EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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His argument is complete bollocks though. He isn't recognising that white non-EU women also cannot come here without a VISA. He's ignoring that black EU women are free to come freely. It has nothing to do with the colour of her skin which is what he's saying.
He's arguing with me now about the last war, saying I should be ashamed to call myself British. :lol:
Or it speaksoon volumes about the society we have created whereby if you vote against the consensus you are labelled racist, a bigot and a xenophobe

Jo Cox died on the streets where I grew up because someone didn't like what she had to say but she would never have stopped anyone from having the right to voice their differences. I am far from agreeing with everything that my country does but to vote Leave and therefore not be part of the process to bring change makes no sense whatsoever.
My dear sister told me she was voting leave, a big surprise to me. She is neither stupid nor racist (quite the opposite on both counts, she always champions the underdog and is a lifelong Socialist), but she sees the EU as an expensive monolith which has indirectly resulted in public sector budgets in this country being compromised, due to the costs of bureaucracy. She worked in special education and feels passionately upset about worthwhile educational initiatives being shelved, just as they were beginning to bear fruit.

I don't believe she's right on the reasons, but at least her decision to vote that way is nothing to do with immigration!

If we leave the EU, our economy will really suffer. This means less money to spend on the public sector which will inevitably lead to cuts across the board.

Also, considering it is the Tories in power, if there were to be any savings, what actually are the chances of them spending it on education, healthcare or mental health provision? Very slim I would imagine.
Then take a step back.

Why do the people you're referring to hold the views that they hold? What are the reasons for them to hold that position? What can be done to improve prejudice, education and employment skills in the country and what are the barriers to taking these actions? There are reasons why some countries are more or less educated than others, even (especially) amongst the world's richest countries.

Because they lap up the Daily Mail and feel hard done by because they didn't try in school and now don't make much money so look for a scapegoat (immigrants) etc. I dunno what can be done to improve it though. What do you reckon? In the mean time, I don't think it's unfair to judge people on uneducated and unintelligent thought processes. The material is there to change if they want to for most people.
My dear sister told me she was voting leave, a big surprise to me. She is neither stupid nor racist (quite the opposite on both counts, she always champions the underdog and is a lifelong Socialist), but she sees the EU as an expensive monolith which has indirectly resulted in public sector budgets in this country being compromised, due to the costs of bureaucracy. She worked in special education and feels passionately upset about worthwhile educational initiatives being shelved, just as they were beginning to bear fruit.

I don't believe she's right on the reasons, but at least her decision to vote that way is nothing to do with immigration!
If we leave the EU, our economy will really suffer. This means less money to spend on the public sector which will inevitably lead to cuts across the board.

Also, considering it is the Tories in power, if there were to be any savings, what actually are the chances of them spending it on education, healthcare or mental health provision? Very slim I would imagine.

That's exactly my thoughts on it, HabeasC. They're already hell bent on cutting the public sector aren't they?
Jo Cox died on the streets where I grew up because someone didn't like what she had to say but she would never have stopped anyone from having the right to voice their differences. I am far from agreeing with everything that my country does but to vote Leave and therefore not be part of the process to bring change makes no sense whatsoever.
Two isolated incidents. One nut job does not mean all voters for leave are like that. Same with Jon Cox. Just because she advocated free speech doesn't mean all the remaining voters do.

It's seen in the way they have gone about this campaign. Labelling leave voters bigots and lunatics and scaremongering. That isn't the case here where people discuss fairly freely about topits but it has between politicians and average voters.
1.18 - bet £100, win £18, get your £100 back as well 2/11 in the old way, odds on, 83% likely is another way of describing it, but...
6.40 - bet £100 win £540, get your £ 100 back as well, 5 and 1/2 - 1 in the old way

(I think)

thinking of it as probability is a red herring

does however reflect how total ££££ is being bet, heavy support for REMAIN from people betting is VERY likely, my limited experience of the movement of these odds is that 1.18 is on the brink of collapsing completely, the odds are nearly reflecting a foregone conclusion, like a team 1 goal down as you go into the last 5mins, or clearly the better tennis player is a break up in the 3rd set & 2 sets up, what could possibly go wrong...

who are these people betting who are so convinced?
The banks are apparently conducting their exit polls, I imagine this (and the betfair movements) are confirmations that we're voting to remain.

It's currently at its highest point since December last year, it's broken the 1.492 barrier, that's a pretty strong confirmation from the markets at least.
Should be no betting on this. Can lead to voting being manipulated.
Planning to go down and vote at around 7:45PM after work. Is it usually particularly busy at polling stations around that time does anyone know?
Planning to go down and vote at around 7:45PM after work. Is it usually particularly busy at polling stations around that time does anyone know?

I normally go in the evenings and never found it to be busy and my polling station is pretty much inner city.
Anyone think a "Shy Brexiter" effect may take place?

If I were a remainer I'd be very concerned the polls have it as close as it is, considering the possibility that a fair proportion of voters would be publicly ashamed to admit they're voting out.

That speaks volumes about them I'm afraid. People should have the courage of their convictions and hold their heads up high whichever way they vote. If you are ashamed of voting Leave it suggests you got it wrong.

@Kaos , Why do you think leave voters would be publicly ashamed to say they voted for Brexit? People I have spoken with outside of the cafe are more than happy to bang the drum for whoever they are voting for.

