EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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It seems the Remain campaign has been poorly led. I don't really understand either why the Brexiters want this so much, it's just an endless stream of lies and fantasy which the Remain campaign have not done enough to dispute. If the Uk leaves and it all turns into a nightmare the Brexiters will still blame the EU
It will likely be a nightmare for at least some of those who vote for a Brexit. When the job losses and benefit cuts start coming in I'd be interested to see the reaction for those Brexiteers that will be affected then.
Very topsy-turvy. Too close to call it seems.
I think it will look very 50 50 until crunch time where brits will vote to remain. This was the case with the Scottish referendum. Well I hope this will be the case!
Very topsy-turvy. Too close to call it seems.

There have been two polls since the start of the year that put leave over 50%, sixteen that put remain over 50%.

Only 3 of 30 telephone polls since that start of the year have put leave ahead. One where the groundwork was performed over a bank holiday weekend and one where 22% of voters were undecided.

Of the 16 polls since the start of the year where less than 10% of voters state they are undecided, remain wins in 13 of them.
I think it will look very 50 50 until crunch time where brits will vote to remain. This was the case with the Scottish referendum. Well I hope this will be the case!
I think probably... Unless something dramatic happens eg terrorist attacks at the euros then I honestly don't know how it will break but I think most undecideds will probably go for remain (bar as I said something unforseen) which should be enough but it's going to be close
As an expat it's too late to register even if I wanted to, sorry.

I don't think I've ever been so bewildered - why anyone could possibly consider that Brexit will be good for the UK, but there are millions that actually do and a lot of them have no idea why or what the future might hold. I think I'm starting to offend some people which I don't want to but there is more chance of finding a fairy at the bottom of your garden than Brexit being a benefit.

Years of right wing scare mongering about migrants combined with life generally getting shitter for the majority, insecure jobs, sky high rents, had led to this vote. The very people who cause their misery with their policies are the ones most pushing leaving the EU as the solution
Pretty sceptical of these polls nowadays saying it's to close to call.

Scottish Referendum
General Election
US Presidency
All were to close to call.
The Vote Leave campaign today quietly deleted a misleading page on its website that was advertised on Google if Britons searched for ‘Register to vote’ for the EU Referendum

The page was linked to from a Google search ad, and gave the impression Britons could register to vote in the EU Referendum through that page.

But the link was not to the official Electoral Commission page and would not register a potential voter.

Users who entered their information were simply added to the Vote Leave mailing list, but not the electoral register.

Farage hasn't answered 1 question directly yet. He's trotting out irrelevant (to the question) stats and little Englander lines instead at pace.
Annoyingly Farage is coming off well so far. Not a fan of audience questions

Disagree. He's repeating what he wants to say but being nothing short of ignorant to the actual questions being asked so far. Drumming a message, talking over people and telling them to calm down over nothing isn't looking good to me.
Disagree. He's repeating what he wants to say but being nothing short of ignorant to the actual questions being asked so far. Drumming a message, talking over people and telling them to calm down over nothing isn't looking good to me.

Yeah but that's because we disagree with him, guarantee he's doing well playing into his base. The audience have been annoying.

It'll probably be the same format with Cameron though I'm guessing with all the audience questions being leave
Yeah but that's because we disagree with him, guarantee he's doing well playing into his base. The audience have been annoying.

It'll probably be the same format with Cameron though I'm guessing with all the audience questions being leave

Agree with audience annoyance. Such vetted questions makes this whole event almost trivial. Farage clearly knows that and is banging the drum a la Trump's campaign stateside. He's waffling on answers but clearly hitting messages and lines to leave a footprint.

Wonder what ride they'll give Cameron...
A lot of the questions around needing migrants have fallen flat as that isnt really an argument against controlling it. People would still be let in.
If you want to do a quality Farage impression, take any adjective used by the person asking the question, usually in relation to your previous comments on an issue and then just reply "What I think is [adjective] is opening our borders to anybody". Rinse and repeat until the end of the debate.
Alot of these questions appear to be from people quite stuck up and arrogant in their questioning and not even knowledgeable on their subjects.
Don't know if its just a reflection of entrenched viewpoints or what but Farage seems to be going down very well on twitter.

