EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Yes, but whilst I am here I would prefer to enjoy existing, rather than have a life which is poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Your life is short relatively speaking. As long as you get a good education in a good subject then you are sorted regardless of the referendum result. My plan? If things go south I move to another country with my engineering degree.
I've woken up with a horrible feeling that we're going to vote out, and it's going to be catastrophic for the country, both in the short and long run. The weather in London (prime remain country) is horrific, and going to stay that way all day. Everyone in here better bloody vote.
It's pretty crap if a bit of adverse weather swings a vote. Saying that, my commute in was a nightmare with half the tube network fecked and delayed.
In the event that we do remain, it'll be interesting to see if people actually turn out for the next vote for the European parliament. UKIP wrapped it up last time around because the only people that could be bothered to go and vote were their swivel-eyed loons. If we actually elected some reasonable representatives, we might find we get more out of our relationship with the EU.
Because I acknowledge humanities insignificance?
It's just not relevant. If someone's dog dies and they're very upset you don't tell them 'Cheer up. In the grand scheme of the universe it doesn't matter. Your mum might die tomorrow but that doesn't matter either'.
Your life is short relatively speaking. As long as you get a good education in a good subject then you are sorted regardless of the referendum result. My plan? If things go south I move to another country with my engineering degree.

So you vote leave and they win , Uk goes into meltdown and you bail out - have you no conscience for those poor ignorant souls you left behind?
All a bit bizarre, there wasn't really any privacy and i'm sure the 3 women taking the polling cards could quite clearly saw which way I voted.

But I voted and that's all that matters.
It's just not relevant. If someone's dog dies and they're very upset you don't tell them 'Cheer up. In the grand scheme of the universe it doesn't matter. Your mum might die tomorrow but that doesn't matter either'.
But it is relevant. It's how I view the world and helps me deal with life. When nothing matters, why worry about anything?
So you vote leave and they win , Uk goes into meltdown and you bail out - have you no conscience for those poor ignorant souls you left behind?
Not my problem. Just because I plan better than their government I should be burdened with the guilt.
But it is relevant. It's how I view the world and helps me deal with life. When nothing matters, why worry about anything?
That's lovely for you. I find masturbation helps. I'm not sure either of these really offer any answers to whether or not we should be in the EU though.
That's lovely for you. I find masturbation helps. I'm not sure either of these really offer any answers to whether or not we should be in the EU though.
Stops people from losing their shit if the referenumb doesn't go their way.
Because I acknowledge humanities insignificance?
Because you choose to come into a thread about the Referendum, full of people discussing the referendum, and flounce around saying "this is all pointless".

WUM & attention whore.
I don't think Facebook is ever going to be a great indicator. It's the natural stomping ground of the moron.

Oh yeah, of course. I've also just seen a post where a guy is claiming it's a fix if remain wins because there's 'only about 5 on his Facebook voting for it'. It's no coincidence that this guy isn't a very clever man and is a chav, and likely has very similar people populating his Facebook. There's a definite trend of those traits and voting out (not saying all those wanting out are included, obvs).
Think the white trash British families are a much bigger problem for taking up council housing and having 6 kids to claim benefits... far bigger!
It's no coincidence that this guy isn't a very clever man and is a chav, and likely has very similar people populating his Facebook.
This shit us v them attitude is why a lot of people are going to vote out, fyi.
Don't understand betting odds. What does that mean?
In short, the smaller the number the higher the probability.

Whatever you bet, if you win you'll get back your bet multiplied by the odds value. So in this case you'll make a lot more betting on leave (Assuming leave wins).
Rather on edge at present: i'm either so keyed up that i turn to pacing or sitting down in deep reflection.

It's a good thing that the sideboard is fully stocked for later. :)

Just hoping that Britain seizes this opportunity, for we're not likely to granted another for years.
In short, the smaller the number the higher the probability.

Whatever you bet, if you win you'll get back your bet multiplied the odds. So in this case you'll make a lot more betting on leave (Assuming leave wins).
Anyway, the £ is seriously gaining against the $. If that's an indication.
Yes- you must have seen that we send business and political delegations over to China and India try and woo them for trade. We should be looking to strengthen these deals regardless of whether we are in or out tbh. They just take years of negotiation.

I suspect he might mean trade agreements over tariff levels and conditions, which the UK cannot negotiate on their own, that's EU level.

Anyway, Remain for me. I'd still like to reduce immigration, being the racist I am, apparently, but I don't think a Leave vote would achieve that anyway.
Remain it is.
This shit us v them attitude is why a lot of people are going to vote out, fyi.

Definitely, I've seen a lot of the remain and left wing people portray people who want to leave as stupid or racist, when there are other legitimate reasons to want to go. They just don't seem to grasp that all they're doing is alienating people more and turning them even more against them.

This isn't limited to this either, I see it in a lot of social justice causes which have legitimate goals ruined by the way in which people fight them.
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