Explosions at Boston Marathon

Lolwot? Kurds are the best friends the Yanks have in the Middle East after the Israelis.

The BBC News quoted Reuters about that. Then it wasn't mentioned again. Understandably, all info is rather 'fluid' and ever-changing atm.
The school asked the riddle .. Goes
car. In it sit - Dagestani,
Chechen and Ingush.
question - who is driving?
Magician says: - The police.

this was posted on his russian facebook-like account 1 month ago today. Odd
There's a load of houses being surrounded, naturally followed by idiots on twitter posting pictures of the tactical positions the police have. This is so ridiculously Black Mirror in times.

The account with that threat seems to be a hoax. Ridiculous.

Surely the hoax Twitter account is breaking the law, seeing as though it is interfering with an investigation and wasting valuable police time/resources in what is it a very dangerous situation. Hopefully the idiot responsible won't be laughing when he is hauled before a judge.
So where are we up to since I left at 8am uk time?
Just read the first suspect died, which is shit. I'd like them to not only be interrogated but have to spend some pleasant time in prison (would they go in a normal prison?)

Has anyone got a working scanner site again? And decent live coverage?

I still cant get my head around how a suspect can escape a car chase, and shootout with the police, and still remain at large, what?, 8 hours later?

I mean, how does one man escape all those police and still get away? Especially if he's on foot. He's either increibly clever, or incredibly lucky.

I've managed it loads of times on GTA with 6 stars.

I don't get how he can get away from a helicopter with heat sensors though. I mean surely they have that? They have it here for people nicking old Rovers.
I tell you what, there is some disgustingly racist shit on twitter about all of this. Americans covering themselves in glory.
So much to catch up on here having been asleep for much of this.

Of Chechen descent but American residents of some years, that will leave some interesting questions in regard to motivation and how they got to this point in life.

Now this is what interests me. No doubt in the weeks after they will investigate exactly what the pair have done since 2001 and at what points, if any, they have left the country and returned.

I wonder if they have attend any training camps overseas and what exactly has changed in their lives for them to want to carry out such acts. For someone who is 19 years old to effectively want to end his own life for whatever cause evokes some very interesting questions as to why, when and how this came about.

Surely the hoax Twitter account is breaking the law, seeing as though it is interfering with an investigation and wasting valuable police time/resources in what is it a very dangerous situation. Hopefully the idiot responsible won't be laughing when he is hauled before a judge.

Yeah it is, there are a few offences, however the most severe in the UK would be Perverting the Course of Justice. Can carry life imprisonment.
Suspicious package found.

If this guy is one of the original ones from this morning (I don't know where we're upto) then he could be planting stuff anywhere!
The school asked the riddle .. Goes
car. In it sit - Dagestani,
Chechen and Ingush.
question - who is driving?
Magician says: - The police.

this was posted on his russian facebook-like account 1 month ago today. Odd

Who's? PM a link?
Surely someone has just changed their username and pic/bio?

How come the scanner has long periods of silence? Do they use different channels sometimes or something?
Now this is what interests me. No doubt in the weeks after they will investigate exactly what the pair have done since 2001 and at what points, if any, they have left the country and returned.

I wonder if they have attend any training camps overseas and what exactly has changed in their lives for them to want to carry out such acts. For someone who is 19 years old to effectively want to end his own life for whatever cause evokes some very interesting questions as to why, when and how this came about.

Upon arrival in the States the younger one was only nine, it would take a fairly unique event to instil such hate at that age. Did it start with the elder brother and the motivati0n began in the States or did somebody else get to them both?

Including 7/7 and since, the homegrown element has been a recurring factor in British investigations.
I tell you what, there is some disgustingly racist shit on twitter about all of this. Americans covering themselves in glory.

I've not used twitter but are they posting with the real names? or do people have accounts with nicknames? I've noticed from other websites that the ones that use their real names are less likely to engage in the hateful bile that gets spewed.
Yeah this was my thought.

One of the pics on it which had the caption 'goalkeeperLAD'


Just when this couldn't get any weirder, he turns out to be a football fan and a utd lover?.

Quick fergie get out there and talk him down!