Leaving the EU does not sort out anything to do with immigration. We lose almost half of our trade, we rush to sign agreements with the EU and wham we are once again forced to concede free movement and cannot control our borders. Now we have immigration again but with less control than before. It's conveniently not mentioned often by the leave side. Not to mention that it has been shown that immigrants contribute more to our economy than they cost. Whatever figure people want to mention about how they cost us, they contribute more than that when looking at the big picture. Not to mention people often forget to factor in the shit load of expats that we ship out, that a very large percentage of the immigrants are simply replacing. Of course there is an excess (330k iirc) however as Ninja said, we need them and they contribute to our economy. People often say 'waah waah come here get a huge house with 2 tvs and free cars for all their 10 children do you think if I went to Spain they'd do that for me?' and here is the issue. Spain is in the EU, therefore it doesn't look like an EU issue. It's a UK government issue, not to mention that it doesn't fecking happen anyway, but leaving that aside for the moment, these are UK government issues that people are reducing it down to which are not solved by leaving the EU.

There are some legitimate issues for leaving the EU, though the leave team don't go into them because the truth is nobody really understands them and it's a gamble. Instead it's reduced down to the things that cause emotion in people and anger, and help secure their vote such as immigration.

That is the biggest pile of horseshit I've read in a long time, we did trade before the EU, and controlling our borders would be beneficial, are you suggesting that we have the same number of expats going to the EU as we having incoming economic migrants?
Alot of these questions appear to be from people quite stuck up and arrogant in their questioning and not even knowledgeable on their subjects.

Yeah it's a terrible format to have audience members involved who are just argumentive.

I don't know why they can't just do a quick summary of each subject area with stats etc before the host details the question.
Here's the bit where dave pretends he wasn't robbed and a total lying twat.

His own parties failures and broken promises are being conflated with the debate here. Not good
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There have been two polls since the start of the year that put leave over 50%, sixteen that put remain over 50%.

Only 3 of 30 telephone polls since that start of the year have put leave ahead. One where the groundwork was performed over a bank holiday weekend and one where 22% of voters were undecided.

Of the 16 polls since the start of the year where less than 10% of voters state they are undecided, remain wins in 13 of them.
All tht counts is the most recent polls.
So basically the guy with no GP didn't want to admit he fecked up by voting for the Tories at the last election, so blames the lack of NHS funding/staff on the EU and immigration instead of himself and the moonfaced cretin in front of him who he gave power to in the first place.

This politics thing is a piece of piss!
All i hear from Cameron is a bunch of scaremongering, "if you leave, you wont get this, we wont get to do that" .. "if we're not part of this Organization" and talks about his Re-negotiation as some sort of gods gift amongst mere mortals, he just gives alot of empty promises "oh we shouldnt have done that, my bad... promise we wont doit again in the future" that's all he's based his arguments on.
But what are we hearing from leave apart from scaremongering about Immigration.
That is the biggest pile of horseshit I've read in a long time, we did trade before the EU, and controlling our borders would be beneficial, are you suggesting that we have the same number of expats going to the EU as we having incoming economic migrants?

The fact that the UK did trade before the EU is pretty irrelevant. What are we going back to? Colonising half the planet? The good old days of being the sick man of Europe?

And what change do you really expect to see to immigration? Even applying the same points system that we apply to non-EU migrants, we'd likely end up with zero drop in net immigration.
Cameron went for a softer and more personal approach in the studio. It was a notable change from Farage's approach who hit the lines and banged the drum throughout because he knew the audience to win was outside of that studio.

On the night and to the questions asked, Cameron came off better for me but I'm not sure it's a wide enough margin for him to be content at winning enough votes from the undecided viewers tonight.

Like Ronaldo in the UCL final, the image at the end could well be Farage hitting the lines regardless of the rest. Cameron may regret tackling that so softly, I thought it was on a plate for him to take tonight's debate emphatically.
All i hear from Cameron is a bunch of scaremongering, "if you leave, you wont get this, we wont get to do that" .. "if we're not part of this Organization" and talks about his Re-negotiation as some sort of gods gift amongst mere mortals, he just gives alot of empty promises "oh we shouldnt have done that, my bad... promise we wont doit again in the future" that's all he's based his arguments on.

I don't get this, I'll never get this. Why is 'scaremongering' a bad thing? Shouldn't we be aware of the negative effects of our decision before we make it?

The SNP did the same thing in the indyref. If fears are legitimate, and in this case they bloody well are, then not being able to answer with anything other than 'thats scaremongering' just sounds an awful lot like 'we don't have an answer to that issue'.
But what are we hearing from leave apart from scaremongering about Immigration.

Well nothing because this debate isn't really structured well in any sort of way, wasn't really the "Farage vs Cameron" thing i was hoping for, just a bunch of Q&A's you get on a weekly level at the PMQ's. Immigration is obviously the biggest point of this EU referendum but i think alot of people are missing the wider picture of this referendum.

Cameron had it alot easier with less argumentative questions.
I don't get this, I'll never get this. Why is 'scaremongering' a bad thing? Shouldn't we be aware of the negative effects of our decision before we make it?

