Paul the Wolf
Former Score Predictions Comp Organiser (now out)
In this debate at least, the feeling is mutual. And you were wishing us some pleasant tidings earlier after all:
The inference being, that you hope things go badly for us and British people suffer.
I would say that both Rams' and Paul's contributions have tended toward mockery, be it in plain sight or through ridiculous extremes of language. You can raise known events and it matters little.
Yes, to some extent, although Cameron as Prime Minister bears the greatest responsibility.
What extremes of language, the only mockery is from your side insinuating that everyone who disagrees with you is foolish. No-one hopes that the Uk suffers because they make the wrong decision but it is the Brexiters like yourself who are promoting that the Uk leave the EU into a completely unknown world. Thus it is people like me who are hoping that the Uk does not harm itself. You are the ones wishing harm on the UK and if the Uk makes this decision, be prepared for the consequences that you will be responsible for.
As I stated numerous times I have no vested interest in this - you have - I have no bias - you have. For the Uk's sake I really hope you lose - but you can't lose can you because if the UK stays you can always say that if the UK had left it would have been better, but no-one can prove anything unless the UK leaves.