EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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What I mean is what do you makes people eligible for a vote simply "born in the uk, and has been fully naturalised" I personally feel that people who contribute to Tax and work in a country for a number of years should have a vote.

I have friends in their 40s, who have been in the country for 20 years, worked all their lives, has a Bachelors or the equivalent yet they do not have a vote, why should someone who never works a day in their life have a vote over that?

I have other people I know, mid 30s left with a GCSE or below equivalent, never worked yet they have a say? is that fair?

Oh okay. I don't think there is any need to make a comparison to people who haven't worked. If you start making it about who works and who doesn't, it sounds like you're getting scarily close to US-style poll tax of the late 19th century.

I'm not really equipped to argue the rest as I don't know the rules myself. Regardless I think that everyone who lives in the UK (i.e. has a registered address) should be allowed to vote, and even then it bothers me that this might disenfranchise the homeless.

There's an Australian guy I work with who moved here from Berlin about 2 months ago and he's registered to vote so it can't be that hard? Why does your friend in their 40s not have a vote? Have they tried to register?
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In a decent civilised place that reckons it is democratic the right to vote should not restricted by race, sex, beliefs, wealth, or social status.

Picking & choosing who gets to vote is the start of a slippery slope towards all sorts of things.

Who gets to choose who votes? Who gets to choose who gets to choose.... who votes?

Do we take it away if we change our mind about them? Sorry, I mean their qualifying circumstances change, obvs. We'd want to be fair about all this, innit.
a bit of me would want us to vote leave and see how quickly people get angry that we haven't built 52 hospitals by next year with our '£350m'.

part of me wants that side of the UK to be taught a lesson and for the results to come back and bite them on the ass. But, its too important for our children and grandchildren's future to think like that
every citizen should have the right to vote

just because someone is currently unemployed or homeless, does that mean their opinion is any less valid?

By definition does that not mean even people under the age of 16? for example with this referendum if you've lived outside of the UK for <15 years you can still vote.

People who have been gone 14 years I don't really see them coming back to the UK.
You can't just declare it's not an issue as it certainly is for some communities who may be most affected. What are you saying immigration isn't an issue for? Schools? The economy? Hospitals? Jobs? Social cohesion?

If the left never recognise any negative impact of immigration then the Labour party will go no where. Thankfully Corbyn has at least discussed the idea of reintroducing funding to control the impact.

Some here are very sure that immigration isn't a factor worthy of discussion but I'd love to know the number after which they'd consider it an issue. 400k? 500k? 1 million? There must be a number

I swear the communities that seem most bothered by immigration are often the least affected. Metropolitan areas with high levels of immigration tend to be pro-immigration. Villages like the one I grew up in where there's a token black family and a token asian family seem to be more against it. Could be wrong.
You can't just declare it's not an issue as it certainly is for some communities who may be most affected. What are you saying immigration isn't an issue for? Schools? The economy? Hospitals? Jobs? Social cohesion?

If the left never recognise any negative impact of immigration then the Labour party will go no where. Thankfully Corbyn has at least discussed the idea of reintroducing funding to control the impact.

Some here are very sure that immigration isn't a factor worthy of discussion but I'd love to know the number after which they'd consider it an issue. 400k? 500k? 1 million? There must be a number

I was referring to this notion that we can end immigration at any kind of level acceptable to the EU and still function economically. Immigration, in theory can be an issue, but you have to admit that it is hard to de-couple it's effect from that of the catastrophic cuts the Tories have made to Education and Health. Who knows, had they not made the cuts we'd have enough GP, who are not over-worked and leaving the profession, who can cope with both immigration and a rising British national population. It's no good saying it is an issue without actually knowing how much of an issue it can be!
By definition does that not mean even people under the age of 16? for example with this referendum if you've lived outside of the UK for <15 years you can still vote.

People who have been gone 14 years I don't really see them coming back to the UK.

maybe not, but they may have children or grandchildren who it will impact. Or they may want to keep their options open.

I don't believe under16 should vote though
What I mean is what do you makes people eligible for a vote simply "born in the uk, and has been fully naturalised" I personally feel that people who contribute to Tax and work in a country for a number of years should have a vote.

I have friends in their 40s, who have been in the country for 20 years, worked all their lives, has a Bachelors or the equivalent yet they do not have a vote, why should someone who never works a day in their life have a vote over that?