The SNP did the same thing in the indyref. If fears are legitimate, and in this case they bloody well are, then not being able to answer with anything other than 'thats scaremongering' just sounds an awful lot like 'we don't have an answer to that issue'.

I've tried hard to not listen to both sides of "Scaremongering" leading upto this vote, mainly because it all sounds like alot of hearsay and bollocks quite frankly, going as far as saying leaving the EU will damage the climate and our Environment.

It's the same with both sides though, the Remain havent really outlined their plans for the future, all i hear is alot of empty promises "oh we promise not to do that again" etc but then Leave campaign havent really done their argument any favors, no real outlined plans of what they plan to do if the event of an exit etc, just banging on the "We're English" drum.

In any event, we won't leave, the EU won't allow us... look at Greece they had to revote about 3 times to get a result the EU wanted.
The fact that the UK did trade before the EU is pretty irrelevant. What are we going back to? Colonising half the planet? The good old days of being the sick man of Europe?

And what change do you really expect to see to immigration? Even applying the same points system that we apply to non-EU migrants, we'd likely end up with zero drop in net immigration.

I'm married to a non EU immigrant, having gone through the hoops we have for my wife to live and work here it's absolutely clear that applying that rigour to EU immigration would massively reduce migration. What are you basing your assertion on that there would be zero drop in net immigration? It's bollocks, it's tough to get into the UK to live and work as a non EU person. Do you know what the rules and criteria are for non EU immigration?

Your first point is just ridiculous, are you saying that the EU countries will stop trading with us because we aren't in the EU? We will need to negotiate new trade deals, other countries have done it, we are a massive net importer as well, other countries will be keen to negotiate a new trade deal with the UK.
I've tried hard to not listen to both sides of "Scaremongering" leading upto this vote, mainly because it all sounds like alot of hearsay and bollocks quite frankly, going as far as saying leaving the EU will damage the climate and our Environment.

It's the same with both sides though, the Remain havent really outlined their plans for the future, all i hear is alot of empty promises "oh we promise not to do that again" etc but then Leave campaign havent really done their argument any favors, no real outlined plans of what they plan to do if the event of an exit etc, just banging on the "We're English" drum.

In any event, we wont leave, the EU won't allow us... look at Greece they had to revote about 3 times to get a result the EU wanted.

The climate one is undeniably true though, its a really odd example to pick. Possibly the EU's best work, if not human rights, is environmental issues. I don't think even Vote Leave seriously challenge that concept (admittedly the environment is not a vote winner, sadly, but the point still stands).

And the EU doesn't have a choice in the matter.

I'm married to a non EU immigrant, having gone through the hoops we have for my wife to live and work here it's absolutely clear that applying that rigour to EU immigration would massively reduce migration. What are you basing your assertion on that there would be zero drop in net immigration? It's bollocks, it's tough to get into the UK to live and work as a non EU person. Do you know what the rules and criteria are for non EU immigration?

Your first point is just ridiculous, are you saying that the EU countries will stop trading with us because we aren't in the EU? We will need to negotiate new trade deals, other countries have done it, we are a massive net importer as well, other countries will be keen to negotiate a new trade deal with the UK.

Because 'it's harder' doesn't equal 'less people do it' even if you want to pretend it does.
I'm married to a non EU immigrant, having gone through the hoops we have for my wife to live and work here it's absolutely clear that applying that rigour to EU immigration would massively reduce migration. What are you basing your assertion on that there would be zero drop in net immigration? It's bollocks, it's tough to get into the UK to live and work as a non EU person. Do you know what the rules and criteria are for non EU immigration?

Your first point is just ridiculous, are you saying that the EU countries will stop trading with us because we aren't in the EU? We will need to negotiate new trade deals, other countries have done it, we are a massive net importer as well, other countries will be keen to negotiate a new trade deal with the UK.

Thought this was interesting

shame it's only six minutes long.
The climate one is undeniably true though, its a really odd example to pick. Possibly the EU's best work, if not human rights, is environmental issues. I don't think even Vote Leave seriously challenge that concept (admittedly the environment is not a vote winner, sadly, but the point still stands).

And the EU doesn't have a choice in the matter.

Because 'it's harder' doesn't equal 'less people do it' even if you want to pretend it does.

Nonsense, do you know anything about the criteria you need to fulfil to live and work as a non EU citizen? You either need to marry a UK citizen, have a business investment >£1m, or have an employers work sponsored visa, which aren't easy to come by.

So yes I'm pretending that won't reduce immigration from the EU :wenger:
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