European Super League

Do you want the ESL to happen?

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Ironic that Premier League footballers are going to wear t-shirts saying football is for the fans while earning £50,000 a week.

I've always believed if there is anyone who deserves the big money that football generates, it's the players and coaches, not billionaire owners.
Gaz Nev admitting he’s complicit, well yes arsehole, you’re complicit in sitting there wanking over City every week with your head buried in the sand as to what reaction being forced to compete financially with oil states was going to force upon the other top clubs.

Arseholes the lot of them.
Well done.
You hit the nail on the head there.
I don't agree with the super league at all but the thing is, some of the things or discipline clubs may face from domestic leagues just cannot happen. How can the FA and other domestic football associations honor TV money deals if the top clubs from their leagues are removed from the competition? No offense to other clubs but people won't tune in as much if they can't watch Liverpool and United play as part of the competition. These big clubs between them have that kind of power. These leagues would not remain financially sustainable for long if they take any drastic action against these clubs.
I agree. It's sabre rattling and nothing more.
Hes right. If it based on footballing merit they'd be nowhere near it

Funny you should say that because the new Champions League(2024) proposal includes 2 wild card teams based on their European Performance. Arsenal and Spurs would have a free pass to get in almost every season if that happens :lol:
Missing the point again though aint he, cause take Chelsea’s billions and City trillions out and Arsenal/Spurs aren’t where they are today.
Yup. First one to slaughter this club for not competing with city and failing to sign x backing mourinho - talking about how we need Haaland/Kane - all the while living in cuckoo land as to how we can afford it. Football is for the fans? How much does a BT subscription cost to watch the CL? How many games are free to air anymore? Where’s the World Cup being played? Cry me a fecking river.
It's clear how Klopp feels about it and it's difficult for him to say more than what he did really.
I'd be interested to see which group of fans are in favour of the Super League. It seems the English fans are almost unanimously against it, but are fans in Europe or further abroad more favourable of the idea?

In Spain as it's been a duopoly for a while, is quite mixed, some fans and media seem to relish this.
Steve Parrish would attend the opening of a letter wouldn’t he
Idk what you all expect from Klopp or any other manager? Come out and bash their employers and then get sacked without compensation?
European Super League clubs would WIN any court case brought by UEFA or FIFA, says expert lawyer - and he insists the Premier League would also fail if it tried to kick the Big Six out

  • 12 clubs behind European Super League have ALREADY started legal action
  • The breakaway competition says it will fight any attempts to ban it or moves to bring sanctions against clubs or players who participate in the new league
  • And legal expert in competition sports law says they've good chance of success
European Super League clubs have a good chance of winning any legal battle with UEFA if football's governing body tries to block plans for the breakaway competition, an expert has warned.

Legal fights between governing bodies and upstart competitions have been fought before, with courts recently coming down on the side of promoting more competition in wrestling and ice skating, among others.

The 12 clubs, from England, Italy and Spain, announced plans on Sunday night to set up a competition to rival UEFA's Champions League and Europa League tournaments.
Must not have been a football fan at the time, then. Awful take.

I certainly was. Apart from fans, there were generally very little focus on the consequences, pundits were happy, bigger names coming to english football, more money, another challenger for Manchester United. Everyone just took the piss when Manchester United were bought by the Glazers and saddled with debt, happy to welcome Thaksin and Mansour
I don’t understand the shots being taken on Neville here. We should applaud him for speaking up for what is very greedy and self-serving at all cost efforts by the ESL club.

He’s not the guardian angel of football. If he didn’t speak up about one thing that one time, is he supposed to stay silent forever? He is the most vocal voice and has quite a reach. We should take pride in one of our own standing up for what is essentially free competition in football.
Whether you agree or not with the ESL , if UEFA, the government, the FA, FIFA or any of them ban the top clubs or players from competing in the PL, Champions League, Europa League , WC - it will be the start of the end of all those competitions.

As comparing to Brexit - they need us more than we need them. If the top clubs and players are banned, they are actually the ones who hold all the cards, lessons never learned.
Steve Parish on. Looks like somebody said to him "Quick you better hang some palace shirts up in view of the camera.."
Let's say the ESL establishes itself away from FIFA/UEFA, what kinda football rule will they follow ? I mean for offsides, handballs etc etc.
It could be a totally different football
They'll make their own rules. Which again is fine.

I honestly have only two problems with the league:

a) The risk that in the future, United might be moved to a more glamorous city (New York, Shanghai, Tokyo etc). I think it is unlikely cause of the long traveling that a World league would involve, but if the airplanes became as fast as doing these trips for a few hours, you never know.

b) The clubs cannot be forced to allow their players to play in World Cup et al. It will be in the clubs hands how they deal with this.

I don't care about hilarious shattering young kids dreams and it being unfair. But these two things, especially (a) worry me a bit.
BTW there was an excerpt from an interview with Ruud Gullit from 2017 where he already talked about this and said it would happen, so it has been talked about, and probably worked on for years
Ironic that Premier League footballers are going to wear t-shirts saying football is for the fans while earning £50,000 a week.

Not really, we love what they do and support it financially. Players and managers deserve the money and more than what they are currently paid. It may sound silly to say it this way but the only reason I have Mastercard and Gazprom in mind is because of these players, they deserve to get the money that Mastercard and Gazprom pay to have a place in my brain.
The folks saying UEFA are corrupt, Sky are complicit, you don't give a shit because they all deserve it can piss off. It is nothing to do with UEFA or Sky or FIFA.

This is about the well being of all Football clubs and fans. Not to create a rigged game for 12 clubs to have a guranteed money maker for their owners.
BTW there was an excerpt from an interview with Ruud Gullit from 2017 where he already talked about this and said it would happen, so it has been talked about, and probably worked on for years
Undoubtedly. They probably think it's absolutely rock solid to release it.
Yep. Klopp has already accepted it.. this is definitely happening. Can't be stopped.

fecking shame. I hope we continue in the Premier league at least.. something to watch.. I dont think I'll be watching the glorified pre season Emirates cup or whatever the feck they want to name it.
European Super League clubs would WIN any court case brought by UEFA or FIFA, says expert lawyer - and he insists the Premier League would also fail if it tried to kick the Big Six out

  • 12 clubs behind European Super League have ALREADY started legal action
  • The breakaway competition says it will fight any attempts to ban it or moves to bring sanctions against clubs or players who participate in the new league
  • And legal expert in competition sports law says they've good chance of success
European Super League clubs have a good chance of winning any legal battle with UEFA if football's governing body tries to block plans for the breakaway competition, an expert has warned.

Legal fights between governing bodies and upstart competitions have been fought before, with courts recently coming down on the side of promoting more competition in wrestling and ice skating, among others.

The 12 clubs, from England, Italy and Spain, announced plans on Sunday night to set up a competition to rival UEFA's Champions League and Europa League tournaments.
Yeah, UEFA cannot win this one in the courts. Massive public opinion pressure are their only option.
Little disappointed in Klopp

I think Klopp said a lot more than his bosses would have liked. Staunchly defended the Champions League, reiterated his opinion hasn't changed on the Super League concept, also made the point a lot on here have been making about UEFA being money-hungry themselves (while pretending to be purists defending the game).

He looked thoroughly miserable with what's gone on behind his back. I think he'll be leaving Liverpool in the summer.
Who will the 5 rolling sides be? especially if they are suspended from other competitions for joining?