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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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He'll be joined by the whole of Scotland in a few years. That Moron Boris can preside over the biggest meltdown ever seen in an economically developed country. I wonder if public opinion will change when the job losses and cuts actually come in and if there might be hope of another referendum at that time.

It will be interest rates that does it. People have forgotten what interest rate rises feel like.
If we had a labour government then surely in would be doing better?
I dunno. If we had a Labour government we wouldn't be having this nonsense.

Relatedly, I'm pretty dismayed at Corbyn's efforts so far. The people who voted for him are people who want to remain. He isn't representing them properly.
I do wonder if the EU are serious about wanting the UK to stay if they might not say look you have 2 years to negitiate your exit - but if you come to your senses change your mind during that time you can stay.
And at the end of the two years Boris et al have negotiated such a shitty deal they have to go back to another referendum as to if we will accept it or not.
Either way if the result is close (and it looks like being) I don't think we have seen the end of the argument

I don't think the EU actually have a choice according to what I read. It seems like its 2 years to negotiate an exit and if at any point we decide we don't want to leave anymore then thats it we don't leave. The only way the EU itself would get a choice is if we leave and then ask to rejoin.
I don't think the EU actually have a choice according to what I read. It seems like its 2 years to negotiate an exit and if at any point we decide we don't want to leave anymore then thats it we don't leave. The only way the EU itself would get a choice is if we leave and then ask to rejoin.
But is it not like handing in your notice? Once you decide to leave then you leave on the date your notice shows, there's no option to just carry on if you change your mind.
I don't think the EU actually have a choice according to what I read. It seems like its 2 years to negotiate an exit and if at any point we decide we don't want to leave anymore then thats it we don't leave. The only way the EU itself would get a choice is if we leave and then ask to rejoin.
As far as I am aware there is no mechanism for stopping the process? (though they could of course amend the rules to allow this)
Interestingly Boris has previously spoken about a 2 referendum process (one to leave) another to ratify when new terms are presented but I think he U turned on that around March time
As I say I dont think it will end next week - I think it will rumble on regardless of the result
I don't bet that often (well I trade a bit so I guess thats a gamble) but I can afford to loose the cash if for some random reason there is a massive swing one way or the other - but I just cant see that happening so its a small risk for a free grand is the way I see it
I hope that £20k is a small risk for me sometime soon!
But is it not like handing in your notice? Once you decide to leave then you leave on the date your notice shows, there's no option to just carry on if you change your mind.

Not according to what I read but even that contends that its a bit up in the air because theres no precedent.

Someone will complain about the tone of that article no doubt, but it does a good job of explaining the difficulties

Great video illustrating the racism and stupidity of the anti-immigration sentiment.

Personal highlights:

• UKIP councillor keen to stress he isn't racist whilst voicing his concern that soon everyone in this country will be "coloured".

• The woman who thinks 80-90% of her Cheshire town is immigrants.

And I know, here I go again, lefty elitist calling people racist and stupid rather than engaging with their concerns. The problem is that 1. As the polling has shown, these people are not open to reason and facts. 2. This issue is their primary concern because it plays on prejudice. It's a fairly straightforward lesson of history that people blame minorities.
I don't think the EU actually have a choice according to what I read. It seems like its 2 years to negotiate an exit and if at any point we decide we don't want to leave anymore then thats it we don't leave. The only way the EU itself would get a choice is if we leave and then ask to rejoin.

Part of the damage has already been done , in the event of Leave winning from June 24th the real effects will start hitting home long before any deal could be negotiated by which time it will be too late anyway
I don't bet that often (well I trade a bit so I guess thats a gamble) but I can afford to loose the cash if for some random reason there is a massive swing one way or the other - but I just cant see that happening so its a small risk for a free grand is the way I see it

I hope that £20k is a small risk for me sometime soon!

Yeah me too. What do you do Sun? It does look like a very good return for a weeks investment.

