EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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It allow freedom of movement of money which is exactly why London is the financial city of Europe. Leave Europe and others will work hard to make it difficult for London to remain competitive.

They wouldn't have to work hard for this to happen. London can't maintain its status as the financial capital of the EU if isn't a part of it anymore. The moment the Brexit happens, all major financial institutions would have to move their HQs into EU territory, with Frankfurt being the most logical destination. This will of course have a major impact on Londons stock exchange as a trading place.
They wouldn't have to work hard for this to happen. London can't maintain its status as the financial capital of the EU if isn't a part of it anymore. The moment the Brexit happens, all major financial institutions would have to move their HQs into EU territory, with Frankfurt being the most logical destination. This will of course have a major impact on Londons stock exchange as a trading place.

Also, medical and scientific research could well be affected, given UK universities get well over half their research funding from EU sources (and that money is predominantly on the science side). Now it is not clear what happens if we leave (can we still apply for it?) so it may be premature to state that a leave vote will not impact here. Most universities are preparing for the worst.
Nope. You will still have to pay a lot of money if you want to have similar deals to Switzerland and Norway, but you won't get any money back, and won't have any say in the new legislatures.

Small rich countries like Switzerland and Norway can afford it, but UK can't. Which will make the negotiations with EU a hell considering that they will want far more money from you than UK would want to give, and they will have the upper hand in the negotiations.
Just voted to stay, I was open to an argument between both at the start but having heard mostly bollocks from both sides and having seen no real after plan from the leave side I've decided to stick with what we know.
They wouldn't have to work hard for this to happen. London can't maintain its status as the financial capital of the EU if isn't a part of it anymore. The moment the Brexit happens, all major financial institutions would have to move their HQs into EU territory, with Frankfurt being the most logical destination. This will of course have a major impact on Londons stock exchange as a trading place.
And Dublin too. Pretty sure that I've read when the Brexit talks started that many US companies are getting ready to move their European HQs in Dublin or Frankfurt.
This is why a referendum is such a monumentally stupid idea.

I need to make my own exit plan to get away from the UK and eu if people's who's prim reason to leave is immigration get their way
Still can't believe this referendum is happening and there is a chance we could leave. First we voted the Tories back in now this :rolleyes:, i'm not too optimistic, would be bonkers to leave.
Our local cnut asked your local cnut a valid question. What would happen to Farage if Remain wins?

Have any of these people actually rubbed a thick pencil mark before? I mean it's really obvious.
I weep for those making this decision based on immigration.

I picked up The Sun yesterday. They are pro Leave (to the extent of blatant propaganda) ((must be Boris in bed with Murdoch)) The front cover they reported the that the Queen had been quizzing dinner guest for reasons to stay in. Then the next six pages or so were dedicated to the immigration issue, from border control, to EU scroungers, to health tourists.

Legitimately though, it is largely the working class that are most negatively effected by immigration, as immigrants tend to take up jobs in the low paid sector.
Have any of these people actually rubbed a thick pencil mark before? I mean it's really obvious.

More the fact that if they believe the government would rig it, it's not going to be by rubbing fecking pencil marks out, jesus...

More the fact that if they believe the government would rig it, it's not going to be by rubbing fecking pencils marks out, jesus...

Yeah they're paying people to sit through the night with a rubber changing thousands and thousands of votes. Christ.
I picked up The Sun yesterday. They are pro Leave (to the extent of blatant propaganda) ((must be Boris in bed with Murdoch)) The front cover they reported the that the Queen had been quizzing dinner guest for reasons to stay in. Then the next six pages or so were dedicated to the immigration issue, from border control, to EU scroungers, to health tourists.

Legitimately though, it is largely the working class that are most negatively effected by immigration, as immigrants tend to take up jobs in the low paid sector.
Also the fact that their benefits are affected by immigration too.
I think regardless of the outcome both sides should be ashamed of the way this campaign has been conducted. Very few people actually know what they're talking about and what they're actually voting on.

