Explosions at Boston Marathon

BBC Monitoring reports that a man named Anzor, who said he was Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's father, told Russia's Interfax news agency his children were framed.

"The special services framed my children because they are believing Muslims," he was quoted as saying. "Why did they kill Tamerlan? They should have taken him alive. The younger one is now on the run; he was studying in his second year at a medical institute in the US. We were expecting him home in the holidays. Now I don't know what will happen."

It is all very over the top, I guess they don't want anymore deaths but shutting down a whole city for one person!?

How did they even manage to lose him in the first place? Seems unbelievably incompetent without the amount of police who've been in operation, even if they did lose him briefly they should surely have been able to place him to a very small area with helicopters and the like.

All this has shown is how frightningly underprepared the US police service is for dealing with terrorists. Basically just encouraging any would be terrorists to have a go.

To be fair, local police forces are not equipped to deal with this sort of thing. Uniformed officers are there to keep order and respond to calls. SWAT teams are better equipped but not everywhere has them and they aren't like firefighters, sitting in a house waiting for the bell to ring, it takes time to get them on scene.

Also bear in mind that this is a multi-agency task force by now. There will be issues with procedure.

Furthemore, one guy is a bit ike a needle in a haystack. Especially if they know the area and are clever. Desperate fugitives will stop at nothing to get away.
It is all very over the top, I guess they don't want anymore deaths but shutting down a whole city for one person!?

How did they even manage to lose him in the first place? Seems unbelievably incompetent without the amount of police who've been in operation, even if they did lose him briefly they should surely have been able to place him to a very small area with helicopters and the like.

All this has shown is how frightningly underprepared the US police service is for dealing with terrorists. Basically just encouraging any would be terrorists if a small scale bomb and one suspect on the loose can cause this much disruption.

Are you trying to say the "regular" police in other countries are prepared to deal with terrorists? The reason they couldn't take both of them was because they used bombs and if you did any military training you would know when a grenade been used you have to go for cover and that was the reason one of the brothers got away.
Did they have the City in lockdown before they were chasing him? I too find it hard to understand how they could have lost him, surely there would have been a significant amount of police etc everywhere?

No the lockdown came this morning from what I understand. I think in all likelyhood even the large amount of officers/troops we see in the are now were not there when the initial chase took place, though I have no idea how many cops were involved initially and that is something that will be key to understanding how he slipped away.

Ideally it would be great if they could have instantly had 100's of cops right on top of these guys, but the Boston area is pretty big and the cops can't have 100's of officers everyplace at once. I would imagine it does take some time for them to get from one place to another.
BBC Monitoring reports that a man named Anzor, who said he was Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's father, told Russia's Interfax news agency his children were framed.

"The special services framed my children because they are believing Muslims," he was quoted as saying. "Why did they kill Tamerlan? They should have taken him alive. The younger one is now on the run; he was studying in his second year at a medical institute in the US. We were expecting him home in the holidays. Now I don't know what will happen."


Of course.
To be fair, local police forces are not equipped to deal with this sort of thing. Uniformed officers are there to keep order and respond to calls. SWAT teams are better equipped but not everywhere has them and they aren't like firefighters, sitting in a house waiting for the bell to ring, it takes time to get them on scene.

Also bear in mind that this is a multi-agency task force by now. There will be issues with procedure.

Furthemore, one guy is a bit ike a needle in a haystack. Especially if they know the area and are clever. Desperate fugitives will stop at nothing to get away.

Not like they are chasing him in a open field is it, lots of buidlings to hide in, etc.
BBC Monitoring reports that a man named Anzor, who said he was Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's father, told Russia's Interfax news agency his children were framed.

"The special services framed my children because they are believing Muslims," he was quoted as saying. "Why did they kill Tamerlan? They should have taken him alive. The younger one is now on the run; he was studying in his second year at a medical institute in the US. We were expecting him home in the holidays. Now I don't know what will happen."


No one told him about the grenade throwing and bomb belt did they?
Are you trying to say the "regular" police in other countries are prepared to deal with terrorists? The reason they couldn't take both of them was because they used bombs and if you did any military training you would know when a grenade been used you have to go for cover and that was the reason one of the brothers got away.