@Marching , that's a bizarre response to a post that was essentially nothing more than an assumption.
Planning to go down and vote at around 7:45PM after work. Is it usually particularly busy at polling stations around that time does anyone know?

Yeah like most said it depends on your area, my polling booth gets busy at as it's in a very residential area, and I guess everyone votes after work/dinner.

It wont be too bad though I imagine.
What kind of effect would Brexit have on the housing market if any?

Most economists are saying there'll likely be a recession if Brexit were to happen, how deep of a recession we don't know yet. But any recession will likely cause house prices to decrease. But it may also may make banks less likely to give out mortgages or require a higher deposit for first time buyers.
@Kaos , Why do you think leave voters would be publicly ashamed to say they voted for Brexit? People I have spoken with outside of the cafe are more than happy to bang the drum for whoever they are voting for.

Well considering the remain campaign have been liberal to labelling them bigots, and of course it doesn't help that they find themselves on the same side of the likes of Griffin, Farage And Hopkins.

Yes the ardent Brexit supporters would sing it loud and proud, but I'm not referring to them, rather the swathes of people who are unofficially undecided or less outspoken on the matter.
That's exactly my thoughts on it, HabeasC. They're already hell bent on cutting the public sector aren't they?

And any supposed saving from EU contributions would be offset by the increased costs of operating due to the pound and therefore less income from tax. Then any trade deal will cost us.

And the Tories have so far decimated, in my opinion completely unnecessarily, the public sector. Any promises from the likes of Gove, Johnson and Patel are not worth a dime.
The Caf is funny, completely left wing and yet will ridicule anybody who goes against the grain calling them all-sorts. This itself speaks more about the Caf than it does those voting Brexit, the Caf likes to think it's open and anti xenophobic/racist, inclusive but the views held on here are just as bad as those of the far right.

"That speaks volumes about them I'm afraid."
"Yeah because we have a newbie system."
"Well at least Jamie Vardy is in France so Brexit will have a vote less..."
"It just means that the average IQ of the caf is higher than half of Britain"

How very inclusive and anti racist/xenophobic! Give yourselves a pat on the back! You're all saviours of the free world!... (Free to all except for those dirty ignorant righties...)

I myself am voting out, not because of immigration as I don't think anything will change in regards to that, the EU needs to be reformed and needs a kick up the ass, us voting out may kick-start something special whereby the EU will eventually have to re-evaluate itself and make those changes. There's nothing to stop us then rejoining a reformed EU which is more akin to how it should be - Open, clear, none dictatorial, fair etc.

I'm pretty center and up to a few days ago was on the fence and was going to spoil my vote, both campaigns came across as crass and bitter and neither side has come out of this looking good, this above isn't the sole reason I'm voting out, I've evaluated all sides and have come up with my own viewpoint.
The Caf is funny, completely left wing and yet will ridicule anybody who goes against the grain calling them all-sorts. This itself speaks more about the Caf than it does those voting Brexit, the Caf likes to think it's open and anti xenophobic/racist, inclusive but the views held on here are just as bad as those of the far right.

"That speaks volumes about them I'm afraid."
"Yeah because we have a newbie system."
"Well at least Jamie Vardy is in France so Brexit will have a vote less..."
"It just means that the average IQ of the caf is higher than half of Britain"

How very inclusive and anti racist/xenophobic! Give yourselves a pat on the back! You're all saviours of the free world!... (Except for those dirty ignorant righties...)

I myself am voting out, not because of immigration as I don't think anything will change in regards to that, the EU needs to be reformed and needs a kick up the ass, us voting out may kick-start something special whereby the EU will eventually have to re-evaluate itself and make those changes. There's nothing to stop us then rejoining a reformed EU which is more akin to how it should be - Open, clear, none dictatorial, fair etc.

I'm pretty center and up to a few days ago was on the fence and was going to spoil my vote, both campaigns came across as crass and bitter and neither side has come out of this looking good, this above isn't the sole reason I'm voting out, I've evaluated all sides and have come up with my own viewpoint.

There's a certain irony when someone on their high horse complains about people doing the same. And by the way, there's a lot to stop us rejoining a reformed EU - namely 27 other member states.
From reading the odd comment on here and from just now reading BBC's "how to" in regards to voting in this referendum, I've realized this thing is being done on paper ballot.

Is all voting in Britain still done this way or do you use electronic voting in Parliamentary elections?
Not at all.

In the last general election the caf heavily favoured Labour and we all know how that turned out.

It's a disproportionately left leaning forum.

It's quite easy to understand why though. Internet forums are frequented mostly by young people who overwhelmingly vote left wing or are fairly liberal/progressive. Younger people tend to have fewer nationalistic tendencies, largely owing to the fact that they have grown up in a much more multicultural/international society than the older generations.
From reading the odd comment on here and from just now reading BBC's "how to" in regards to voting in this referendum, I've realized this thing is being done on paper ballot.

Is all voting in Britain still done this way or do you use electronic voting in Parliamentary elections?
All elections are paper.
From reading the odd comment on here and from just now reading BBC's "how to" in regards to voting in this referendum, I've realized this thing is being done on paper ballot.

Is all voting in Britain still done this way or do you use electronic voting in Parliamentary elections?

All paper.

Don't think I know anyone that actually trusts electronic voting.
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