EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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And which country is taking the leading role in this group of European countries then?

Watched Andrew Marr interviewing Boris on Sunday. Would have been better for all if Marr hadn't constantly interrupted the answers, but anyway.....onto the Crossrail project (trains from London to the SE of England) where Boris informed us that he had spent 2 years negotiating with the EU over the size of the tunnels. The EU wanted them 50% larger, at a vastly increased cost. Why - to accomodate German trains of course!

Why on earth are the EU involved in our new railway system? How many other things do we have to OK with them before they can be done. This isn't a European trading union, which was how they got their claws into us in the first place, it's worryingly more than that now.
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Enlighten me.

One of a few of the agenda's in the link below. It goes a lot deeper than this and its easy to find the information but most will just say "conspiracy theory" and not bother looking at it or doing anything about it which is half the problem.

If im allowed to post links:

Apologies of not, it can be removed.
And which country is taking the leading role in this group of European countries then?

Watched Andrew Marr interviewing Boris on Sunday. Would have been better for all if Marr hadn't constantly interrupted the answers, but anyway.....onto the Crossrail project (trains from London to the SE of England) where Boris informed us that he had spent 2 years negotiating with the EU over the size of the tunnels. The EU wanted them 50% larger, at a vastly increased cost. Why - to accomodate German trains of course!

Why on earth are the EU involved in our new railway system? How many other things do we have to OK with them before they can be done. This isn't a European trading union, which was how they got their claws into us in the first place, it's worryingly more than that now.

Thats the whole point, the more time that goes on the less control each nation state has, the less sovereignty any single nation has. In the end it will be one huge state, no single nations, all controlled by a very small amount of people at the top with citizens having no power and no say over what happens. Its not democracy it is the start of a dictatorship.
The thing with EU is there is no half measures. You are either a real United States of Europe or you should not be in it.

Economically I can see strengths with a proper USE but the national identity will have to be sacrificed. Personally I don't see it working. Too much history. Heck Europeans all hate each other. ;)

EDIT: I voted No.
And which country is taking the leading role in this group of European countries then?

Watched Andrew Marr interviewing Boris on Sunday. Would have been better for all if Marr hadn't constantly interrupted the answers, but anyway.....onto the Crossrail project (trains from London to the SE of England) where Boris informed us that he had spent 2 years negotiating with the EU over the size of the tunnels. The EU wanted them 50% larger, at a vastly increased cost. Why - to accomodate German trains of course!

Why on earth are the EU involved in our new railway system? How many other things do we have to OK with them before they can be done. This isn't a European trading union, which was how they got their claws into us in the first place, it's worryingly more than that now.

I didn't see this particular interview, nor do I have anything particularly against Marr, but Jesus you've hit the nail on the head. TV and Radio interviews constantly rendered completely pointless by reporters asking a question and then sometimes interrupting the answer even before the end of the first sentence. Ask the question and shut up for the answer. If that answer deliberately ignores the question we don't need telling, we can hear it, just stfu 'til the next question.
Thats the whole point, the more time that goes on the less control each nation state has, the less sovereignty any single nation has. In the end it will be one huge state, no single nations, all controlled by a very small amount of people at the top with citizens having no power and no say over what happens. Its not democracy it is the start of a dictatorship.
We have no say in anything as it is. We don't vote for any of those nameless people, we don't know who they are and we can't get rid of them. It's frightening to me, but most people seem to think it's just about trade deals, travel and workers rights. Unfortunately It's about everything else too and the sooner we are out the better.
We have no say in anything as it is. We don't vote for any of those nameless people, we don't know who they are and we can't get rid of them. It's frightening to me, but most people seem to think it's just about trade deals, travel and workers rights. Unfortunately It's about everything else too and the sooner we are out the better.

