Explosions at Boston Marathon

Some fairpoints, obviously you can not blame the entire peoples of their native country. That of course we all know.

The older brother was in his late teens when he came to the US , so not really right to say he grew up here.

I am sure law enforcement would have loved to have both alive. If initial reports turn out correct that he set off an explosive he had strapped to himself, then not really fair to blame the police for his death. Even if the cause of death ends up being a gunshot,IF he set off an explosive device he was trying to kill himself and did not want to be taken alive.
I'm saying this is the first i've heard of a entire city being closed due to one (1) person who if he's moving about so much presumably doesn't have that much on him.

I'm also fairly sure that you don't require military training to take cover when a grenade is throwing. Some would call that common sense. It would seem far more likely that they had police helicopters on the scene, and you know, police in more than one direction. If this chase happened for more than a couple of minutes, it'd be disgraceful if they didn't.

He is a terrorist with bombs, if he walks to a mall or school full of people he could kill a lot of people.
He is a terrorist with bombs, if he walks to a mall or school full of people he could kill a lot of people.

But they knew terrorists with access to explosives were at large after the events at the marathon, where do you draw the line - why not got into lockdown then? What if they don't catch him today? If he's got a good hiding place he'll be safe for days because they clearly don't have a clue where he is.

If he was that inclined on walking into a school or mall and killing a lot of people, he's had plenty of time to do that since Tuesday. I'm not saying don't take precautions (you can keep places with large public gatherings closed but still allow people to drive into work for example) but life will have to go at some point if he's not caught.
A statement via Instagram?!

The whole coverage along with the social media bollocks has been ridiculous ..can't wait to hear Charlie Brooker's take on this.

it just gets more and more surreal. If it were a movie, you'd laugh at it for its incredulity.
But they knew terrorists with access to explosives were at large after the events at the marathon, where do you draw the line - why not got into lockdown then? What if they don't catch him today? If he's got a good hiding place he'll be safe for days because they clearly don't have a clue where he is.

If he was that inclined on walking into a school or mall and killing a lot of people, he's had plenty of time to do that since Tuesday. I'm not saying don't take precautions (you can keep places with large public gatherings closed but still allow people to drive into work for example) but life will have to go at some point if he's not caught.

No you are right, no reason at all for the city to be taken any precautions today, none at all.:rolleyes:
Has someone got a list of the events that led upto this? Seems like a really weird set of events to be honest.

Some speculation that the release of their photos spooked them out of hiding, which then set off the robery of a 7-11 (I think), the shooting an MIT police officer, the car jacking, the chase, the death of one of the suspects and another cop, and now the manhunt.

As I mentioned earlier some speculation in the media from their "experts" that perhaps these two while having a well made plan for the attack, did not plan so well for their own escape.

If the guy is not caught today, I think you will see some easing of the "lockdown". There may be specific areas that stay shut down but not city wide. Once mass transit is back on line the city will begin to open back up.
I think the Boston Marathon Bombings should become a case study for the media of how not to cover events like this, the whole thing has been a bizzare mess.
I think the Boston Marathon Bombings should become a case study for the media of how not to cover events like this, the whole thing has been a bizzare mess.

Seems there's been so much wrong information that they just don't care anymore:lol:
I think the Boston Marathon Bombings should become a case study for the media of how not to cover events like this, the whole thing has been a bizzare mess.

As long as they get the ratings (viewers) they will not care. But yes as usual these kind of stories are a mess with everyone rushing to be the first to report ANYTHING they hear, in order to feed the publics thirst for information NOW.
Some speculation that the release of their photos spooked them out of hiding, which then set off the robery of a 7-11 (I think), the shooting an MIT police officer, the car jacking, the chase, the death of one of the suspects and another cop, and now the manhunt.

As I mentioned earlier some speculation in the media from their "experts" that perhaps these two while having a well made plan for the attack, did not plan so well for their own escape.

If the guy is not caught today, I think you will see some easing of the "lockdown". There may be specific areas that stay shut down but not city wide. Once mass transit is back on line the city will begin to open back up.

Seems fecking weird that as a pair of terrorists they had no idea what to do after the bombing... surely robbing a 7-11 is the worst thing they could possibly do... it's all a bit odd. I assumed from giving it a quick read that they had intended to plant a bomb at MIT, but why would they rob a 7-11 before doing it? The car jacking is understandable although you'd think they'd have their own vehicle? None of it really makes any sense...
No you are right, no reason at all for the city to be taken any precautions today, none at all.:rolleyes:

As I clearly said in the post clearly precautions should be taken, but not to the extent of going into lockdown - as I said, at what point do you stop them? What if he's not caught for days?

