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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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You do know that members of the EEA have to allow freedom of movement of eu people don't you?

Literally half of this post is redundant. Not voting to Geographically leave Europe?! No feckin shit.

Also for a "facts" post it still contains bullshit... our economy won't be better off by billions, that's straight nonsense.

I'll pretty sure farming will be effected, as it's one of our market that the EU deals with the most... the rebate doesn't effect the actual trade that comes to our farmers.

And as for "now we control the money we pay to the EU" ... indeed we will... if we choose to no longer trade with the EU. Which the Leave campaign has said we want to still do... and if we do, we'll have to pay close to what we do anyway for the privilege.

Also, this makes it sound like vast sums of our budget. It's not, it is literally less then 2%

And you ARE voting to keep people out. That's half the bloody Leave campaign. If you don't think immigration from the EU will become tight as hell if we leave you're living in a fantasy world.

Wasn't my post. Just something I read which I wanted an opinion on.

Still trying to get a clear picture of where to vote and this site is pro remain so wanted to see their views on pro leave points.
I've woken up with a horrible feeling that we're going to vote out, and it's going to be catastrophic for the country, both in the short and long run. The weather in London (prime remain country) is horrific, and going to stay that way all day. Everyone in here better bloody vote.
Wasn't my post. Just something I read which I wanted an opinion on.

Still trying to get a clear picture of where to vote and this site is pro remain so wanted to see their views on pro leave points.

I am not an expert of the EU and I am not a big fan of it either. I believe that it needs loads of reform. For example it should become more accountable (and expect more accountability from EU members in return), it need to revamp the freedom of movement rules (EU citizens should move freely in the EU but benefit scroungers or people with criminal records (theft, human trafficking, begging etc) should have those rights banned for a number of years)) and it must show some teeth with those countries who are making loads of dosh by allowing immigration trafficking. Having said that while reform is necessary, we are better off together than apart.

As a citizen of a small island state (admittedly smaller then Britain but more loved) I can assure you its not nice to be a small fish in the ocean. My country would have been 4-5 times richer if we didn't left our pride rule our emotion by voting against being part of the Union. We literally sit on a mountain of black oil we cant exploit because bullies from the North and from the South don't allow us to do so. Dont become that small country whose bullied by the US on one side and the EU from another
The UK was a WTO member before it became a member of the EEC. The difficulty is that the UK is a signatory to a number of WTO agreements that it signed as the UK, and a larger number that it is bound to as a member of the EU. It is unclear what happens to the latter agreements. They will likely be renegotiated, as they make clear they only apply to member states on the basis of their EU membership.
What a show this has become. Does anyone genuinely think "leave" has a chance? No way will leave win.
Also, medical and scientific research could well be affected, given UK universities get well over half their research funding from EU sources (and that money is predominantly on the science side). Now it is not clear what happens if we leave (can we still apply for it?) so it may be premature to state that a leave vote will not impact here. Most universities are preparing for the worst.
I suppose the other question leave campaigners throw is what trade does the EU offer us? The only EU country with anything of major note to trade is Germany and the Asian countries are already overtaking them in that too.
Also, medical and scientific research could well be affected, given UK universities get well over half their research funding from EU sources (and that money is predominantly on the science side). Now it is not clear what happens if we leave (can we still apply for it?) so it may be premature to state that a leave vote will not impact here. Most universities are preparing for the worst.
Not could, would be affected. Why would the EU fund British scientific research if we're not a member of the Union?
I suppose the other question leave campaigners throw is what trade does the EU offer us? The only EU country with anything of major note to trade is Germany and the Asian countries are already overtaking them in that too.
Not sure if you're serious here - the EU are worth 44.6% of our exports and 53.2% of our imports. It's the most important trade relationship we have, and it's hard to envisage that changing before the next century.
I've woken up with a horrible feeling that we're going to vote out, and it's going to be catastrophic for the country, both in the short and long run. The weather in London (prime remain country) is horrific, and going to stay that way all day. Everyone in here better bloody vote.
The weather's decent in the north-west, prime leave territory. :(
I suppose the other question leave campaigners throw is what trade does the EU offer us? The only EU country with anything of major note to trade is Germany and the Asian countries are already overtaking them in that too.

It allow freedom of movement of money which is exactly why London is the financial city of Europe. Leave Europe and others will work hard to make it difficult for London to remain competitive.
I'm just feeling so nervous that we are gonna leave. I don't want my future in the hands of some of the idiots in that leave campaign but hey that's 'democracy'.
Not could, would be affected. Why would the EU fund British scientific research if we're not a member of the Union?

Seems like we are putting in more then they are paying out.
Not sure if you're serious here - the EU are worth 44.6% of our exports and 53.2% of our imports. It's the most important trade relationship we have, and it's hard to envisage that changing before the next century.
Again, what is this import/export? What do the EU countries have to export to us and vice versa?
I'm just feeling so nervous that we are gonna leave. I don't want my future in the hands of some of the idiots in that leave campaign but hey that's 'democracy'.
It's wouldnt be. The Conservative party are majority seat holders in parliament and they are remain for the majority.
I think I've worked out Leave's strategy for reducing the overcrowding in schools and hospitals -a lot of people I know said they would leave the Uk themselves if Leave win - so if a large number of Brits leave, the schools and hospitals will have more places for the immigrants that the UK will still have to accept despite voting 'Leave' - a cunning plan.
I wonder who are the EU experts from the leave camp. Boris and Gove have never worked in Brussels. Farage is part of a party who is the most absent from votes in the European parliament. Also what is this obsession to take photos in front of a pint? Is alcoholism celebrated by the Leave camp?