I'm not entirely sure how to you are supposed to quantify the risk with these investment bets though? You are right that the chances of it being wider than 20 points are incredibly low, but you would lose everything.
Part of the damage has already been done , in the event of Leave winning from June 24th the real effects will start hitting home long before any deal could be negotiated by which time it will be too late anyway

The smart thing to do would be to negotiate as much as we can before we issue our notice of intent and then go back to the electorate and ask 'are you sure?' if it looks like the deal is going to be reaaaaaly bad. Its not 2 years from the ref but two years from that notice, there'll be pressure to issue the notice quickly but that would be reckless.
The smart thing to do would be to negotiate as much as we can before we issue our notice of intent and then go back to the electorate and ask 'are you sure?' if it looks like the deal is going to be reaaaaaly bad. Its not 2 years from the ref but two years from that notice, there'll be pressure to issue the notice quickly but that would be reckless.

Everyone's assuming it would take 2 years, the EU aren't going to do the Uk any favours if they leave, some were saying on TV last night it could take up to 8 years to renegotiate a deal , where will the Uk be in 2 years time, let alone 8
I dunno. If we had a Labour government we wouldn't be having this nonsense.

Relatedly, I'm pretty dismayed at Corbyn's efforts so far. The people who voted for him are people who want to remain. He isn't representing them properly.

You know I posted pretty much this thought earlier in the thread but then I went away and looked up what Corbyn, key figures in the party and leadership contenders were doing and they have been out there in force.

I think part of this is Labour letting the Tory disunity damage their rivals but also the media not really being interested in the Labour voice.
Everyone's assuming it would take 2 years, the EU aren't going to do the Uk any favours if they leave, some were saying on TV last night it could take up to 8 years to renegotiate a deal , where will the Uk be in 2 years time, let alone 8

Its 2 years because thats what it says in the Lisbon (?) treaty. In order to extend that it would require a unanimous vote from all member states (which you're probably going to correctly argue won't happen) so after 2 years we leave the EU whether anything has been agreed or not which would (I think even Brexiters will agree) be very harmful for the UK.
Its 2 years because thats what it says in the Lisbon (?) treaty. In order to extend that it would require a unanimous vote from all member states (which you're probably going to correctly argue won't happen) so after 2 years we leave the EU whether anything has been agreed or not which would (I think even Brexiters will agree) be very harmful for the UK.

Exactly and the EU will make things very difficult as they will consider the UK's departure as a slap in the face
Exactly and the EU will make things very difficult as they will consider the UK's departure as a slap in the face

Don't worry we're the 5th largest economy in the world, even though when it comes to negotiating a deal we will have fallen several places but hey ho let's not let that get in the way of how we think. Everyone will come begging us for deals. We'll get whatever we want, it's going to be easy. People just love us and want to be us.
Exactly and the EU will make things very difficult as they will consider the UK's departure as a slap in the face

They'll act according to their own economic interests and nothing less. Some here seem to be claiming we must act with objectivity in our decision and anything else is madness but then immediately claim the EU member states will abandon that themselves and act out of bitterness.
To be fair he may not get to make an emergency budget as I could see him and Cameron walking away and telling boris to clean up the mess he has made
I think Osborne's finished either way. His reputation has fallen apart in 2016.
They'll act according to their own economic interests and nothing less. Some here seem to be claiming we must act with objectivity in our decision and anything else is madness but then immediately claim the EU member states will abandon that themselves and act out of bitterness.

Of course the EU will act according to their own economic interests, and the Uk leaving will affect the EU to an extent but nowhere near an effect that will damage the UK, the EU then will be in a strong position when negotiating , they'll be the big man and the Uk will be the little boy. Human nature is what it is though, all emotions should be outside this decision but they clearly aren't , everyone should be objective but it's not happening
Yeah me too. What do you do Sun? It does look like a very good return for a weeks investment.

I'm not entirely sure how to you are supposed to quantify the risk with these investment bets though? You are right that the chances of it being wider than 20 points are incredibly low, but you would lose everything.
I run the UK arm of a company that provides specialist equipment / advice to governments, armies, large infrastructure projects etc.
Another one of IN's politicians living down to their reputation.

In time, Brexit will help to stop this nonsense.

Relatedly, I'm pretty dismayed at Corbyn's efforts so far. The people who voted for him are people who want to remain. He isn't representing them properly.

Well, naturally, for they've lied to the voter about the EU for some years now. And that's partly why people don't trust them on the issue.