I honestly think a decision as momentous as this should be voted for by MPs. We elect them for a reason.
I think regardless of the outcome both sides should be ashamed of the way this campaign has been conducted. Very few people actually know what they're talking about and what they're actually voting on.

I honestly think a decision as momentous as this should be voted for by MPs. We elect them for a reason.

I agree with the first part, the politicians have been awful and are far too busy trying to win to further their careers rather than give us some information that's actually useful rather than shouting the same shite over and over again.
Yeah they're paying people to sit through the night with a rubber changing thousands and thousands of votes. Christ.

Given that the leave campaign already paid for a fake website with SEO to boost it to the top of Google for people to register to vote that simply sent their details to the leave campaign and didn't register them to vote - I'd be more concerned that they were going to attempt to tamper with votes than anything else, but the tin foil hatters on Facebook think rigging could only possibly go on way. Old Mary down the polling booth has Cameron on speed dial. 'Everything is proceeding according to my design.'
Also the fact that their benefits are affected by immigration too.
In the sense that my benefits are reliant on immigrants keeping the economy going and lowering the average age of our people (a nation of pensioners won't do much for my benefits).
I agree with the first part, the politicians have been awful and are far too busy trying to win to further their careers rather than give us some information that's actually useful rather than shouting the same shite over and over again.

It's frustrating. The debate on the BBC the other night was a complete farce. No-one can get a straight answer from anybody.

But then I suppose it's always been like this. General Elections are just as bad if not worse.
I think regardless of the outcome both sides should be ashamed of the way this campaign has been conducted. Very few people actually know what they're talking about and what they're actually voting on.

I honestly think a decision as momentous as this should be voted for by MPs. We elect them for a reason.

I agree. There are facts out there but sadly they are buried under a pile of crap. Some great videos of speeches from independent experts without any axes to grind.
I think regardless of the outcome both sides should be ashamed of the way this campaign has been conducted. Very few people actually know what they're talking about and what they're actually voting on.

I honestly think a decision as momentous as this should be voted for by MPs. We elect them for a reason.

All this vote is about is Cameron trying to stay as PM, Boris wanting to become PM, Corbyn no idea what he wants and Farage trying to justify his existence- but hey, let the British people decide even if they have no idea what they're actually voting for.
I should know this, but is this vote being done on a straight up PR type split, or is it done by electoral region like the general election?
It's frustrating. The debate on the BBC the other night was a complete farce. No-one can get a straight answer from anybody.

But then I suppose it's always been like this. General Elections are just as bad if not worse.

It has always been like this for sure but it's just even more frustrating considering just how important this decision is, it's one thing talking shite when we get another go in 4 years but not when this is going to impact the rest of our lives.

I agree. There are facts out there but sadly they are buried under a pile of crap. Some great videos of speeches from independent experts without any axes to grind.

I think ultimately that has been what has swayed me, there's been plenty of idiocy spouted from both sides, but when it's come down to considered views it's seemed to me that most are behind remain.
I suppose the other question leave campaigners throw is what trade does the EU offer us? The only EU country with anything of major note to trade is Germany and the Asian countries are already overtaking them in that too.
Jaysus, your leaving these pretty basic questions quite late aren't you?
In the sense that my benefits are reliant on immigrants keeping the economy going and lowering the average age of our people (a nation of pensioners won't do much for my benefits).
But then argument is the jobs they do to keep the economy goingredients can be done by the working class instead.

Also housing. The council will give council houses to immigrants meaning less houses to give for the working class.
Jaysus, your leaving these pretty basic questions quite late aren't you?
I'm not too fussed. Leave or remain I still get the shit of the country. And grand scheme this is all just child's games with no purpose.
But then argument is the jobs they do to keep the economy goingredients can be done by the working class instead.

Also housing. The council will give council houses to immigrants meaning less houses to give for the working class.

They could be done by the working class, but the working class don't want to do them. Which is why immigrants do them. There isn't a queue out the door of the job centre of chavs wanting to get their hands dirty.
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