I agree 100% and whats just as frightening is the current result of this poll. Can people really not see what is going on? The brainwashing done by the mainstream media really seems to work.
You want to dissolve the European Union entirely? Talk about throwing away the eggs with the basket. The EU has been a motor for peace in the region in all it's inceptions. I can't seriously believe many would want to throw that away entirely

It is not possible to reform the EU into something which we would find satisfactory, nor is it likely to become less harmful to the population over time; moreover, its management of every major crisis of recent years has been appalling. We have left behind the alliance built upon trade and common values, Brussels now seeks to impose taxes upon the vulnerable and carry out a foreign policy.

If i can exercise even the slightest opposition to the UK's being sucked further into this ghastly mess, i will.

As an aside, which conflict do you imagine that the EU has prevented?
The thing with EU is there is no half measures. You are either a real United States of Europe or you should not be in it.

Economically I can see strengths with a proper USE but the national identity will have to be sacrificed. Personally I don't see it working. Too much history. Heck Europeans all hate each other. ;)

EDIT: I voted No.

I think this is one of my major concerns. The UK kind of have a weird relationship with the EU because of our geographical isolation: we really want to be in it, and want to be pioneers of reform, but we're not particularly interested in potential federalism, or joining the Euro, and we're also fairly sceptical as a nation of the free movement. Problem is, some of these are pretty fundamental aspects of the EU...and I'm struggling to see where our place is going to be within the EU going forward because we come across as being only half-interested in being in it at all.
One of a few of the agenda's in the link below. It goes a lot deeper than this and its easy to find the information but most will just say "conspiracy theory" and not bother looking at it or doing anything about it which is half the problem.

If im allowed to post links:

Apologies of not, it can be removed.

Can't take this stuff seriously, sorry.
Read the fecking comments.:lol:

England is fecked. They want us all walking around in bed sheets and praying to some fake god in a sand pit somewhere in the middle east. How about we look after the born and bred English homeless people first before allowing more imigrates into UK. Common sense Mr Freemason Cameron.

I respect anybody that is willing to talk about the zionazi agenda in open forum , Ken OKeefe is a hero of mine he has balls as big as a Bengali tiger , the Jews in Israel are doing the same if not worse to the Palestinians as they claim the Germans did to them , the apartheid state of Israel should be sanctioned until they give up all chemical weapons & go back to the original borders drawn out by the United Nations

Where does one come across these videos?
Can't take this stuff seriously, sorry.

Yep that's the problem, that's what most people say yet it is happening right in front of your eyes. I'm not an expert on this subject but if people would just do a little research rather than listening to the mainstream news they would see what is really going on. There are thousands of videos to be watched, the one I posted was just a short clip as an example. But again most people will just watch one and then disregard it as "a conspiracy" maybe because they don't want to see the reality of how bad things really are and would rather bury their heads in the sand. Fair enough if you actually look into it these things and look at the evidence and still don't believe it but people shouldn't disregard these things just because its not what your TV or government is telling you.
It is very difficulty to set any number at all, arbitrary or otherwise, so long as we maintain EU membership. The organisation is not one which embraces flexibility or refined policy making, just one clumsy solution irrespective of the consequences.

They did set a number, 'immigration in the tens of thousands', it has nothing to do with EU

We are going to make it difficult for tourists to come to the UK are we? Maybe you should contact your new buddy David Cameron and tell him to run with that piece of propaganda at PMQs tomorrow.

We do make it difficult for tourits and family members to come visit the Uk, the volume of paper work required to prove you're legit is ridiculous
And which country is taking the leading role in this group of European countries then?

Watched Andrew Marr interviewing Boris on Sunday. Would have been better for all if Marr hadn't constantly interrupted the answers, but anyway.....onto the Crossrail project (trains from London to the SE of England) where Boris informed us that he had spent 2 years negotiating with the EU over the size of the tunnels. The EU wanted them 50% larger, at a vastly increased cost. Why - to accomodate German trains of course!

Why on earth are the EU involved in our new railway system? How many other things do we have to OK with them before they can be done. This isn't a European trading union, which was how they got their claws into us in the first place, it's worryingly more than that now.

