EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I didn't go searching for the best video I could find on the subject, I grabbed a quick link to get an example to show some of the ideas of the EU agendas that aren't spoken by the mainstream. It wouldn't of mattered either way because you would of disregarded it. You probably don't think 9/11 was an inside job. We will leave it there.
Please tell me this is a mod on a wind up.
I didn't go searching for the best video I could find on the subject, I grabbed a quick link to get an example to show some of the ideas of the EU agendas that aren't spoken by the mainstream. It wouldn't of mattered either way because you would of disregarded it. You probably don't think 9/11 was an inside job. We will leave it there.

I'm now not sure if you're being entirely serious here.
The real agenda of the EU is to impregnate all British citizens with bluebottle larvae to turn them into giant insects. However crackpot this may sound, it is more plausible than listening to Ian Crane's conspiracy theories.

Are they British blue bottle larvae or European blue larvae?
Nope not a wind up, being deadly serious. I guess Iraq have still got weapons of mass destruction hidden somewhere too.

The reaction like im some madman for saying that is quite scary. I wont say anymore as I doubt anyone will agree and I definitely wont be able to convince any of you. I just thought people were more aware than this. I must mix in some strange circles as opinions I hear are very different to what i'm seeing here. This is my opinion, it may be wrong, it may be right, no one can be sure.

Back to football now lol.
Nope not a wind up, being deadly serious. I guess Iraq have still got weapons of mass destruction hidden somewhere too.

The reaction like im some madman for saying that is quite scary. I wont say anymore as I doubt anyone will agree and I definitely wont be able to convince any of you. I just thought people were more aware than this. I must mix in some strange circles as opinions I hear are very different to what i'm seeing here. This is my opinion, it may be wrong, it may be right, no one can be sure.

Back to football now lol.
I'm sure many people wouldn't mind having a jovial discussion about 9/11 conspiracy theories, if nothing else to understand the mindset of those who believe them! But probably it's best suited for the general rather than current events.
There should not have been any negotiations in the first place.

As I said earlier its a trading union and as such it aims for common rules across all products so companies across every nation in the union have only one set of laws to comply with. This helps trade across nations so I don't see how it's controversial
As I said earlier its a trading union and as such it aims for common rules across all products so companies across every nation in the union have only one set of laws to comply with. This helps trade across nations so I don't see how it's controversial
It's arse about face. If a company wants to compete for business in a market the onus must be on them to offer a product which meets their target markets requirement; the market shouldn't have to change in order to accommodate the suppliers existing product.
And which country is taking the leading role in this group of European countries then?

Watched Andrew Marr interviewing Boris on Sunday. Would have been better for all if Marr hadn't constantly interrupted the answers, but anyway.....onto the Crossrail project (trains from London to the SE of England) where Boris informed us that he had spent 2 years negotiating with the EU over the size of the tunnels. The EU wanted them 50% larger, at a vastly increased cost. Why - to accomodate German trains of course!

Why on earth are the EU involved in our new railway system? How many other things do we have to OK with them before they can be done. This isn't a European trading union, which was how they got their claws into us in the first place, it's worryingly more than that now.
Trains are a bit of a weird one, but the general idea is fine. Imagine hundreds of thousands of lorry drivers travelling across Europe every day, and every single country having different rules for it's road bridges. Some might be a minimum of 3.5 meters high without any warning signs, some might be 4 meters high, and some might be 5 meters! It would be chaos. There would be crashes and holds ups every day as drivers cannot understand all the different rules.. just on bridges.

Actually, this situation is one that is actually in effect, despite the EU regulation. In the UK, we have Lorries that can reach 4.9+ meters high, as our motorway bridges are all 5 meters high. In Europe, their bridges are all 4 meters high, and despite much standardisation, Austria is more strict, Germany is more strict and so on.

EU regulation, for the most part, keeps us safe. Individual incidents make it seem ridiculous, why does it matter what size our tunnels our as long as it works for us? Despite Boris's jostling, he obviously got his way in the end, but the point of the regulation is clear. To keep us safe. Safe from train drivers making a mistake, safe from engineers or designers doing something wrong.
It's arse about face. If a company wants to compete for business in a market the onus must be on them to offer a product which meets their target markets requirement; the market shouldn't have to change in order to accommodate the suppliers existing product.

