Explosions at Boston Marathon

Apparently his car has been spotted heading towards manhattan?
I've not used twitter but are they posting with the real names? or do people have accounts with nicknames? I've noticed from other websites that the ones that use their real names are less likely to engage in the hateful bile that gets spewed.

It looks like some of them are. Of course, they could just be fake names or whatever but as far as i can tell a fair few of them look like genuine names.
That's got to be bollocks. At one point he's surrounded and the next thing he's off somewhere else.
If they set up a perimeter surely he can't have got through that?

If he's still on the run on foot as well you'd think people would have seen him scorping around unless he is holed up.
To be fair I've not seen anywhere other than on here that he's surrounded.

They were setting up the perimeter this morning when I was listening to the scanner. I'd say a perimeter is a wide-ish area though compared to being surrounded.

Like I said before, surely a heat camera on a chopper would have found him quickly?
They were setting up the perimeter this morning when I was listening to the scanner. I'd say a perimeter is a wide-ish area though compared to being surrounded.

Like I said before, surely a heat camera on a chopper would have found him quickly?

there will be plenty of people in their own homes within the perimeter...
He could, in an area with lots of buildings etc, it can be difficult to cut off every path and to keep every spot in view. Also, if he got out of the area before the perimeter was established, well that can happen also.

This morning the perimeter seemed like a reasonably small area and all the police (which I imagine is a lot) were told to retreat to make it. He'd be bloody lucky to get through that.

there will be plenty of people in their own homes within the perimeter...

They had tracks on all the suspects earlier. There wouldn't have been many people outside at that time. Doubt he would've got into a house at that time without being seen if they had had a chopper.
''I'm sorry little guy, it's not nice being kicked out of your little apartment''

CNN are covering themselves in glory today.
His school/college friends saying he was just a normal popular kid and not religious.

Well he posted Qur'an verses on a social networking site, as well as the phrase "Islam is the path to paradise", according to Noggie media. Doesn't necessarily mean that that is the motive behind this (if there is any), but it seems likely.
Well he posted Qur'an verses on a social networking site, as well as the phrase "Islam is the path to paradise", according to Noggie media. Doesn't necessarily mean that that is the motive behind this (if there is any), but it seems likely.

May be they were a couple of loons. Lost the plot?

Breivik like?
May be they were a couple of loons. Lost the plot?

Breivik like?

Of course, they could've just gone batshit for no particular reason, but two people going batshit at the same time seems somewhat unlikely (though not impossible, as demonstrated by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold).
19 is an age where lots of things can change, especially on that deeply personal level.

Two brothers acted together. I can understand one going all wacko. Something will have happened in their life for them to choose this path of devastation.
Of course, they could've just gone batshit for no particular reason, but two people going batshit at the same time seems somewhat unlikely (though not impossible, as demonstrated by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold).


I've just posted similar quoting Dwayne.
Speaking to his friends, teachers, relatives etc.. doesn't seem a die hard terrorist.
Two brothers acted together. I can understand one going all wacko. Something have happened in their life for them to choose this path of devastation.

I never had a brother, but I reckon if I did I'd probably support him in any endeavour. I agree, something occured that changed one's worldview drastically.
19 is an age where lots of things can change, especially on that deeply personal level.

I'm 19 too. I'm not going to bomb a marathon.

He's either evil


Or so naive his brother/someone else got into his head.

I'd say he's shitting himself now, and I just hope to God he hands himself in before he hurts anyone else or himself.
Two brothers acted together. I can understand one going all wacko. Something will have happened in their life for them to choose this path of devastation.

Not saying this is what has happened to them but there have been documented cases.


Folie imposée is where a dominant person (known as the 'primary', 'inducer' or 'principal') initially forms a delusional belief during a psychotic episode and imposes it on another person or persons (known as the 'secondary', 'acceptor' or 'associate') with the assumption that the secondary person might not have become deluded if left to his or her own devices. If the parties are admitted to hospital separately, then the delusions in the person with the induced beliefs usually resolve without the need of medication.

Folie simultanée describes either the situation where two people considered to suffer independently from psychosis influence the content of each other's delusions so they become identical or strikingly similar, or one in which two people "morbidly predisposed" to delusional psychosis mutually trigger symptoms in each other.
The problem is he is no doubt scared and lonely without his older brother, that could make him even more dangerous.

Hard to get a fit of his mindset really - he doesn't seem the cold ice killer you would expect him to be, but perhaps deep down he always was?
They had passports from Kyrgyzstan.

MSNBC reporting that at some point since they did the carjacking they used the victims ATM card to get $800 out of a ATM. Some analysts suggesting that it appears that while they put a good deal of effort into planning the bombing (assuming that they are the ones who did it) but they put very little if any planning into any kind of get away.

So either they just thought being a big crowd nobody would figure out it was them or perhaps all along they planned for getting caught and not getting taken alive, but hoping to take some others out with them. PURE SPECULATION of course.
The elder brother would have been more aware of world events when the family emigrated, his attendance of education and training is more variable, i think it likely it stems from him one way or another. Then either he worked on his younger brother over time or he simply bought into the same motivation [whatever that turns out to be].
I'm 19 too. I'm not going to bomb a marathon.

He's either evil


Or so naive his brother/someone else got into his head.

I'd say he's shitting himself now, and I just hope to God he hands himself in before he hurts anyone else or himself.

I'm not criticizing anyone for being 19, what I'm saying is that's an age where a young man especially can feel very strongly about things, so much so that it effects a change in their own identity and persona so that people who once felt they knew them would be shocked to find out they did something like this.
The social media aspect of this is very disturbing. The way the internet police have wrongly named suspect, the way newspapers and stations have reported these wrong identifications. It was nuts when we just had 24 hour news channels but with the addition of Facebook, twitter and opinion sites like ours ... Its reality TV in 4 dimensions.

And social media is still relatively in its infancy.
I'm not criticizing anyone for being 19, what I'm saying is that's an age where a young man especially can feel very strongly about things, so much so that it effects a change in their own identity and persona so that people who once felt they knew them would be shocked to find out they did something like this.

knew exactly where you were coming from Dwayne.

hormones on overdrive too....