I genuinely cannot think of a situation like this ever happening, and it sure as hell ain't the first time in a developed country someone with bombs has been on the loose. You surely can't think they've handled this situation well.
Seems fecking weird that as a pair of terrorists they had no idea what to do after the bombing... surely robbing a 7-11 is the worst thing they could possibly do... it's all a bit odd. I assumed from giving it a quick read that they had intended to plant a bomb at MIT, but why would they rob a 7-11 before doing it? The car jacking is understandable although you'd think they'd have their own vehicle? None of it really makes any sense...

Well I think this goes along with the lone wolf type operators as opposed to the "professional" terrorists right? It's the same as the some bank robbers, some who are good at it plan everything including their escape, others do dumb things like write the note they give the bank teller on the back of their electric bill and leave the note behind. (That is actually how one bank robber in the US got caught).
As I clearly said in the post clearly precautions should be taken, but not to the extent of going into lockdown - as I said, at what point do you stop them? What if he's not caught for days?

I genuinely cannot think of a situation like this ever happening, and it sure as hell ain't the first time in a developed country someone with bombs has been on the loose. You surely can't think they've handled this situation well.

Well in another day or two if they still have everything on lock down that will be different. But in a city the size of Boston once you close Mass Transit and the schools you pretty much insure the closing of everything else since many people then can't get to work or are staying home with their kids.

Might it be an over-reaction, sure. But is it an over-reaction on the side of caution trying to protect the public or an over-reaction intent to do harm?

Do the powers that be have a plan for every situation or do they sometimes have to make it up as the go along? I am not sure you can have a plan for every situation, but when the event is over I am sure Boston and many other cities will be reviewing their plans.

Easiest thing in the world is to sit at home at our computers, with no responsibility to anyone in this situation , being hundreds or even thousands of miles away , no training at all how to handle a situation like this, no idea what is really going on, and be critical.
Well I think this goes along with the lone wolf type operators as opposed to the "professional" terrorists right? It's the same as the some bank robbers, some who are good at it plan everything including their escape, others do dumb things like write the note they give the bank teller on the back of their electric bill and leave the note behind. (That is actually how one bank robber in the US got caught).

But if that was the case, why didn't they simple kill themselves during the Marathon? Why drop the rucksacks and flee? They didn't even bother moving from the area! Surely if you're intending to blow up a few bombs, you'd want to get as far away from the area as possible or kill yourselves.

It's just utterly bizarre. There's surely more to this than meets the eye... there has to be.
As I clearly said in the post clearly precautions should be taken, but not to the extent of going into lockdown - as I said, at what point do you stop them? What if he's not caught for days?

I genuinely cannot think of a situation like this ever happening, and it sure as hell ain't the first time in a developed country someone with bombs has been on the loose. You surely can't think they've handled this situation well.

two obvious psychopaths set off two bombs in a crowd with the intention of killing as many people as possible. over 130 people were injured. they then apparantly vanished into a crowd of utter chaos dressed just like anyone else and within 5 hours could have been literally anywhere. within 3 days they had been found and one of them killed but not after they shot and killed a policeman. reports suggest they have thrown explosives and one official quote suggested they may try "go out in a blaze of glory."

on any given evening in a busy suburb how many people might be driving and walking down a street. all potential victims to another bombing. even if its one more person, like the innocent 8 year old boy they already killed, isnt that too many. of course there should be a lockdown, and it should continue until he's caught. i can only imagine how much easier a lockdown makes it to track down somebody in a city of millions. every car is easier to search, every pedestrian easier to stop. handled very well.
But if that was the case, why didn't they simple kill themselves during the Marathon? Why drop the rucksacks and flee? They didn't even bother moving from the area! Surely if you're intending to blow up a few bombs, you'd want to get as far away from the area as possible or kill yourselves.

It's just utterly bizarre. There's surely more to this than meets the eye... there has to be.

Who fecking knows, you are talking about two guys who set off bombs at a fecking Marathon where since they lived in the area for a few years they knew there would be kids.

We are trying to apply rational thinking to two people who there is a good chance are/were not thinking completely rationally to begin with.

We can speculate on hundreds of reasons why they behaved as they did and until either the one brother is caught alive and he gives their story or law enforcement pieces it all together from what they left behind, we just won't know for sure what their entire thought process was.
I have a feeling that they won't take this cnut alive. He will either kill himself or put himself in a situation where the police have to kill him.
Going back to last night primarily but also in the hours which have followed, was there not a police helicopter involved during this chase? How with the use of IR/thermal imaging cameras would they have so completely lost the other brother?