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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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A Eurosceptic British voter would have little reason to feel engaged with the political process. Justice, finance, taxation, so many areas of policy would be moving further and further away from the views of that individual. But then the EU's democratic deficiencies are well enough known.

It is of little import for many of those who have voted in this thread, as they are loyal to the aspirations of Brussels and presumably happy to go with the flow. Governments in the UK are cyclical and open vulnerable to pressure, whereas the European Union is on a generally centralising course no matter what.

A Eurosceptic voter could vote for a party running on a platform of leaving the EU and in the meantime being obstructionist in the EU Parliament. Instead they vote for a party that guarantees to contribute to the 'democratic deficiency' by not representing their views in the EU.

Honestly, I find the arguments against democracy in the EU a bit hollow. Does the EU have problems with democracy? Sure. Are they worse than our own countries problems with democracy? I'm not sure. Yet the same people who will rage against the EU's anti-democratic have a tendency to overlap with those who refuse to fix our own broken system. I guess at least the UKIP leadership are consistent on that front (when it suits them, at least).
Osborne strikes again:

£200bn less trade every year if we leave the EU.

And remember, after June 23rd we Britons won't want to travel so ...

I don't suppose that the irony of such a requirement is lost on Ankara. But then Erdogan knows that concerns about human rights and civil liberties can be boiled down to cheap platitudes, hence the billions of Euros in bribes heading Turkey's way.

This should probably offer some reassurance to concerned Remainers though, as Brussels will have few scruples when reaching a deal on travel with an independent Britain.

:wenger: Abosolute twoddle again.
What I mean is:
What has been the effect of the 2466 laws that the Uk agreed to. - Unsurprisingly, i can't say that i am aware of many of them. Although i should imagien that the highly criticised European Arrest Warrant is among their number.
What is the nature of these motions that have been passed against UK interests and whose interests are they in favour of. - The EU's budget for one, which takes money away from British concerns.
Are you able to give figures and the effects that one party's opposition to the other's in the Uk parliament in the past 20 years and if they were successful at blocking the proposed motion or law. - Of course not, but then i want there to be fewer manifestations of statehood to the European Union anyway.

I'll find the link for Vote Leave's research; it included a table listing all 72 motions if i remember correctly.

I would like to know how much of the taxation in the UK is decided by the EU because none of the taxation is decided by the EU in France
@Nick 0208 Ldn

VAT can be one such area, and reports from last year yet again raised the issue of harmonising corporation tax rates.
I'll find the link for Vote Leave's research; it included a table listing all 72 motions if i remember correctly.

VAT can be one such area, and reports from last year yet again raised the issue of harmonising corporation tax rates.

But neither are actually currently imposed by the EU, coincidentally the main VAT rate is 20% while their are many sub-rates but that is not due to the EU and corporation tax is not the same at all.
There are no taxes that are imposed by the EU in the UK.

Neither is income tax the same
Neither are NI contributions/ cotisations the same

Basically very few of the laws affecting the day to day life of a citizen of either country are imposed by the EU and this should be made clear by both sides
You reckon the EU's 8 billion pounds a year net is grown on money trees in Doncaster Paul.

Think it's closer to 6b but beside the point, it's not a direct tax imposed or enforced by the EU and in any case the 6b or 8b will not be saved if the Uk leaves as has been discussed to death on here, the figure ie loss could be much higher as also discussed if the Uk leave

Edit - even forgetting the loss the Uk will surely incur if they leave .Last figure I saw was £8.5bn which is 1.6% of total Tax (£533bn) received by the UK government
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Another man you can trust. Micheal O'Leary, now pro EU working for the remain camp. Here is what he used to think of the EU until it started to benefit big companies like his own.

Turkey isn't going to receive billions of Euros through a questionable deal on refugees?

The deal is not a "bribe". What do you want the EU to do about the immigration problem; nothing? Stop twisting and turning facts to suit your arguments. In your eyes anything the EU do is a negative and you don't back up your arguments with correct & true facts, just like the rest of the leave campaign. If you want to leave the EU because you don't feel part of Europe then just say so. I for one would have more respect for that. But don't back your preferences up with lies and spin.
The deal is not a "bribe". What do you want the EU to do about the immigration problem; nothing? Stop twisting and turning facts to suit your arguments. In your eyes anything the EU do is a negative and you don't back up your arguments with correct & true facts, just like the rest of the leave campaign. If you want to leave the EU because you don't feel part of Europe then just say so. I for one would have more respect for that. But don't back your preferences up with lies and spin.
Absolute twoddle!

Of course it's a bribe. Nice article here for you...maybe blackmail next.
She's right about one thing - 'Turkey has no real interest in bailing out Europe.' Erdoğan certainly has no interest in steering Turkey towards Europe, and anybody who convinces themselves otherwise simply doesn't know who he is, or they're reaching for arguments, however tenuous, to justify their position.
Well it's more likely to be right than you are.

