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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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What a load of rubbish. If we vote remain we will not be given another chance to vote leave for generations. If we vote leave it is likely the EU would have us back if it came to that. These repeated comments from Cameron etc saying this vote is final is just to scare people to vote remain. The EU will be weaker when we leave and if you believe remain then the UK would also be weaker so there is no reason the EU wouldn't have us back to carry on with their plans if Brexit failed. No doubt they would try and punish us for it though if we came crawling back but I don't think we would need to go back if we left.
What a load of rubbish. If we vote remain we will not be given another chance to vote leave for generations.
The Leave crowd have already spoken about pushing for further referenda; and why wouldn't they? For those people, it's the only game in town...
What a load of rubbish. If we vote remain we will not be given another chance to vote leave for generations. If we vote leave it is likely the EU would have us back if it came to that. These repeated comments from Cameron etc saying this vote is final is just to scare people to vote remain. The EU will be weaker when we leave and if you believe remain then the UK would also be weaker so there is no reason the EU wouldn't have us back to carry on with their plans if Brexit failed. No doubt they would try and punish us for it though if we came crawling back but I don't think we would need to go back if we left.

That's your opinion, and not any semblance of fact at all. If you can't at least admit that then there's little point in even responding. If we want to go back it will require the agreement of all 27 member states. Fact. You're welcome to try and dispute it, but until you can do so (which you can't) then it's not a load of rubbish in the slightest. Neither is it rubbish that we can decide to leave at any time, because your personal opinion is that we won't get the chance. None of this changes the fact that what it states is entirely true. I'm sorry if you don't like it or it doesn't help convincing people to leave, but it is what it is.

Also your use of the term scaremongering is incredibly boring now. Considering the entire leave campaign is built on scaremongering. Scaremongering about how Brussels are ruining our lives, scaremongering about immigrants taking our jobs, scaremongering about immigrants taking all our benefits, scaremongering about our economy being seriously disadvantaged. Scaremongering about Turkey. Scaremongering about an EU army. Scaremongering about terrorism. Scaremongering about who sets our laws. Take a long look in the mirror before you throw that shite around. It's funny that the leave campaign who are the ones repeatedly using the term scaremongering are the ones who cannot come up with a shred of evidence to prove half of the allegations that they make, or any kind of plan to address them and yet that's not scaremongering but when the vast majority of experts and authorities in their fields give opinions based on previous experience, statistics, facts and figures it's dismissed as scaremongering. What a joke. It would be a lot easier if they just admit that they had no idea what they were going to do, instead of refusing to answer every direct question that they're asked about the issue and resorting to the term 'scaremongering'.

'Don't drive Dave, you'll get pulled over by the police you've been drinking'
'Come on Steve, don't give me that rubbish. You're scaremongering. I'll be fine. The odds are I won't even see a police man on the way home.'

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His sister is as well. And judging by his performance (end speech aside), Boris is probably against Brexit as well.
In fairness, Boris' brain taking quite some time to catch up with his mouth wouldn't be a unique occurrence.
Made it back from my ban.....

I see remain are pulling out all the stops now. Sky and BBC news channels are just repeating pro remain, pro EU footage over and over, it is ridiculously biased. I also think remain won the BBC debate last night as the leave side were getting rather repetitive with their 'take back control' slogan. The Scottish politician Ruth Davidson did really well for remain and probably won them the debate although Boris's speech at the end got the best crowd reaction.

Can't help that feel it's a losing battle for leave but it always was. It is still very possible that leave could win and it must be very close given how panicked the remain side have been. But with the constant stream of pro remain footage coming out of our televisions I can see that swaying some of the undecided to vote remain and go with the status quo. It wont have change any leave voters minds though that's for sure so its all about turnout. Leave voters will turn up. I just hope remain voters don't bother. Who would be passionate about staying in the EU anyway with the way its headed? Vote leave.
Yep that's how I see it. Just don't think there'll be enough turnout for Remain. Like Farage said to Sky, its about passion when it comes to voting.

Boris Johnson's interview this morning

and twitter poll - 30% remain, 62% leave
Turnout will be higher than the GE, fairly confident of that.
Doubt it, not with the likely numbers if Remain was to win. There would be still a sizeable majority very much against the EU and our likely next PM is the face of the Leave campaign.

You reckon Boris will be the next Tory leader if Remain wins?
That's your opinion, and not any semblance of fact at all. If you can't at least admit that then there's little point in even responding. If we want to go back it will require the agreement of all 27 member states. Fact. You're welcome to try and dispute it, but until you can do so (which you can't) then it's not a load of rubbish in the slightest. Neither is it rubbish that we can decide to leave at any time, because your personal opinion is that we won't get the chance. None of this changes the fact that what it states is entirely true. I'm sorry if you don't like it or it doesn't help convincing people to leave, but it is what it is.

Also your use of the term scaremongering is incredibly boring now. Considering the entire leave campaign is built on scaremongering. Scaremongering about how Brussels are ruining our lives, scaremongering about immigrants taking our jobs, scaremongering about immigrants taking all our benefits, scaremongering about our economy being seriously disadvantaged. Scaremongering about Turkey. Scaremongering about an EU army. Scaremongering about terrorism. Scaremongering about who sets our laws. Take a long look in the mirror before you throw that shite around. It's funny that the leave campaign who are the ones repeatedly using the term scaremongering are the ones who cannot come up with a shred of evidence to prove half of the allegations that they make, or any kind of plan to address them and yet that's not scaremongering but when the vast majority of experts and authorities in their fields give opinions based on previous experience, statistics, facts and figures it's dismissed as scaremongering. What a joke. It would be a lot easier if they just admit that they had no idea what they were going to do, instead of refusing to answer every direct question that they're asked about the issue and resorting to the term 'scaremongering'.

