Explosions at Boston Marathon

So wait a second, it wasn't that Sunil guy? Does that mean the people who were claiming it was said on the scanner lied? Or more likely one person made it up and other people then claimed they also heard it.

How awful for the family.
So wait a second, it wasn't that Sunil guy? Does that mean the people who were claiming it was said on the scanner lied? Or more likely one person made it up and other people then claimed they also heard it.

How awful for the family.

Yeah, feel for his family. Is shit either way. :(

Must be going through so much right now. Resemblance seems even more less on this -

Watching this on BBC news, things are happening so fast. I can see there's pretty much a curfew in effect right now. Hope they find this guy quickly before he get's a chance to hurt anyone else.
so what they have shot the wrong man?
No. Not even sure he was shot. Looks like his primary injuries were from setting a bomb off. He may have been shot as well.
So wait a second, it wasn't that Sunil guy? Does that mean the people who were claiming it was said on the scanner lied? Or more likely one person made it up and other people then claimed they also heard it.

How awful for the family.

Yeah, feel for his family. Is shit either way. :(

Must be going through so much right now. Resemblance seems even more less on this -


Sorry im a bit behind all this, what was this statement about? where is the confusion?.
This is moving really fast, had an alert pop up about a shooting earlier this the morning but didn't realise it had something to do with the bombing. Hopefully they catch him alive.
People claimed that the police scanner named the two suspects - one of which was the Sunil guy in the picture, who was reported missing a month ago. But its since been reported that he's definitely not one of the suspects. And indeed there appears to be no evidence at all he was ever named in the scanner so it appears one person made it up and it spread from there. Looking around twitter there's plenty of people listening to the scanner who never heard it.

His picture was already going round before the scanner incident so someone was either playing a joke or desperate to break the news and get the kudos.
Looks Afghan to me, the other suspect looks south Asian - possibly Indian/Pakistan.
fecking hell, just catching up on this morning's news, absolutely mental stuff. Must be bloody scary to be living in Watertown right now.

Fair play to the FBI on identifying the suspects within 4 days, although how exactly did one of them manage to get away? Seems a bit strange.
Wait, how were people listening in on Police Radios? Is that even possible/legal?
NBC news have said that they both have international ties and have been in the US for just a year.
People claimed that the police scanner named the two suspects - one of which was the Sunil guy in the picture, who was reported missing a month ago. But its since been reported that he's definitely not one of the suspects. And indeed there appears to be no evidence at all he was ever named in the scanner so it appears one person made it up and it spread from there. Looking around twitter there's plenty of people listening to the scanner who never heard it.

His picture was already going round before the scanner incident so someone was either playing a joke or desperate to break the news and get the kudos.

Thanks for the recap - makes sense now.
Are there three suspects in total? Or did the bloke who was led away in handcuff, naked, end up shot dead?

Details sketchy at the moment, but it seems he was a guy at the wrong place at the wrong time. Let off later.

Still all unconfirmed, ftr.
It's amusing to see people on twitter heaping praise on reddit (or at least those who've not yet realised that the Sunil Tripathi stuff was false) for the news reporting and amateur detection service. They've been wrong every step of the way. My personal favourite are the tweets claiming the people of reddit "solved" the case, which even if the name was correct, naming someone in a picture is hardly solving a case. Particularly when the pictures they were putting up of suspects and theories behind them were unanimously wrong.

Even worse is people refferring to CNN and the like as "snail news" if this incident shows anything, its exactly why news shouldn't be chasing to be the first to break. Checking sources is all important.