EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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The issue at hand with our country isn't being a member of the EU. Our political system is the real issue and things won't change until someone decides to change how it works. I've had enough of people like Cameron, Blair, Clegg and co dictate how our country should be run with idiots in charge of our services who have no experience of that service. Frankly, i'd much prefer someone who's had a lifetime of experience in the service to tell us how to run it rather than some muppet who's gone to university, trained as some bullshit solicitor, chummed up to the right people and boom they suddenly become secretary of state.

Feck that.

Reminds me of this classic

Ive just caught a glimpse of the polls and this weeks been an absolute bloodbath for Remain. Scarcely believable how they're unable to beat a campaign thats not been able to put up a coherent argument so far.
Ive just caught a glimpse of the polls and this weeks been an absolute bloodbath for Remain. Scarcely believable how they're unable to beat a campaign thats not been able to put up a coherent argument so far.
That's the problem with the whole campaign though, both sides can only really trade in speculation and scare mongering. There's a bit more certainty in the remain camp in terms of nothing much will change but when the status quo is a pretty damp squib already it's hard to get people over excited about that and very easy for the exit campaign to criticize.

The exit campaign can and have proposed all sorts of ludicrous upsides to our leaving EUrope including Britain becoming Great again, the world falling over itself to trade with us and jobs for all once Johnny Foreigner is sent packing. Most people do sensibly realise that there will be an immediate economic downside to an exit vote but it doesn't stop the empty vessel of the exit campaign from making the most noise and appearing to have a more coherent campaign plan despite them having none.
somewhere accepting UK immigrants.. Ireland
If they still are Geebs. To be honest the issue that is seldom talked about and potentially the most damaging issue of the whole Brexit campaign is what happens on the Irish border.

For all the talk of taking back our own borders we conveniently forget that we only have one true land border with Europe and that without the ECHR's involvement in the Good Friday Agreement the tentative peace that exists in Northern Ireland might not exist. If we were to close the Eire/NI border and put passport controls in place I can see one half of the divide in NI taking it very badly. It's all well and good for Farage and others to speculate about the potential terrorist risk posed by immigration from within the EU but in my opinion the chances that the one real terror risk that has ever really been felt for a sustained period on our shores would be reignited by a Brexit far outweigh the spectral risk of muslim migrant terrorism especially as I have zero faith that even with our borders closed to those from outside the EU, as they already are, the risk is already here.
If they still are Geebs. To be honest the issue that is seldom talked about and potentially the most damaging issue of the whole Brexit campaign is what happens on the Irish border.

For all the talk of taking back our own borders we conveniently forget that we only have one true land border with Europe and that without the ECHR's involvement in the Good Friday Agreement the tentative peace that exists in Northern Ireland might not exist. If we were to close the Eire/NI border and put passport controls in place I can see one half of the divide in NI taking it very badly. It's all well and good for Farage and others to speculate about the potential terrorist risk posed by immigration from within the EU but in my opinion the chances that the one real terror risk that has ever really been felt for a sustained period on our shores would be reignited by a Brexit far outweigh the spectral risk of muslim migrant terrorism especially as I have zero faith that even with our borders closed to those from outside the EU, as they already are, the risk is already here.

I was thinking this, thought I was alone, I don't know what the feeling is at the moment. Remember all too well the 70s
If they still are Geebs. To be honest the issue that is seldom talked about and potentially the most damaging issue of the whole Brexit campaign is what happens on the Irish border.

For all the talk of taking back our own borders we conveniently forget that we only have one true land border with Europe and that without the ECHR's involvement in the Good Friday Agreement the tentative peace that exists in Northern Ireland might not exist. If we were to close the Eire/NI border and put passport controls in place I can see one half of the divide in NI taking it very badly. It's all well and good for Farage and others to speculate about the potential terrorist risk posed by immigration from within the EU but in my opinion the chances that the one real terror risk that has ever really been felt for a sustained period on our shores would be reignited by a Brexit far outweigh the spectral risk of muslim migrant terrorism especially as I have zero faith that even with our borders closed to those from outside the EU, as they already are, the risk is already here.
I hope they have a plan in place because it's a fair point. They'd have to make sure Irish passport holders can come or go freely
I hope they have a plan in place because it's a fair point. They'd have to make sure Irish passport holders can come or go freely
Hoping Johnson, Gove, Duncan Smith and Farage have a plan in place. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

It terrifies me that they keep banging on about taking back control of our borders when the only real physical border we have would be more threatening if closed. Even if we count Calais/Chunnel as a physical border, it is still a closed one with immigration check points and full security and we are better off as it is now with the asylum seekers trapped in "the jungle" and largely being somebody elses problem. Post Brexit they may well be massed in Folkstone and Dover instead.
So those of you that live in the UK and are worried about freedom of movement, why havent you freely moved anywhere yet?
Some of us have, we move freely out and then we move back again a couple of months later, repeat as desired. We pay taxes and contribute to the economy in another country, as well as the UK.

