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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Has there been any discussion on Juncker's comments earlier? He essentially confirmed that there would be no more reforms or concessions for the UK should it chose to remain.

That pretty much discredits Remain's idea of staying and reforming from within you'd think.

There would be no special provisions for the UK, not that the EU won't change for the group
Would be interesting to see the more recent stats on this, say the last 3-5 years. Based on the text at the bottom of the article you linked to.

"In terms of the total volume of laws passed, the proportion of times the UK government has been on the “losing side” is small at about 2% since 1999. In recent years the UK has been losing a lot more votes, and now loses a higher proportion of votes than other members."

Edit- we currently lose over 12% of votes in the EU according to the "recent years" link!

Well yeah.

Because we return UKIP MEPs. They don't turn up, and they don't do anything, and its in their interests to vote against things for the sake of voting against things because it fits the narrative you're talking about. If people actually bothered taking MEP elections seriously then it would be a different picture.
Would be interesting to see the more recent stats on this, say the last 3-5 years. Based on the text at the bottom of the article you linked to.

"In terms of the total volume of laws passed, the proportion of times the UK government has been on the “losing side” is small at about 2% since 1999. In recent years the UK has been losing a lot more votes, and now loses a higher proportion of votes than other members."

Edit- we currently lose over 12% of votes in the EU according to the "recent years" link!

Aye, but it also went on to say that this is because we vote no more than anyone else. Which we can have no complaints about. It's democracy. The EU does not say 'no silly UK, you get no say in this'. We vote on it and if we are outvoted then we're outvoted. It happens a very small percentage of the time, and when it does it's by a democratic process.
I do a little bit. Like losing my virginity.

My sister is voting the way she is purely because my parents are voting a certain way. I've gone the opposite because I bothered to do some research.

It worries me that so many people are going to be voting without having a clue why and they're gonna be led by bullshit.
Welcome to democracy. Ain't it grand
I don't mean emailing in the vote, I mean going to the polling place and filling out the ballot in an electronic voting booth.
It's the same problem.

Paper voting is just better. To fix the vote you have to go round and switch out thousands of ballot boxes with your own ballot boxes, which happen to have the exactly correct amount of slips. You have to do it in the real world, a physical person has to turn up and do it.

Electronic voting doesnt have protection. A state, let's call them Russia, can (hypothetically) write an undetectable computer virus, install it in advance, and then sit back and wait.

Some US states that have electronic voting add extra protection by printing out your vote afterwards. But in that situation, what you've done there is create the world's most expensive paper based voting system.
I don't know if it has been mentioned but the UE is highly vulnerable to lobbying, so if the UK politicians really wanted to change things they could but they don't want to change a thing, they want to have the power at the national level and use the UE as a war theater.
I don't know if it has been mentioned but the UE is highly vulnerable to lobbying, so if the UK politicians really wanted to change things they could but they don't want to change a thing, they want to have the power at the national level and use the UE as a war theater.
What on earth is the UE?
Just voted remain, not sure I'm right and either way I hope it all works out for the best.

In the end I didn't want to risk the inward investment the UK receives.

Also I felt sorry for the rest of the EU trying to cope with the world without the UK in it you know how much they need us or they will completely mess it up.

Second part isn't true.
It's the same problem.

Paper voting is just better. To fix the vote you have to go round and switch out thousands of ballot boxes with your own ballot boxes, which happen to have the exactly correct amount of slips. You have to do it in the real world, a physical person has to turn up and do it.

Electronic voting doesnt have protection. A state, let's call them Russia, can (hypothetically) write an undetectable computer virus, install it in advance, and then sit back and wait.

Some US states that have electronic voting add extra protection by printing out your vote afterwards. But in that situation, what you've done there is create the world's most expensive paper based voting system.
I guess we just trust, or have trusted in my lifetime, our election commissions in the US. The last time I saw a paper ballot was in a school election.

Reason I got to looking is because I saw that results would be tallied by Friday and that seemed like a long long time to wait.
The Caf is funny, completely left wing and yet will ridicule anybody who goes against the grain calling them all-sorts. This itself speaks more about the Caf than it does those voting Brexit, the Caf likes to think it's open and anti xenophobic/racist, inclusive but the views held on here are just as bad as those of the far right.

"That speaks volumes about them I'm afraid."
"Yeah because we have a newbie system."
"Well at least Jamie Vardy is in France so Brexit will have a vote less..."
"It just means that the average IQ of the caf is higher than half of Britain"

How very inclusive and anti racist/xenophobic! Give yourselves a pat on the back! You're all saviours of the free world!... (Free to all except for those dirty ignorant righties...)