Daniel Hannan is probably the most vocal and articulate on the Leave campaign with Brussels experience.
If my voting form has gone to a previous address, can I still turn up at the polling station for that address and cast my vote?
Daniel Hannan is probably the most vocal and articulate on the Leave campaign with Brussels experience.

An interesting article by him which brings up some interesting points.

The main one being, even with an EU referendum looming, the EU straight up refused the new renegotiation terms of its second richest country. If we vote to remain, meaning another referendum is unlikely and membership will be for the foreseeable future, then what's stopping the EU from completely destroying our current deal and forcing us into a really shitty one that negatively affects the country?

An interesting article by him which brings up some interesting points.

The main one being, even with an EU referendum looming, the EU straight up refused the new renegotiation terms of its second richest country. If we vote to remain, meaning another referendum is unlikely and membership will be for the foreseeable future, then what's stopping the EU from completely destroying our current deal and forcing us into a really shitty one that negatively affects the country?

If that happened, a second referendum would be called straight away and we'd leave. It really is that simple.

Also the current terms went ahead because we voted for them to. It would take another vote from us for them to renegade on those terms - not going to happen.

Seems like we are putting in more then they are paying out.

Again, what is this import/export? What do the EU countries have to export to us and vice versa?

On the tube mate, not sure if I'll be able to properly reply to this till the afternoon. Hopefully someone else can. I've repeatedly read that university funding will be significantly weakened by an out vote (from trusted/ prominent services), though I haven't personally validated these claims, I haven't seen them debunked anywhere. In regards to exports/ imports, the numbers are there, not sure how much more you're looking for? We buy food and drink from all over Europe, cars from lots of countries, literally the majority of goods and services we bring in are from the EU countries. Imports are then good for countries as they improve consumer choice and quality while simultaneously lowering prices through the higher competition.
We export less because that's the country we've built, I'd assume that services (financial and other) are a more significant proportion of our exports than imports. Quote highlighting support from the 'small' business community:
Of all British small and medium-sized businesses that export, 88% do so to the EU. 75% of small businesses want to remain in the EU, compared to 6% who want to leave (source: Federation of Small Businesses).

Quick q - haven't seen any Nate Silver this election. Is he too burned from last year to get involved in the UK again?
I think beyond the referendum one of Labours big problems will be regaining a lot of the working class vote that they have lost to UKIP through this referendum. This is only a loose prediction based on the feedback I am getting where I am. Every single working class person at my company is voting leave. Their main concern is immigration and don't feel Labour represent them on that front at all, quite the opposite in fact.
Heading to cast my vote this afternoon, easiest decision I've ever made. If we leave I'll be mortified.
Again, I haven't validated these claims myself, but universities and research bodies are quite clearly for remain:

There's no reason I can think of why such institutions would vote against their best interests. We're the centre of the EU for research excellence and thusly do very well out of funding from the European Research Council. It's quite clear that those ties will be weakened by a vote that takes us out of the European Union.
I think beyond the referendum one of Labours big problems will be regaining a lot of the working class vote that they have lost to UKIP through this referendum. This is only a loose prediction based on the feedback I am getting where I am. Every single working class person at my company is voting leave. Their main concern is immigration and don't feel Labour represent them on that front at all, quite the opposite in fact.

I weep for those making this decision based on immigration.
Voted. Very tiny snapshot .But if the rest of the country was like my polling station .It could turn out to be quite a high turnout. What is it with the pencils though.
If that happened, a second referendum would be called straight away and we'd leave. It really is that simple.

Also the current terms went ahead because we voted for them to. It would take another vote from us for them to renegade on those terms - not going to happen.
Except everybody involved has admitted that there won't be another referendum after this one regardless of what happens.

Also, won't the EU keep pushing their luck, offering us worse and worse deals if we stay in? Threatening to leave, being called out on it and then not following through puts us in a very weak position.
On the tube mate, not sure if I'll be able to properly reply to this till the afternoon. Hopefully someone else can. I've repeatedly read that university funding will be significantly weakened by an out vote (from trusted/ prominent services), though I haven't personally validated these claims, I haven't seen them debunked anywhere. In regards to exports/ imports, the numbers are there, not sure how much more you're looking for? We buy food and drink from all over Europe, cars from lots of countries, literally the majority of goods and services we bring in are from the EU countries. Imports are then good for countries as they improve consumer choice and quality while simultaneously lowering prices through the higher competition.
We export less because that's the country we've built, I'd assume that services (financial and other) are a more significant proportion of our exports than imports. Quote highlighting support from the 'small' business community:

Quick q - haven't seen any Nate Silver this election. Is he too burned from last year to get involved in the UK again?
It's our money they put in though. We pay £13th. They give us £4.5b.

Also, the question is whether we can get the same trade elsewhere with better terms. Shifting our trade from Europe to other parts of the world would happen if we left. Can we do better though? The reason why we are so dependant on the EU for trade is because we are a member. Not necessarily the other wayou round.
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