I have other people I know, mid 30s left with a GCSE or below equivalent, never worked yet they have a say? is that fair?

Extend the citizenship & voting rights then, arbitrarily taking (basic) rights away from people is not usually a good thing.
Been yo-yo-ing between ‪#‎remain‬ and leave for weeks.

Despite some valid points from 'leave', it makes no sense whatsoever to be alone in this era of digital globalisation.
Likewise, I was very worried about giving any sort of power and influence to the far right. If UK left, these guys would become a major powerful voice within Tory party and Government. Better to influence from inside than to be an isolated island.
#‎BrExit‬ ‪#‎VoteRemain‬.
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Aye. Not their fault at all, just how it goes.

I think what you should do is just apply for her settlement visa in loads of different countries across continents... then she should go live in all of them for a little bit at a time and you can follow. She'll be Moroccan all over the world.

.... I'm sorry.

Despite some valid points from 'leave', it makes no sense whatsoever to be alone in this era of digital globalisation. Better to influence from inside than to be an isolated island. Likewise, I was very worried about giving any sort of power and influence to the far right.

Aye, who is going to give a shit about immigration when it'll be robots taking everyone's jobs in 15 years time? Maybe we can complain about the Polish robots.
Someone I know just told me that he doesn't give a feck about any of the economy crap, that he has extreme Islamaphobia and he would sit on the town hall with a sniper rifle. And that because I voted remain, when the civil war comes and I'm 'running with the Muslims' he will kill me with them. Jesus wept.
Report him to the police, he's obviously a man with a lot of uncontrolled anger.
Just got a text from Vote Leave talking about high turnout. :nervous: *fingers crossed*

I don't want this to be my last vote for how knows how many years.
If there are any Out voters on this forum who have not yet voted, please make sure that yo do so. The chances are that we'll be old and grey before we get another opportunity, and maybe not even then. Labour and the Tories have lied about referenda before, and rest assured they shall do so again. The only route to signifiant change, the only way to upturn that table the elites are dining at, is to vote Leave. :)
Oh okay. I don't think there is any need to make a comparison to people who haven't worked. If you start making it about who works and who doesn't, it sounds like you're getting scarily close to US-style poll tax of the late 19th century.

I'm not really equipped to argue the rest as I don't know the rules myself. Regardless I think that everyone who lives in the UK (i.e. has a registered address) should be allowed to vote, and even then it bothers me that this might disenfranchise the homeless.

There's an Australian guy I work with who moved here from Berlin about 2 months ago and he's registered to vote so it can't be that hard? Why does your friend in their 40s not have a vote? Have they tried to register?

He's not a UK citizen, hasn't naturalised but has worked here for 20 years.
He's not a UK citizen, hasn't naturalised but has worked here for 20 years.

Ah okay.

Well I support your friend's right to vote and hope he can get it one day, I just don't think it should be based on whether or not he works.

By the way I asked the Australian guy and apparently it's because he's a commonwealth citizen.
Aye, who is going to give a shit about immigration when it'll be robots taking everyone's jobs in 15 years time? Maybe we can complain about the Polish robots.

Get a job in computer science field, 3x the jobs to graduates. There'll always be people needed to code.
Get a job in computer science field, 3x the jobs to graduates. There'll always be people needed to code.

Not when there's AI that can code better and faster! Probably.

I work in marketing and I'm fairly confident that it will take robots a while to get good at bullshitting so I think I'm safe.
Get a job in computer science field, 3x the jobs to graduates. There'll always be people needed to code.

Better to make other people losing their jobs than to lose our jobs.

Learn to code robots, in order to steal other people jobs.

On the dark side, those robots are Muslims from Germany!
If there are any Out voters on this forum who have not yet voted, please make sure that yo do so. The chances are that we'll be old and grey before we get another opportunity, and maybe not even then. Labour and the Tories have lied about referenda before, and rest assured they shall do so again. The only route to signifiant change, the only way to upturn that table the elites are dining at, is to vote Leave. :)

To be fair, most of the out voters are already old and grey so that might not be saying much.
Was just looking at twitter followers... 49k for Remain and 70K for Leave :nervous:
I really want to find out if that bloke's 93 year old mum was real or not.
I voted leave, I was torn and didn't make my decision until I reached the voting booth.

I'm happy with my choice but I still feel kind of dirty, I feel like I'm now associated with the insufferable racists spouting nativism. Please don't think we are all like that lot :)
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