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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Do you not pay attention to EU matters when they're covered on the news?

Continuously. I'm struggling to think of any examples of the Germans ruling the EU or knowing what the UK's stance will be towards the migrant crisis if the UK leaves the EU.
Have you ever examined any of the raw data and assumptions behind the reports? Treasury, OECD, IMF?

I have never denied that i have a bias in this debate, such a stance would be extreme stupidity. However if it appears that someone has accuse me personally of misleading other posters (which i have never knowingly done during my time on the forum), i am going to enquire.
Bluster all you like. The only thing i have accused you of is being a hipocrite, and the raw data is in this thread.
Which specific policies? The Greek debt crisis; what specifically?
By the way, Merkel's 'come over' was not related to the EU but specifically to Germany's own decision to allow migrants into Germany itself.
And just how did Merkel think these refugees were going to get into Germany? Did she lay on fleets of aircraft to bring them over from Greece and Italy, or from Turkey, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan and all the African countries. Come to that, did she have buildings, food and jobs ready for them? Had she built enough schools and hospitals? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding "No" isn't it.
And just how did Merkel think these refugees were going to get into Germany? Did she lay on fleets of aircraft to bring them over from Greece and Italy, or from Turkey, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan and all the African countries. Come to that, did she have buildings, food and jobs ready for them? Had she built enough schools and hospitals? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding "No" isn't it.

What is Leave's stance on the immigration crisis, keep hearing criticism but no solution
Trying to deal with it....the EU? Come on, you're having a larf ain't you.

Again, what are the UK policies towards the European migrant crisis if the UK. If people think the EU's policies are failing then surely it's only right that those people specify their policies on the subject?
The EU's policies towards the refugee crisis are being used as a reason for the UK to leave the EU. Therefore, please specify what the UK's policies will be if the UK leaves the EU.
Are they? Well ask those who are stating them as a reason and don't keep harping on to me about it. It's probably because it's an example of the EU having so many countries in it that they can't agree on much. Which is why it makes them look as if they couldn't run the proverbial "pu in a brewery".

But let's be sensible now, even the rest of the EU can see that they've made a real mess of the whole thing. It's not just the Leave lot.
Google it and find out. I'm not about to go rambling on about something I have little time to do or interest in.

No worries. I will conclude that you don't know what the policies will be towards the migrant crisis if the UK leaves the EU.
Are they? Well ask those who are stating them as a reason and don't keep harping on to me about it. It's probably because it's an example of the EU having so many countries in it that they can't agree on much. Which is why it makes them look as if they couldn't run the proverbial "pu in a brewery".

But let's be sensible now, even the rest of the EU can see that they've made a real mess of the whole thing. It's not just the Leave lot.

They are being used as reason for the UK to leave the EU on many occasions in this thread.
Conclude whatever you want. I want out regardless of what those policies will be. They're not relevant to me or my decision. If they're relevant to yours the internet is there to help.

I can't find anything. All I can find is politicians stating how leaving the EU will reduce immigration to the UK. But I can't find any specific policies about what the UK will do if it leaves the EU.
Yes. And ideally the EU would have replaced Turkey with Norway on the map and done a deal with the humanitarian Noggies.
The truth is that the EU hasn't got any other option than to do a deal with the Turks with regards to the crisis. (A crisis btw, which for large parts has its roots thanks to imperialistic Great Britian)
EU Handled it badly

They handle everything badly

They should break it up and return to normality
Farage worried that if the remain vote wins,Farage himself will become irrelevant.
As the vast majority of Labour MPs are pro Remain, what is the position of those Labour supporters who wish to Leave - will they vote along the party line or vote Leave and vote against their party?

Corbyn himself is known to be a brexit .So yes they'll vote along the party line.

Bluster all you like. The only thing i have accused you of is being a hipocrite, and the raw data is in this thread.

I wasn't even aware that you'd done that. lol On what basis am i a hypocrite?

For clarification, the 'lies' remark was a reference to the post you quoted when deriding me earlier on. Thank you for ignoring my perfectly innocent question, i shall interpret that as a no.

The EU's policies towards the refugee crisis are being used as a reason for the UK to leave the EU. Therefore, please specify what the UK's policies will be if the UK leaves the EU.

Firstly, the UK is not passing itself off as a supposedly competent, continental union, with the responsibility of handling crises just like this one. The scale of the EU's mismanagement is such that it calls into question the leadership and purpose of the organisation as it stands.

The premise behind British policy is fairly sensible, however the execution and numbers helped could be a lot better. If Europe wished to do its moral duty it should have been taking the most vulnerable people from the region itself, be they children, persecuted Yazidis or lone women. Whereas, Merkel, recklessly appealed to the desperation of millions and invited them into the clutches of callous human traffickers (thousands of whom later died). By your posts, you favour this latter approach.

Europe also has a growing problem in North Africa, for which it bears no small burden of the blame. Although it will be controversial, i don't see how we can avoid some form of renewed intervention there. Sadly, i wouldn't trust any of the principle leaders to decide upon a strategy, least of all Cameron.
I'm pretty sure I'd vote leave if there were any coherent policies but at the moment it's run like a Trump campaign claiming those in power are useless alongside an empty call to make Britain great again.

That's not enough and it's why remain will win by a landslide.

Wow. What a viper.

Cameron is going to have more blades in him than Julius Caesar once this is over.
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Corbyn himself is known to be a brexit .So yes they'll vote along the party line.

But I saw in March that the Labour MPs had declared 215 to Remain and only 7 to Leave - yet most of the attacks on here are against Cameron and it's the Tories that are far more divided. I suppose this is the democracy the Uk are yearning for.
But I saw in March that the Labour MPs had declared 215 to Remain and only 7 to Leave - yet most of the attacks on here are against Cameron and it's the Tories that are far more divided. I suppose this is the democracy the Uk are yearning for.
It is known that Labour as it's euro sceptics but nowhere near as divided as the Tories in this.
So farrage says if remain wins and it's close there should be a second referendum
I wonder if he would back a second referendum if leave wins?
Farage can get to feck, we're not going through a campaign as dull as this again. This political environment is about as favourable for Leave as it could possibly be right now - if they lose, they've lost completely for a generation.
As the vast majority of Labour MPs are pro Remain, what is the position of those Labour supporters who wish to Leave - will they vote along the party line or vote Leave and vote against their party?
The vast majority of Labour MP's are outwardly pro Remain, whether they vote that way at the polls is a different thing altogether.

My 2 neighbours who are Labour are voting to leave, I'm voting Leave and another neighbour who is a very strong Labour supporter is voting Leave. So the answer to your question is "No" all Labour supporters will not be following the party line.
Farage can get to feck, we're not going through a campaign as dull as this again. This political environment is about as favourable for Leave as it could possibly be right now - if they lose, they've lost completely for a generation.

We wont get another vote if Remain wins anyway so not sure why Farage has even bothered saying that if the article is true. On the other hand if we do vote to leave I can easily see the British government going back to the EU making out they have negotiated a better deal and then having another referendum as they are and the EU are so desperate for Britain to stay.

If we have to vote leave twice then so be it. It will be difficult with the mainstream media throwing non stop pro EU propaganda at the public but leave winning is still very possible.
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