I'm saying this is the first i've heard of a entire city being closed due to one (1) person who if he's moving about so much presumably doesn't have that much on him.

I'm also fairly sure that you don't require military training to take cover when a grenade is throwing. Some would call that common sense. It would seem far more likely that they had police helicopters on the scene, and you know, police in more than one direction. If this chase happened for more than a couple of minutes, it'd be disgraceful if they didn't.
I was actually agreeing with you, that the area is fairly built up so he has lots of hiding places, not the easiest place to find someone trying to hide.

Oh yeah I was going to address that, just noticed two or three typos in my initial post.
Today would be a good day to commit a robbery in Boston.
Today would be a good day to commit a robbery in Boston.

You think? if anything its worse surely.

I dont think the police will completely ignore any other crimes because of this.
Today would be a good day to commit a robbery in Boston.

Well with many stores and banks closed today, maybe not. Plus probably not ALL the cops are in one area. then of course you have the issue of probably a lot of very nervous people around the city, some of whom may legally or illegally have guns on them.
''How do you feel about this country''

''Are you a Muslim?''

''Why don't you talk to your brother anymore?''
That bitch keeps on asking terrible question
One of the two suspects once had dreams of boxing for America at Olympic level.

At one point, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged Boston Marathon bomber who was killed Thursday night, was an aspiring boxer who said "I like the USA" after a successful bout and had dreams of boxing for the U.S. Olympic team.

According to the Lowell Sun, Tsarnaev, who came to the U.S. from Chechnya in in 2003, won a Golden Gloves novice fight at the 178-pound weight division in January 2004.

"I wanted to fight in the Gloves to see how I would do," Tsarnaev said at the time, according to the Sun. "So far, so good."

He added, according to the Sun: "I like the USA ... America has a lot of jobs. That's something Russia doesn't have. You have a chance to make money here if you are willing to work."

Tsarnaev continued his boxing career. According to multiple media reports, he took part in a number of regional bouts and, according to the Sun, won the prestigious Rocky Marciano Trophy as the New England heavyweight champ a number of years later.

According to reports, he was studying engineering at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston but took a leave of absence to train for the Golden Gloves Tournament of Champions in Salt Lake City in 2009.

According to the official website of the Golden Gloves, Tsarnaev did participate in the 201-pound division in 2009 but lost a decision to Lamar Fenner of Chicago.

In a photo essay leading up to the Golden Gloves bouts, he said he thought he could use boxing to earn American citizenship, going so far as to say he thought he could make the U.S. Olympic team.
Is their any motive or anything behind why they did this yet?
Someone should pull the uncle away now, he has given the media more than enough.
Is their any motive or anything behind why they did this yet?

Just speculation for now nothing definite. Until they either catch the other brother alive and he spills the beans or law enforcement goes through their personal belongings/computers/etc and finds anything they wrote about why, then we won't know for sure.
Chechen president responds....on instagram


In a Russian-language statement on Instagram, the Russian-backed president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, criticized American authorities for killing one of the two Chechen-born men suspected in the Boston bombing, and blamed the United States — not Chechnya — for shaping the bombers.
"Tragic events have taken place in Boston. A terrorist attack killed people. We have already expressed our condolences to the people of the city and to the American people. Today, the media reports, one Tsarnaev was killed as [police] tried to arrest him. It would be appropriate if he was detained and investigated, and the circumstances and the extent of his guilt determined. Apparently, the security services needed to calm down the society by any means necessary.
Any attempt to draw a connection between Chechnya and Tsarnaevs — if they are guilty — is futile. They were raised in the United States, and their attitudes and beliefs were formed there. It is necessary to seek the roots of this evil in America. The whole world must struggle against terrorism — that we know better than anyone else. We hope for the recovery of all the victims, and we mourn with the Americans."

Fair points.
How large is Boston? Could somebody who knows it compare it to a city in the UK or Europe?

What scale of event is this lockdown?
A statement via Instagram?!

The whole coverage along with the social media bollocks has been ridiculous ..can't wait to hear Charlie Brooker's take on this.