EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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If there are any Out voters on this forum who have not yet voted, please make sure that you do so. The chances are that you will be condemning the UK to a significant economic downturn which will take many many years to recover from, unfortunately the Immigration issue will remain unresolved as you will still have to accept the quotas. Regarding EU law, I'm afraid Brexit were lying to you about this as well as very few laws actually affect you in your day to day life. But if you want the UK to suffer and the pound in your pocket to become much less valuable, then vote Leave now.
If there are any Out voters on this forum who have not yet voted, please make sure that you do so. The chances are that you will be condemning the UK to a significant economic downturn which will take many many years to recover from, unfortunately the Immigration issue will remain unresolved as you will still have to accept the quotas. Regarding EU law, I'm afraid Brexit were lying to you about this as well as very few laws actually affect you in your day to day life. But if you want the UK to suffer and the pound in your pocket to become much less valuable, then vote Leave now.
Well done on influencing no-one.
If there are any Out voters on this forum who have not yet voted, please make sure that you do so. The chances are that you will be condemning the UK to a significant economic downturn which will take many many years to recover from, unfortunately the Immigration issue will remain unresolved as you will still have to accept the quotas. Regarding EU law, I'm afraid Brexit were lying to you about this as well as very few laws actually affect you in your day to day life. But if you want the UK to suffer and the pound in your pocket to become much less valuable, then vote Leave now.

And then france wont have the shittest economy on the continent
Just got back from the polling station. It's the most certain i've felt about a vote in years, which was a nice feeling.

There was a steady flow of voters throughout, yet that could also be attributed to the time of day.
I'm a poll clerk, been here since 6:30 this morning. The amount of people who've brought a pen to the vote is absolutely embarrassing. If you believe this then I don't trust your judgement to vote to leave. I've worked as a poll clerk for over a decade now and I've done the count a number of times too and I'm seriously considering packing it in. How can so many people believe their leave vote is going to be erased?! This is lunacy. I don't want these people voting for my future. I'd rather chance a coin toss for christs sake.
I'm a poll clerk, been here since 6:30 this morning. The amount of people who've brought a pen to the vote is absolutely embarrassing. If you believe this then I don't trust your judgement to vote to leave. I've worked as a poll clerk for over a decade now and I've done the count a number of times too and I'm seriously considering packing it in. How can so many people believe their leave vote is going to be erased?! This is lunacy. I don't want these people voting for my future. I'd rather chance a coin toss for christs sake.

You're just saying that caus your part of the cover up.

Be honest, you really work for MI5 and are just angry that its made your job harder, aren't you?
I'm a poll clerk, been here since 6:30 this morning. The amount of people who've brought a pen to the vote is absolutely embarrassing. If you believe this then I don't trust your judgement to vote to leave. I've worked as a poll clerk for over a decade now and I've done the count a number of times too and I'm seriously considering packing it in. How can so many people believe their leave vote is going to be erased?! This is lunacy. I don't want these people voting for my future. I'd rather chance a coin toss for christs sake.

#UsePens really has worked. :lol:
Wish I'd brought a pen because the pencil was a bit dull. My Remain tick was quite faint but there's no mistaking the big X for Leave.
Yeah, you need immigrants more than you think, your +65 years old population is increasing when your -64 yeras old population is decreasing, so you have two solutions you either make babies or welcome immigrants who will pay the bills through taxation.:)
well theirs debates whether that is true anymore, ten years or so it was, and until recently i believed it, but apparently now the fact we have an aging population, who are mainly more wealthy, it is a good thing because they are consumers who don't require jobs, which is a good thinking in a shrinking job market and a society that due to automation needs less people to run it, so according to some economist its acutely switched around that having so many retired people is good for the economy.

whether that true or not? i ant got a tiniest bit of a clue its beyond me! the economic involved in working that out are baffling so im not gonna stand thier and say this is true cos i don't know and i highly doubt anyone on this forum does.

but the best i can understand it, why would more workers help a situation when their isn't enough jobs for the people who are here?
I'm a poll clerk, been here since 6:30 this morning. The amount of people who've brought a pen to the vote is absolutely embarrassing. If you believe this then I don't trust your judgement to vote to leave. I've worked as a poll clerk for over a decade now and I've done the count a number of times too and I'm seriously considering packing it in. How can so many people believe their leave vote is going to be erased?! This is lunacy. I don't want these people voting for my future. I'd rather chance a coin toss for christs sake.

As Brexit have lied about everything until now and all their gullible followers believe what they say, why not carry on with the lies till the last possible moment.
I'm a poll clerk, been here since 6:30 this morning. The amount of people who've brought a pen to the vote is absolutely embarrassing. If you believe this then I don't trust your judgement to vote to leave. I've worked as a poll clerk for over a decade now and I've done the count a number of times too and I'm seriously considering packing it in. How can so many people believe their leave vote is going to be erased?! This is lunacy. I don't want these people voting for my future. I'd rather chance a coin toss for christs sake.

:lol: Why would anyone bother erasing responses on ballots? Just replace the ballots with pre-marked ones.
well theirs debates whether that is true anymore, ten years or so it was, and until recently i believed it, but apparently now the fact we have an aging population, who are mainly more wealthy, it is a good thing because they are consumers who don't require jobs, which is a good thinking in a shrinking job market and a society that due to automation needs less people to run it, so according to economist its acutely switched around that having so many retired people is good for the economy.

whether that true or not? i ant got a tiniest bit of a clue its beyond me! the economic involved in working that out are baffling so im not gonna stand thier and say this is true cos i don't know and i highly doubt anyone on this forum does.

but the best i can understand it, why would more workers help a situation when their isn't enough jobs for the people who are here?
Most of them aren't wealthy. Their income is a pension, the price of which has to be covered by taxes.
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