The idea is for one set of rules across the EU so business has one set of laws to meet when trading across borders, they were doing what a trading union should
The idea is for one set of rules across the EU so business has one set of laws to meet when trading across borders, they were doing what a trading union should
A trading union specifies the size of our railway tunnels? The size of English tunnels in England? Well if that's what the EU business law is about we need to go back to deciding the size of our own tunnels and leave them to sort theirs out.
Being in the EU doesn't force us to have a shit system, its this government attempt to hit an arbitery number thats made them do it. If they didn't pluck numbers from the air we wouldn't be in this situation

It may effect Britains travelling abroad in the event of an exit as the EU will make it as hard for Brits to enter as we make it for them
Shouldn't think they will. Lots of countries in Europe rely heavily on their tourist trade and they still will rely on it if we leave. I know some things they do don't make sense but even the EU is not that stupid.
They did set a number, 'immigration in the tens of thousands', it has nothing to do with EU

If you are more interested in your own prejudices than the the effects of the EU on national immigration policy, there isn't much point continuing with this discussion.

We do make it difficult for tourits

Visitor numbers have increased in recent years, no? Would you care to cite specific examples of where tourists receive disproportionate treatment?

More to the point though, is that millions of Brits quite happily travel to non-EU countries each and every year. So it's just one more fallacy among the litany associated with Project Fear.
I think this is one of my major concerns. The UK kind of have a weird relationship with the EU because of our geographical isolation: we really want to be in it, and want to be pioneers of reform, but we're not particularly interested in potential federalism, or joining the Euro, and we're also fairly sceptical as a nation of the free movement. Problem is, some of these are pretty fundamental aspects of the EU...and I'm struggling to see where our place is going to be within the EU going forward because we come across as being only half-interested in being in it at all.

Germany is the strongest nation in Europe...and ttherefore what they say and want will prevail.

Britain can stand on its own but they need to stand by All their citizens, not just the ones who have so much already.
If you are more interested in your own prejudices than the the effects of the EU on national immigration policy, there isn't much point continuing with this discussion.

Thats the stated policy, not my prejudice

Visitor numbers have increased in recent years, no? Would you care to cite specific examples of where tourists receive disproportionate treatment?

More to the point though, is that millions of Brits quite happily travel to non-EU countries each and every year. So it's just one more fallacy among the litany associated with Project Fear.

Googles my friend
Shouldn't think they will. Lots of countries in Europe rely heavily on their tourist trade and they still will rely on it if we leave. I know some things they do don't make sense but even the EU is not that stupid.

Europe won't make it easier for Brits to visit then we make it for them to visit. Europe negotiates as one and we would be the smaller party here
If you are more interested in your own prejudices than the the effects of the EU on national immigration policy, there isn't much point continuing with this discussion.

Visitor numbers have increased in recent years, no? Would you care to cite specific examples of where tourists receive disproportionate treatment?

More to the point though, is that millions of Brits quite happily travel to non-EU countries each and every year. So it's just one more fallacy among the litany associated with Project Fear.

I like that on a page where someone is saying staying in the EU will lead to the destruction of the country, the campaign to stay is referred to as "project fear"
Yep that's the problem, that's what most people say yet it is happening right in front of your eyes. I'm not an expert on this subject but if people would just do a little research rather than listening to the mainstream news they would see what is really going on. There are thousands of videos to be watched, the one I posted was just a short clip as an example. But again most people will just watch one and then disregard it as "a conspiracy" maybe because they don't want to see the reality of how bad things really are and would rather bury their heads in the sand. Fair enough if you actually look into it these things and look at the evidence and still don't believe it but people shouldn't disregard these things just because its not what your TV or government is telling you.
I watched it all. It seemed baseless, scary silliness. I would imagine the majority of these thousands of videos would be of a similar theme.