I must also doubt your certainty about the views of his supporters, particularly with experience of Grexit and the looming threat of TTIP. There are Greens and non-aligned people from the left who are utterly committed to Leave (i signed a petition started by one such individual).
I think Osborne's finished either way. His reputation has fallen apart in 2016.

This summed it up really

I must also doubt your certainty about the views of his supporters, particularly with experience of Grexit and the looming threat of TTIP. There are Greens and non-aligned people from the left who are utterly committed to Leave (i signed a petition started by one such individual).
There are exceptions but I'd be amazed if less than 75% of those who voted for Corbyn will be voting remain.
Another one of IN's politicians living down to their reputation.

In time, Brexit will help to stop this nonsense.

Well, naturally, for they've lied to the voter about the EU for some years now. And that's partly why people don't trust them on the issue.

I must also doubt your certainty about the views of his supporters, particularly with experience of Grexit and the looming threat of TTIP. There are Greens and non-aligned people from the left who are utterly committed to Leave (i signed a petition started by one such individual).
Quite clearly the minority. There's a very significant split between left and right on this issue.
This has nothing to do with EU membership.

(Apart from the May connection. But if we are talking political hypocrisy there is plenty of that from Leave as well. The sudden opposition to austerity budgets for instance)

Nah we're getting freedom of movement with South Africa if we vote Brexit didn't you hear (not the black ones though, its apartheid era freedom of movement)?
Quite clearly the minority. There's a very significant split between left and right on this issue.

The centre-left perhaps, but not where Corbyn used to reside. And former Labour voters in neglected communities are sceptics of the party line too,. as was seen in last year's general election.
Any thoughts on turnout? I'm thinking really quite high - based on the amount of people who generally detest people talking about politics I have heard/seen talking about voting.
Germany v Poland today, which made me recall when Poland joined the EU and requested more MEPs than their population warranted, because it would have been greater had the Germans not killed so many of them. The things that make you laugh eh? I'm glad that times have moved on though.
Any thoughts on turnout? I'm thinking really quite high - based on the amount of people who generally detest people talking about politics I have heard/seen talking about voting.
I saw one poll predicting a 6% lead for brexit that also predicted an 89% turnout
to put it in perspective around 10% of the country are not registered to vote so It wont be that high
General elections for the last two cycles has been 65% and 66%
And bookies seem to be suggesting a similar figure this time as well
If it rains for example may make a difference - my gut feel probably somewhere between 65% and 70% (the last general election with over 70% turnout was 1997)
This has nothing to do with EU membership.

(Apart from the May connection. But if we are talking political hypocrisy there is plenty of that from Leave as well. The sudden opposition to austerity budgets for instance)

It sums up the punitive migrant policies favoured by those lobbying for Remain.

Brexit will allow us to have a more flexible and generous stance toward global immigration, because we'll be able to impose controls on the unmanaged flow from the continent.
I saw one poll predicting a 6% lead for brexit that also predicted an 89% turnout
to put it in perspective around 10% of the country are not registered to vote so It wont be that high
General elections for the last two cycles has been 65% and 66%
And bookies seem to be suggesting a similar figure this time as well
If it rains for example may make a difference - my gut feel probably somewhere between 65% and 70% (the last general election with over 70% turnout was 1997)
I spend my life hoping it doesn't rain on election days. The right has cars. The left can rarely find our umbrellas...
It sums up the punitive migrant policies favoured by those lobbying for Remain.

Brexit will allow us to have a more flexible and generous stance toward global immigration, because we'll be able to impose controls on the unmanaged flow from the continent.

No it will just mean that under the 'fair objective' system the person in question will be Spanish or German.

Why do you want her to stay anyway? This is the exact sort of 'bad immigrant' who puts pressure on our health care system that your lot tells me I should hate everyday.
No it will just mean that under the 'fair objective' system the person in question will be Spanish or German.

Why do you want her to stay anyway? This is the exact sort of 'bad immigrant' who puts pressure on our health care system that your lot tells me I should hate everyday.

I didn't think that you, Fletch, would want to risk killing the woman?

Your lot tells me that i am a xenophobe and a racist...

If you have read the case you must know that it is pretty clear-cut. Her relations are able contributors to society, and travel could potentially lead to her death.
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