I myself am voting out, not because of immigration as I don't think anything will change in regards to that, the EU needs to be reformed and needs a kick up the ass, us voting out may kick-start something special whereby the EU will eventually have to re-evaluate itself and make those changes. There's nothing to stop us then rejoining a reformed EU which is more akin to how it should be - Open, clear, none dictatorial, fair etc.

I'm pretty center and up to a few days ago was on the fence and was going to spoil my vote, both campaigns came across as crass and bitter and neither side has come out of this looking good, this above isn't the sole reason I'm voting out, I've evaluated all sides and have come up with my own viewpoint.

Except that at least one of the people you quoted there ie. me is not a leftist and last voted Labour in 1974 - proves that your generalisations are flawed - oh what irony!!
When is the earliest date / time likely for us to get a grasp of which way it's going to go because the postal votes could have a big part to play...
All I got from the last page was Redcafe are hypocrites and the French dont like us.

Why don't the French like us?
When is the earliest date / time likely for us to get a grasp of which way it's going to go because the postal votes could have a big part to play...
We can trust the pound and say we reckon the traders know what's what already. We can trust the Yougov 'on the day' poll which has a large sample and was reasonably accurate in the Scottish referendum - that's 10pm. If you want a decent number of actual counts, we're looking at 6am.
All I got from the last page was Redcafe are hypocrites and the French dont like us.

Why don't the French like us?

We don't even know why we are supposed to not like you. If anything we like you a lot.
I am seeing this a lot on Twitter, but it's not cool to choose a side based on how condescending some supporters of either side may be. I mean, call them self absorbed cnuts, but make an informed decision based on your perception of the facts on the ground. I remember seeing this phenomenon around the time the Scottish referendum was going on too.
We can trust the pound and say we reckon the traders know what's what already. We can trust the Yougov 'on the day' poll which has a large sample and was reasonably accurate in the Scottish referendum - that's 10pm. If you want a decent number of actual counts, we're looking at 6am.

Thanks - typical voting scenario then. Still think the postals could influence things. I hope it's decisive enough in favour of the way I'm voting not to be however.
We don't even know why we are supposed to not like you. If anything we like you a lot.
What's with not wanting us in the EU then? Are you like that friend who secretly hate seeing you do anything of note and resents everything you do?
It's the same problem.

Paper voting is just better. To fix the vote you have to go round and switch out thousands of ballot boxes with your own ballot boxes, which happen to have the exactly correct amount of slips. You have to do it in the real world, a physical person has to turn up and do it.

Electronic voting doesnt have protection. A state, let's call them Russia, can (hypothetically) write an undetectable computer virus, install it in advance, and then sit back and wait.

Some US states that have electronic voting add extra protection by printing out your vote afterwards. But in that situation, what you've done there is create the world's most expensive paper based voting system.
Maybe it will evolve to getting digital confirmation of your vote on your phone or something.
What's with not wanting us in the EU then? Are you like that friend who secretly hate seeing you do anything of note and resents everything you do?

We want you in the EU but if you leave we will continue to live our lives.
A newbie is trying to argue that the EU is racist because white European women can come here freely but his black non-EU wife cannot.

I've got to be honest, he is right to be annoyed.

If he is a UK national, then domestic law governs the immigration status of his spouse (and domestic law is notoriously strict in this respect). However, if he was an EU national, then EU law would allow his spouse, even if they are a third party national, to have the same rights as him in respect of free movement.

It is an anomaly, to be sure.

I'm going through the same thing at the moment with my South African wife... and, whilst it's a bit annoying that I've had to go through a whole procedure to get her a visa, don't really blame the EU for it. Ultimately, that's just how things work.
I'm going through the same thing at the moment with my South African wife... and, whilst it's a bit annoying that I've had to go through a whole procedure to get her a visa, don't really blame the EU for it. Ultimately, that's just how things work.

Absolutely, valid concerns but the notion that it's racist is just complete bollocks. He ended up threadbanned after continuing a bizarre rant about racism and ended up calling Penna a Nazi sympathiser.
I am ensuring that all of my family vote today, in person if necessary. And my father at least, who didn't vote in the mayorals, went to the polling station at 8 o'clock. The cause of Leave needs all of us today, no slacking allowed.

I don't know if it has been mentioned but the UE is highly vulnerable to lobbying, so if the UK politicians really wanted to change things they could but they don't want to change a thing, they want to have the power at the national level and use the UE as a war theater.

You would use the extent of EU corruption and the ease by which corporate lobbyists gain access, as a reason for Remaining? Interesting.
For other Bremainers, here are a couple of songs that we can rally around:

" I feel like I want to be inside EU, when the sun goes down yeah!"

"I can't do without EU"
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