Bluster all you like. The only thing i have accused you of is being a hipocrite, and the raw data is in this thread.
I wasn't even aware that you'd done that. lol On what basis am i a hypocrite?
For clarification, the 'lies' remark was a reference to the post you quoted when deriding me earlier on. Thank you for ignoring my perfectly innocent question, i shall interpret that as a no.
The EU's policies towards the refugee crisis are being used as a reason for the UK to leave the EU. Therefore, please specify what the UK's policies will be if the UK leaves the EU.
Firstly, the UK is not passing itself off as a supposedly competent, continental union, with the responsibility of handling crises just like this one. The scale of the EU's mismanagement is such that it calls into question the leadership and purpose of the organisation as it stands.
The premise behind British policy is fairly sensible, however the execution and numbers helped could be a lot better. If Europe wished to do its moral duty it should have been taking the most vulnerable people from the region itself, be they children, persecuted Yazidis or lone women. Whereas, Merkel, recklessly appealed to the desperation of millions and invited them into the clutches of callous human traffickers (thousands of whom later died). By your posts, you favour this latter approach.
Europe also has a growing problem in North Africa, for which it bears no small burden of the blame. Although it will be controversial, i don't see how we can avoid some form of renewed intervention there. Sadly, i wouldn't trust any of the principle leaders to decide upon a strategy, least of all Cameron.