By that thinking Britain itselves has plenty of 'bribes' in place with many countries all over the World..

The whole immigrant crisis has not been handled well by the EU. On the other hand, Europe is stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea and doing nothing isn't an option.
And can you imagine what the situation would be like if there had been no EU at all? There would have been plenty 'bribes' going around...
An aid package was agreed with Turkey for a large part to help the Turks with the humanitarian crisis within the immigrant camps in Turkey and to partly cover costs needed in order for the Turks to vet the immigrants who will be sent on to the countries in the EU, etc.
The EU is far from perfect, but to use the deal with Turkey as reason for the UK to leave the EU is scraping the barrel to say the least.
By that thinking Britain itselves has plenty of 'bribes' in place with many countries all over the World..

The whole immigrant crisis has not been handled well by the EU. On the other hand, Europe is stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea and doing nothing isn't an option.
And can you imagine what the situation would be like if there had been no EU at all? There would have been plenty 'bribes' going around...
An aid package was agreed with Turkey for a large part to help the Turks with the humanitarian crisis within the immigrant camps in Turkey and to partly cover costs needed in order for the Turks to vet the immigrants who will be sent on to the countries in the EU, etc.
The EU is far from perfect, but to use the deal with Turkey as reason for the UK to leave the EU is scraping the barrel to say the least.
And who precisely is using the deal with Turkey as a reason to leave the EU.
Leavers don't need to scrape the barrel, the barrel's full.
And the Turks send some of them back to Syria, that's a fact

Yes. And ideally the EU would have replaced Turkey with Norway on the map and done a deal with the humanitarian Noggies.
The truth is that the EU hasn't got any other option than to do a deal with the Turks with regards to the crisis. (A crisis btw, which for large parts has its roots thanks to imperialistic Great Britian)
It's been badly handled from the day it started. Unravelling Merkel's Mess (as Germany seem to think they rule the EU) would take better minds than us on here.

What is the leave campaign's stance in respect of the immigration crisis? And what is the basis of your remark that Germany think they rule the EU?
Although Germany has the largest vote in the EU because it is based on population and Germany has the largest population in the EU, Germany has only 15.93% of QMV so alone has very little power. France have 13.04%, the UK has 12.73% of the vote, Italy has 12.07% of the vote.

A country can only use it's full vote if at least half of it's representative's are present. As one rep can vote for another rep.
Thus if certain Uk representatives are absent (wonder who they could be) this may explain the Uk's lack of success in overturning proposal's they don't like.
Or you could point out which details are indisputably false? Unfounded accusations of lies or deceit do no credit to anyone.
Nick on IMF report:
"OMG how BIASED, pay them no heed everybody"

Nick on Brexit article:
"How DARE you accuse us of bias, lies and deceit does you NO credit"

Oh well, if a blog on the Spectator says it's a bribe then it must be one. Ffs...

Would MSF do, or is there credibility also lacking in your eyes?

Yes. And ideally the EU would have replaced Turkey with Norway on the map and done a deal with the humanitarian Noggies.
The truth is that the EU hasn't got any other option than to do a deal with the Turks with regards to the crisis. (A crisis btw, which for large parts has its roots thanks to imperialistic Great Britian)

But more latterly, the EU's de facto leader, Merkel.

If there was going to be a financial aid package running into the billions, it should primarily have been directed at the EU's south-eastern nations. There also nee to be a commitment by European nations with regard to security: for the deal with Turkey is forcing even more migrants through Libya (which was where the crisis began).

Can you give specific examples to back up claims that Germany acts as if it rules the EU?

Policies adopted by the ECB, the Greek debt crisis, Merkel's 'come on over' to Syrian refugees...
Would MSF do, or is there credibility also lacking in your eyes?

But more latterly, the EU's de facto leader, Merkel.

If there was going to be a financial aid package running into the billions, it should primarily have been directed at the EU's south-eastern nations. There also nee to be a commitment by European nations with regard to security: for the deal with Turkey is forcing even more migrants through Libya (which was where the crisis began).

Policies adopted by the ECB, the Greek debt crisis, Merkel's 'come on over' to Syrian refugees...

Which specific policies? The Greek debt crisis; what specifically?
By the way, Merkel's 'come over' was not related to the EU but specifically to Germany's own decision to allow migrants into Germany itself.
Nick on IMF report:
"OMG how BIASED, pay them no heed everybody"

Nick on Brexit article:
"How DARE you accuse us of bias, lies and deceit does you NO credit"


Have you ever examined any of the raw data and assumptions behind the reports? Treasury, OECD, IMF?

I have never denied that i have a bias in this debate, such a stance would be extreme stupidity. However if it appears that someone has accuse me personally of misleading other posters (which i have never knowingly done during my time on the forum), i am going to enquire.
And there already has been billions pumped into the 'south eastern' nations by the EU to tackle the crisis. But as it clearly wasn't working the EU has also been forced in a deal with Turkey.
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