be at least giving it some kind of check first. There's been practically zero difference between social media sources and actual journalism, it's insanity. The rumours in this thread have been as reliable as what actual journalists have been reporting, that's a disturbing notion. The caf shouldn't be a reliable source for anything.

To be fair, though actual news sources have been bad and Some more bad than others, Social media has been on completely different level of dire.

Guess it doesn't have the credibility and rightly so, but some of the conspiracy theories and so called "internet investigation" floating around has been crazy.
Seems fecking weird that as a pair of terrorists they had no idea what to do after the bombing... surely robbing a 7-11 is the worst thing they could possibly do... it's all a bit odd. I assumed from giving it a quick read that they had intended to plant a bomb at MIT, but why would they rob a 7-11 before doing it? The car jacking is understandable although you'd think they'd have their own vehicle? None of it really makes any sense...

Agree, they've made awful decisions in the way they've planned this out, seems like they didn't think they'd be found out this quickly and they panicked. They seem more like the kind of kids who'd shoot up a school rather than "proper" terrorists, no apparent strategy or tactics prepared for when they were identified.
Apparently the 'hostage' was just frightened by a police officer with a gun.
Their sister being questioned in New jersey (?) according to CNN. Dunno, why they are showing her home.
To be fair, though actual news sources have been bad and Some more bad than others, Social media has been on completely different level of dire.

Guess it doesn't have the credibility and rightly so, but some of the conspiracy theories and so called "internet investigation" floating around has been crazy.

The internet investigation stuff really is bizzare, it's like a way more extreme version of the Zodiac killer thread in the general forum. Sad thing is some of them seem genuinely convinced they've been key in identifying these guys, totally ignoring the other two dozen odd "suspects" they uncovered.
^ Phew.

Without stimulants or drugs of some kind fatigue is going to start to become a factor soon surely.
The reddit update thread is pretty good. Listening in on the police scanner too at the moment, some lad has it broadcasting on Ustream.
some of you guys are as bad as the meeja reporting this.

Apart from the fact that nobody is on here broadcasting anything being reported to millions as fact? Nothing wrong with saying what the media are reporting in here.
Has it emerged if they were known to the FBI beforehand?

One or more of those who committed 7/7 did appear on MI5's radar a while prior to the attack IIRC.
It's just emerged that the boxer lad could walk fifty feet on his hands wearing boxing gloves. I shit you not...NBC just reported this.

The plot thickens.
Talking about the controlled blast the authorities are going to perform Wolf Blitzer said

"they could blow up the whole building if they're not careful"

I think careful is exactly what they're going to be Wolf, they're not just going to send Jim Varney in, you plum
Has it emerged if they were known to the FBI beforehand?

One or more of those who committed 7/7 did appear on MI5's radar a while prior to the attack IIRC.

I doubt it - look at the info that filtered out once the photos were released yesterday...it was all over the place.

These guys don't fit any profiles. They weren't loners...were outgoing, involved in things - boxing etc etc, did and said all the right things.

Almost poster material for assimilation...that is until a couple of days ago :(
Fox now speculating that he he breached the perimeter before it was still being formed and could be in Connecticut.

Update - Sean Hannity has volunteered to act as bait and will be parachuted into Boston shortly.