EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Those odds are slipping though and are based on the fact a lot of people already put money on remain when it looked more likely.
Yeah, they've moved massively. Saying that, if people have locked in whatever odds early, it doesn't matter now if they change them, surely?
For the first time in my life I am one of those horrendous people who replace their Facebook profile picture with something political.

Nice big Green Party "YES TO EUROPE" one.

Desperate times and all that...
Looking depressingly grim, but the general election polls were all shit iirc so we can hope.

The guardian poll predicting a 6% lead for Leave yesterday also predicted a 89% turn out.

Still, I for one welcome our glorious post-EU future living in a country run by Boris with no EU oversight (kill me).
Ah, OK, that would make sense- they could take a bit of a pasting here.
I think they are quids in if we leave - probably a bit of a bash if we remain though as I say they have kept the returns pretty low to discourage too many additional bets so I dont think they would get stung too badly - they did call the scottish referendum better than the polls though so who knows
Yeah, they've moved massively. Saying that, if people have locked in whatever odds early, it doesn't matter now if they change them, surely?
They just need to make sure they don't take a big hit whichever way the result goes. So, until they have more money on exit than remain, they'll likely offer longer odds on exit.
The guardian poll predicting a 6% lead for Leave yesterday also predicted a 89% turn out.

Still, I for one welcome our glorious post-EU future living in a country run by Boris with no EU oversight (kill me).
that wont happen - the spread betting shows more like two thirds (similar to a general election) - no way they get 89% (I think only 90% of the country is actually registered to vote anyway)
that wont happen - the spread betting shows more like two thirds (similar to a general election) - no way they get 89% (I think only 90% of the country is actually registered to vote anyway)

Well exactly. You have to question a poll that gives Leave a 6% lead if it also reckons there'll be an 89% turn out.

I'm clinging onto that, and the fact that the recent polls that have put Leave miles ahead have always had Leave miles ahead or have similar bizarre quirks.
Is there a geographic split between stay and leave or has that been looked at yet?
Bit of information in this.
Interesting graphic published by the Financial Times on how people are likely to vote by demographic groups. It's kind of strange in a way that those perhaps least likely to benefit from a Government that moves further to the right appear most likely to go for Brexit.

Interesting graphic published by the Financial Times on how people are likely to vote by demographic groups. It's kind of strange in a way that those perhaps least likely to benefit from a Government that moves further to the right appear most likely to go for Brexit.


Remain leads by 15-20% in London. Where do migrants overwhelmingly live?

This is the most pro EU forum/discussion anywhere on the internet. Not representative of the nation at all.

If anyone wants to see the governor of the Bank of England questioned on Brexit and why he has become politcially involved, you can watch him fail to adequately answer questions here:

Bring a Foreign Worker Back is right, the forum isn't representative of the nation at all. I mean for a start there's hardly any non-football fans on here.
I think a Brexit is in line with the what the electorate said at the general election: >50% of voters went for right or right-leaning parties, and the slight restraints put on these parties by Europe will now be lifted.
Bookmaker William Hill says that a Leave vote in the June 23 EU referendum will take over from Remain as the favourite by the weekend, if not earlier - aligning with recent voter polls.

William Hill's Leave odds are now 11/8, but it says that by the weekend the odds could well be even shorter, suggesting a Brexit is likely to happen.

Graham Sharpe, media relations director for William Hill, said the company was having to shorten Leave odds daily, and that the betting was only going in one direction:

"We were forced to shorten our Brexit odds yet again overnight," he said "and having once been long-odds outsiders the odds have now come all the way down. The momentum is such that it seems inevitable Brexit will be favourite by the weekend if this trend continues."

I'm confused. Why would he say this if he genuinely believes the odds are going to keep moving down? That's surely just going to lead to more people betting on leave while the odds are above evens - even if their plan is just to cash out in a couple of days*? How can William Hill benefit?

*Odds are 11/8 with betfair (they were much higher even this morning). Surely it makes sense for me to put a big bet on leave, with the intention to just cash out as soon as the odds get to evens? Any reason at all not to do this?

For the first time in my life I am one of those horrendous people who replace their Facebook profile picture with something political.

Nice big Green Party "YES TO EUROPE" one.

Desperate times and all that...
Not sure if the Green vote is going to swing this election mate. :nervous:
I'm well past forty, and in the main voted Conservative when I lived in the UK, going against the norm?
How many times Paul, you can't vote!
Must be just football forums in general then. They probably think we would lose our place in the Euros and the Champions league if we left the EU :lol:
Might just be the North West. On a Newcastle forum they've got a grand total of 20 votes with a few more voting for Leave than Remain. Doesn't seem they're arsed though.
If anyone wants to see the governor of the Bank of England questioned on Brexit and why he has become politcially involved, you can watch him fail to adequately answer questions here

Rees-Mogg complaining that the Bank of England are fulfilling what they are actually mandated to do? Carney shouldn't have let it irritate him as much as it did.

If Carney had said that Brexit would have a positive impact... I'm sure Rees-Mogg would be just as annoyed that the BoE dared to have an opinion as he's clearly a man of principle. Nah... he'd probably be wearing an "I love Carney" t-shirt and piping him off.
Yes that's why there are no current Premier League players from outside the EU :rolleyes:

I suppose you do realise that they have to meet certain criteria to be able to play in the PL, that is why so many South American's go to more accesible countries in the EU like Portugal Spain Italy first for example because they can't get work permits unless they have played a certain percentage of internationals before being granted a work permit in the UK. Thus with restricted access to the UK then being applied to EU citizens as well, then possibly there could be less EU players, would you not think , unfortunately like everything else in this matter you are misinformed by Brexit
I suppose you do realise that they have to meet certain criteria to be able to play in the PL, that is why so many South American's go to more accesible countries in the EU like Portugal Spain Italy for example because they can't get work permits unless they have played a certain percentage of internationals before being granted a work permit in the UK. Thus with restricted access to the UK then being applied to EU citizens as well, then possibly there could be less EU players, would you not think , unfortunately like everything else in this matter you are misinformed by Brexit
I had wondered why transfers to the PL always seemed to take longer because of "visa issues".
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