In my own case, I don't think we take anything out of Italy that belongs to the Italians - we put plenty in, though. We don't use the health service, we pay higher taxes there than the locals and we spend a lot of money. Our house had been empty for 7 years when we bought it, no-one local wanted it.
Its entirely possible people have freely moved from the UK and freely moved back. They don't nick your passport at the border and tell France you're their problem now.
some might,bury being one

Others havent. people make it sound just land in another country and work. I could mention.the 5 years of residency permit renewal in holland i went through but i wont
some might,bury being one

Others havent. people make it sound just land in another country and work. I could mention.the 5 years of residency permit renewal in holland i went through but i wont

Eh, what - more different rules in another country in the EU and everyone keeps telling me everywhere is the same, how far from reality can anyone get , every country is a separate state with their own regulations unlike what brexit is trying to lie to everyone about
Well. when people look at the EU they see turmoil and discord

That's ok, that's a government issue

People look at southern countries that are bankrupt

That's ok, that's a government issue

Populist parties like that of le pen doing well

That's ok, that's a government issue, protest vote

The EU, The Euro, Rebelling against governments. these things are not mutually exclusive Paul, these things are happening in EU countries whether you like it or not, you cant argue against that part. My uncle has lived in Montpellier for 35 years, he has always ridiculed the French and the way they just march on govt at any issue. An EU problem? No, an EU Country? Yes

I'm sure when EU citizens look at the UK they don't see any of this.

You ask for facts on how uk will be better off out but there are no facts that say they will be worse off, I mean hard facts and figures

You cannot deny that an outsider looking in sees a mess
Well. when people look at the EU they see turmoil and discord

That's ok, that's a government issue

People look at southern countries that are bankrupt

That's ok, that's a government issue

Populist parties like that of le pen doing well

That's ok, that's a government issue, protest vote

The EU, The Euro, Rebelling against governments. these things are not mutually exclusive Paul, these things are happening in EU countries whether you like it or not, you cant argue against that part. My uncle has lived in Montpellier for 35 years, he has always ridiculed the French and the way they just march on govt at any issue. An EU problem? No, an EU Country? Yes

I'm sure when EU citizens look at the UK they don't see any of this.

You ask for facts on how uk will be better off out but there are no facts that say they will be worse off, I mean hard facts and figures

You cannot deny that an outsider looking in sees a mess

Im not about to enter into a pissing contest with regards to which countries worse, but if people are looking at the UK and seeing a utopia then theyre not paying enough attention to whats going on here.
If we do leave then I am out of here sharpish, but I have faith that people are able to see that there is no coherent plan, and that is an absurd reason to gamble our future.

I'll marry an American girl.

And when Trump gets elected then what?

I've sometimes had a grass-is-greener view of the states, but theres plenty to hate about it, just as there's plenty to hate about the UK. Politically its clearly much worse than here.

I'm not sure there's anywhere that great to move to. Everywhere has a decent amount of shitty-ness because people can be pretty shitty. I would like somewhere with a mediterranean climate though.
Im not about to enter into a pissing contest with regards to which countries worse, but if people are looking at the UK and seeing a utopia then theyre not paying enough attention to whats going on here.

Go back over the last few years and see economies in mainland europe flatline or worse, then look at the uk, knowing you can speak the lingo
feck me please vote to stay in! My student fees are massive enough in the US without having to worry about GBP falling off the exchange cliff.
Our governments down the years have been steering us towards a federal states of Europe. I'm voting out, in order to slow the process down.
Well. when people look at the EU they see turmoil and discord

That's ok, that's a government issue

People look at southern countries that are bankrupt

That's ok, that's a government issue

Populist parties like that of le pen doing well

That's ok, that's a government issue, protest vote

The EU, The Euro, Rebelling against governments. these things are not mutually exclusive Paul, these things are happening in EU countries whether you like it or not, you cant argue against that part. My uncle has lived in Montpellier for 35 years, he has always ridiculed the French and the way they just march on govt at any issue. An EU problem? No, an EU Country? Yes

I'm sure when EU citizens look at the UK they don't see any of this.

You ask for facts on how uk will be better off out but there are no facts that say they will be worse off, I mean hard facts and figures

You cannot deny that an outsider looking in sees a mess

But it's all separate countries that just happen to be in the EU, not because they are in the EU , the French will have a moan at anything if they can for sure, what about Germans, Italians, Spanish, British - they're all different - we know every country has its problems but the laws and regulations and politicians and economies are all separated and not governed directly by the EU , this is a myth Brexit is trying to convince gullible people about.
There is no way the EU will become a United States of Europe, each nation wants it's own identity just the same as the UK, they don't have to jump off a cliff into the unknown to maintain this.
There are figures and facts available about the countries in the EU - there are no figures, facts or even a plan from Brexit about leaving.

It is completely incomprehensible for me that so many people are taken in by this fantasy, are people really that daft, unfortunately the answer is yes!
If the leave wins then isn't there a big chance that Scotland will have another referendum ?

Yes, one of the key factors in the indyref, ironically, was Better Together telling Scots the only way to guarantee EU membership was to vote for the Union.
But it's all separate countries that just happen to be in the EU, not because they are in the EU , the French will have a moan at anything if they can for sure, what about Germans, Italians, Spanish, British - they're all different - we know every country has its problems but the laws and regulations and politicians and economies are all separated and not governed directly by the EU , this is a myth Brexit is trying to convince gullible people about.
There is no way the EU will become a United States of Europe, each nation wants it's own identity just the same as the UK, they don't have to jump off a cliff into the unknown to maintain this.
There are figures and facts available about the countries in the EU - there are no figures, facts or even a plan from Brexit about leaving.

It is completely incomprehensible for me that so many people are taken in by this fantasy, are people really that daft, unfortunately the answer is yes!

OK who decided deficit should be max 3 pc of gdp or face a billion dollar fine?
Yes, one of the key factors in the indyref, ironically, was Better Together telling Scots the only way to guarantee EU membership was to vote for the Union.
:lol: Yeah I remember that.

Maybe it's because I live down south but there's hardly been any talk about the idea of leave winning and causing another Scottish referendum.
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