Thats creates barriers to trade as companies would have to learn the legislation of 20+ countries to make sure their products were legal to sell across the continent

I can see where you're coming from but we have been building railways and tunnels for quite a while now, long before the EU was even a flicker of a thought in Germany's mind. Our railway system is the oldest in the world. It's not as if we don't know what we're doing or that Europe's trains will be popping across the continent and trundling down to Kent at any time in the future either. Our tunnels only have to work for us, no-one else.

Just seems that the EU, once again, has a little more control over countries than is necessary.
I don't really see the relevance to railway lines/tunnels.

We have a train factory in the UK, Bobmbadier in Derby, don't you see the advantage of harmonised legislation for trains across the EU?

Old train stations are hard to standerdise, new infrastructure like cross rail wouldn't be but theres still enough flexibility in the system that they managed to argue the case to allow uk rules to apply, its the Union working as it should
Thats creates barriers to trade as companies would have to learn the legislation of 20+ countries to make sure their products were legal to sell across the continent
If you can't sell a product that matches predefined requirements, one that your competitors can match, then the issue isn't the market, it's your inability to produce a suitable product. It's irrelevant of legislation.

Here's a highly simplistic example:
Bob owns a vegetarian restaurant.
Dave owns an abattoir.
Bob is a closed market to Dave because his product is not compatible with the market.

In your world, Bob has to start selling non-vegetarian products in order to change the market so that Dave can sell him stuff.
If you can't sell a product that matches predefined requirements, one that your competitors can match, then the issue isn't the market, it's your inability to produce a suitable product. It's irrelevant of legislation.

Here's a highly simplistic example:
Bob owns a vegetarian restaurant.
Dave owns an abattoir.
Bob is a closed market to Dave because his product is not compatible with the market.

In your world, Bob has to start selling non-vegetarian products in order to change the market so that Dave can sell him stuff.

The point is to make it possible for lots of competitors enter the market as they all have the same predefined requirements across the continent.

Your simplistic argument makes no sense. Heres how the EU works. There is a market for light bulbs. Lets make all light bulbs across the continent meet these standards so a factory owner, whether they are in Rhyl or Rome, knows that as long as his products meet these standards he can flog them anywhere
The point is to make it possible for lots of competitors enter the market as they all have the same predefined requirements across the continent.

Your simplistic argument makes no sense. Heres how the EU works. There is a market for light bulbs. Lets make all light bulbs across the continent meet these standards so a factory owner, whether they are in Rhyl or Rome, knows that as long as his products meet these standards he can flog them anywhere

I think you'll find that's not how the EU actually works. Here's a real world example (& it directly effects me)...

Several days ago, air traffic services at the second biggest airport in the UK transferred from NATS to the German provider, DFS. How come? Because the EU allows open tenders for ATC contracts at airports. That is supposed to be the case for the whole of the EU, it's a declared policy. However, NATS is not allowed to bid for German airport ATC contracts, because the Germans don't allow foreign companies to run their airport ATC. France are the same.
I think you'll find that's not how the EU actually works. Here's a real world example (& it directly effects me)...

Several days ago, air traffic services at the second biggest airport in the UK transferred from NATS to the German provider, DFS. How come? Because the EU allows open tenders for ATC contracts at airports. That is supposed to be the case for the whole of the EU, it's a declared policy. However, NATS is not allowed to bid for German airport ATC contracts, because the Germans don't allow foreign companies to run their airport ATC. France are the same.

In the same manner we've won exceptions for our trains they've won exceptions for their ATC
In the same manner we've won exceptions for our trains they've won exceptions for their ATC
Nope, they don't have an exception, they just ignore the rule (same as they ignore the rules about no government funding in the competitive market). Therein lies a fundamental issue with the EU, unless everyone follows the same rules it can never work.
Nope, they don't have an exception, they just ignore the rule (same as they ignore the rules about no government funding in the competitive market). Therein lies a fundamental issue with the EU, unless everyone follows the same rules it can never work.

If they are ignoring the law they can be taken to court
There are legal cases everyday against nations not enforcing international trade agreements
Which drag on for years and seldom make any difference. And if a fine is levied, where does that money go? The whole concept is flawed.
No he's a crank conspiracy theory con-artist who has a conspiracy theory about everything from 9/11 to man on the moon who gets gullible people to believe his theories and buy his books

You are literally unconscious.
You are literally unconscious.