Also, if you want to be taken seriously, it doesn't help if you imply that anyone who thinks otherwise is a mindless 'sheep' burying our heads in the sand, ignorant to the evidence. The reality is we have seen the sort of evidence you have and found it utterly unconvincing.
Yep that's the problem, that's what most people say yet it is happening right in front of your eyes. I'm not an expert on this subject but if people would just do a little research rather than listening to the mainstream news they would see what is really going on. There are thousands of videos to be watched, the one I posted was just a short clip as an example. But again most people will just watch one and then disregard it as "a conspiracy" maybe because they don't want to see the reality of how bad things really are and would rather bury their heads in the sand. Fair enough if you actually look into it these things and look at the evidence and still don't believe it but people shouldn't disregard these things just because its not what your TV or government is telling you.

I actually cannot believe the Yes/Remain vote is winning in this poll. Are you people crazy. I really hope this is not an accurate representation of how the population will vote. If people vote to remain you are going to be partly responsible for the destruction of this country and of British culture, wave goodbye to the way of life you know and any sort of real freedom or democracy for your children and the generations to come. Please wake up and realise what is going on. It actually makes me sick to think people are being scared into wanting to remain in the EU or if not scared than just not aware of what the real agenda of the EU is.

Save your country and vote to leave. Please.

The real agenda of the EU is to impregnate all British citizens with bluebottle larvae to turn them into giant insects. However crackpot this may sound, it is more plausible than listening to Ian Crane's conspiracy theories.
The real agenda of the EU is to impregnate all British citizens with bluebottle larvae to turn them into giant insects. However crackpot this may sound, it is more plausible than listening to Ian Crane's conspiracy theories.
It's about time. I for one etc...
A trading union specifies the size of our railway tunnels? The size of English tunnels in England? Well if that's what the EU business law is about we need to go back to deciding the size of our own tunnels and leave them to sort theirs out.

Not in this case, hence the negotiations and eventual outcome. Its shows the EU is flexible
I watched it all. It seemed baseless, scary silliness. I would imagine the majority of these thousands of videos would be of a similar theme.

Also, if you want to be taken seriously, it doesn't help if you imply that anyone who thinks otherwise is a mindless 'sheep' burying our heads in the sand, ignorant to the evidence. The reality is we have seen the sort of evidence you have and found it utterly unconvincing.

I wasn't implying anyone is a mindless sheep but the fact is most people don't look into things any deeper than what they see on the news and even then if they think something doesn't sound quite right they would just rather ignore it and go back to living their lives ie "bury their heads in the sand" or at least not care enough to do any research. That is my experience of the majority of people I meet. Most don't want to think about how messed up the world and often don't question what is true or false.

"I watched it all. It seemed baseless, scary silliness. I would imagine the majority of these thousands of videos would be of a similar theme." You watched one seven minute video and you came to that conclusion, is this what you mean by "The reality is we have seen the sort of evidence you have and found it utterly unconvincing."

The fact is most people don't want to know the truth as its to damn scary and those that claim to look at both sides of the argument usually have a very brief look at alternative media/ideas and then label it a conspiracy or scare mongering. Similar to what you did with the video. If you do weigh up the evidence before coming to your conclusions then fair enough but I don't think most other people do.
You watched one seven minute video and you came to that conclusion, is this what you mean by
I watched one seven minute video, which was the one you chose to offer up to further your argument, and it was indeed the same nonsense I've seen countless times before and do not need to see any more of to dismiss it as nonsense.

EDIT - I realise I'm being quite rude/dismissive to you. This is entirely because I find your belief that to think the EU is worth staying in, to be ignorant, to be rude and dismissive.
I watched one seven minute video, which was the one you chose to offer up to further your argument, and it was indeed the same nonsense I've seen countless times before and do not need to see any more of to dismiss it as nonsense.

I didn't go searching for the best video I could find on the subject, I grabbed a quick link to get an example to show some of the ideas of the EU agendas that aren't spoken by the mainstream. It wouldn't of mattered either way because you would of disregarded it. You probably don't think 9/11 was an inside job. We will leave it there.
I didn't go searching for the best video I could find on the subject, I grabbed a quick link to get an example to show some of the ideas of the EU agendas that aren't spoken by the mainstream. It wouldn't of mattered either way because you would of disregarded it. You probably don't think 9/11 was an inside job. We will leave it there.

There are still people who think this?
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