Because this prat spouts carefully selected quotes and facts and a lot of bs with no proof of anything you actually believe everything he says, he has a conspiracy theory for everything. You see , if he limited himself to one or two things you might have a tendency to actually believe some of what he says but it's literally dozens of conspiracies about every subject.
The video about the Greater Israel was hilarious and that's only one example. Maybe Israel does want to wipe out ISIS and the like plus take possession of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq , Jordan, Palestine , part of Egypt and part of Saudi but it 's not going to happen and that is not the reason all these people are fleeing the area. On top of that Peter Sutherland is supposedly responsible for bankrupting Ireland because he was on a conference call with the banks, I think it might just be a little more complicated than that.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste any more time discussing this idiot. You believe what you want to believe.
Because this prat spouts carefully selected quotes and facts and a lot of bs with no proof of anything you actually believe everything he says, he has a conspiracy theory for everything. You see , if he limited himself to one or two things you might have a tendency to actually believe some of what he says but it's literally dozens of conspiracies about every subject.
The video about the Greater Israel was hilarious and that's only one example. Maybe Israel does want to wipe out ISIS and the like plus take possession of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq , Jordan, Palestine , part of Egypt and part of Saudi but it 's not going to happen and that is not the reason all these people are fleeing the area. On top of that Peter Sutherland is supposedly responsible for bankrupting Ireland because he was on a conference call with the banks, I think it might just be a little more complicated than that.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste any more time discussing this idiot. You believe what you want to believe.

Fair enough. Apologies for calling your unconscious. I wasn't actually backing this Ian Crane guy specifically and the video I posted is one of the only videos I have seen of his to be honest, I couldn't find the specific video on the EU I was trying to find so in a rush posted that one. So hes not one of the "conspiracy theorists" that I actually watch lol. I'm not back tracking either as I do believe a lot of what he says there but there are other videos that give evidence for these claims.

It was just when you mentioned "conspiracy theory about everything from 9/11 to man on the moon" which got my back up as I do see that people think its all pretty simple and what they are told in the mainstream is true when half the time that couldn't be further from the truth in my opinion. There are more lies told by the Elites, the governments and media than we can even imagine as they are all controlled by the same people.
Fair enough. Apologies for calling your unconscious. I wasn't actually backing this Ian Crane guy specifically and the video I posted is one of the only videos I have seen of his to be honest, I couldn't find the specific video on the EU I was trying to find so in a rush posted that one. So hes not one of the "conspiracy theorists" that I actually watch lol. I'm not back tracking either as I do believe a lot of what he says there but there are other videos that give evidence for these claims.

It was just when you mentioned "conspiracy theory about everything from 9/11 to man on the moon" which got my back up as I do see that people think its all pretty simple and what they are told in the mainstream is true when half the time that couldn't be further from the truth in my opinion. There are more lies told by the Elites, the governments and media than we can even imagine as they are all controlled by the same people.

When I was referring to all these conspiracy theories, I was referring to this Ian Crane guy who picks every subject and tries to spin it to his way.
Of course no-one really knows the whole truth about anything. You can only evaluate from the knowledge you are able to obtain.
It's the same as if the Sun said we are buying Messi for 5 packets of crisps and a Mars bar, some people will actually believe that as well.

On the whole whether it be government, conspiracy theorists or football journalists, they will feed information to suit whatever their agenda is, and it's for us to sieve through to try to form our own opinion. Problem is a lot of people are easily led to both extremes.
Are they really so desperate for eurosceptic figures of authority that they're decided it's a good idea to wheel out the PM from Iceland?

That is regrettably patronising of you, Ubik; such a mindset only goes to epitomise what is wrong the European Union.
That is regrettably patronising of you, Ubik; such language only goes to epitomis what is wrong the European Union.
It's just completely pointless information, he's the eurosceptic leader of another country and to our great surprise he doesn't like the EU, how is this going to turn into votes for Leave?
It's just completely pointless information, he's the eurosceptic leader of another country and to our great surprise he doesn't like the EU, how is this going to turn into votes for Leave?

Voters will feel more confident if people of contrasting perspectives and backgrounds show agreement with their views. Of greater importantly, however, is that is is right.

We've also had the bosses of two leading high street chains speak in favour of Brexit this week.
Voters will feel more confident if people of contrasting perspectives and backgrounds show agreement with their views. Of greater importantly, however, is that is is right.

We've also had the bosses of two leading high street chains speak in favour of Brexit this week.
Not sure they're gonna listen to that guy over Obama to be quite honest.
Not sure they're gonna listen to that guy over Obama to be quite honest.

The Obama in favour of TTIP, and the one who just said that Europe couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery when it came to foreign affairs, that guy? Or the president of the country whose intelligence agencies helped to found the EU in the first place?
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