'Don't drive Dave, you'll get pulled over by the police you've been drinking'
'Come on Steve, don't give me that rubbish. You're scaremongering. I'll be fine. The odds are I won't even see a police man on the way home.'


Bravo. The scaremongering and project fear claims from the Brexit side are just absolute bollocks. Asking what the plan is after a potential leave vote isn't scaremongering, and just because there is no plan it's mental to label it as such.
How will this affect the GBP-Euro conversion rate? Going away next week.
You reckon Boris will be the next Tory leader if Remain wins?

I suspect he will, he will remain the favourite and given the majority of the Party (supporters, not MPs) would prefer to Leave anyway - he will remain popular amongst those people. He is also to his credit much more electable than say Osborne. May will probably be his biggest threat.
The drop in rate just based on the possibility of an exit were bad enough to scare me mate. feck knows what'll happen if the vote goes the wrong way, could end up £1=$1
Nice. That means I won't have to go the bank to get foreign currency, right? I'm in.
That's your opinion, and not any semblance of fact at all. If you can't at least admit that then there's little point in even responding. If we want to go back it will require the agreement of all 27 member states. Fact. You're welcome to try and dispute it, but until you can do so (which you can't) then it's not a load of rubbish in the slightest. Neither is it rubbish that we can decide to leave at any time, because your personal opinion is that we won't get the chance. None of this changes the fact that what it states is entirely true. I'm sorry if you don't like it or it doesn't help convincing people to leave, but it is what it is.

Also your use of the term scaremongering is incredibly boring now. Considering the entire leave campaign is built on scaremongering. Scaremongering about how Brussels are ruining our lives, scaremongering about immigrants taking our jobs, scaremongering about immigrants taking all our benefits, scaremongering about our economy being seriously disadvantaged. Scaremongering about Turkey. Scaremongering about an EU army. Scaremongering about terrorism. Scaremongering about who sets our laws. Take a long look in the mirror before you throw that shite around. It's funny that the leave campaign who are the ones repeatedly using the term scaremongering are the ones who cannot come up with a shred of evidence to prove half of the allegations that they make, or any kind of plan to address them and yet that's not scaremongering but when the vast majority of experts and authorities in their fields give opinions based on previous experience, statistics, facts and figures it's dismissed as scaremongering. What a joke. It would be a lot easier if they just admit that they had no idea what they were going to do, instead of refusing to answer every direct question that they're asked about the issue and resorting to the term 'scaremongering'.

'Don't drive Dave, you'll get pulled over by the police you've been drinking'
'Come on Steve, don't give me that rubbish. You're scaremongering. I'll be fine. The odds are I won't even see a police man on the way home.'


Wow. You really did go off on a rant. You sound like Rafa Benitez with your 'facts'.

You said 'your use of the term scaremongering is incredibly boring now' can you show me where I used that term in my reply to you?

What I actually said was Cameron is claiming this vote would be final, which I believe he is doing to scare people into voting for the status quo and I also don't believe it would be final if it really came to it and we needed to return. The EU is ever expanding taking in more and more countries who have much less clout and economic power than us so I think on balance the 27 member states would probably have us back.....No that is not a 'fact' and I never claimed it to be. It's also not a fact that the EU won't implode and face economic collapse by the end of the year if we stay in either but I think it's likely, it's just an opinion.

Then you went on to some rant about how the leave campaign is built on scaremongering like that is personally my fault. Even if it were true I very rarely mention the types of 'scaremongering' that you claim Leave use when I discuss this subject. Remain have used their fair share of scare tactics so its a bit rich to say leaves campaign is based on scaremongering and imply that remains isn't.

Funny how your whole angry post was about the term scaremongering when I never even used that phrase.
How the hell can people vote for a movement led by such chancers and incompetents as, well...:

Boris Johnson said:
"What are my views on drugs? Actually, I've forgotten my views on drugs."
The sad thing for me is... were it not for xenophobia and racism... this referendum vote wouldn't be all that close. Depressing to think that if we vote to leave, that is what will have tipped the balance.
Remain and reform is wishful thinking – the left should vote leave

Nigel Wilmott:I hoped the EU would spread social democracy. Instead it has imposed austerity to pay for an unregulated financial system. Working-class people are right to vote against it
In Italy, an elected prime minister (albeit one held in ccontempt) was forced out of power and replaced by an unelected technocrat'.

Is that saying Berlusconi was unjustly forced out of power? Nothing to do with his corruption charges, fraud charges and sex offences?
the thought of co-habiting with a bunch of morons is not appealing (assuming Leave wins)

Praying that the silent ones come out to vote Remain because to lose to such an underhand campaign and seeing so many gullible people sucked in, would be sickening
Wow. You really did go off on a rant. You sound like Rafa Benitez with your 'facts'.

You said 'your use of the term scaremongering is incredibly boring now' can you show me where I used that term in my reply to you?

What I actually said was Cameron is claiming this vote would be final, which I believe he is doing to scare people into voting for the status quo and I also don't believe it would be final if it really came to it and we needed to return. The EU is ever expanding taking in more and more countries who have much less clout and economic power than us so I think on balance the 27 member states would probably have us back.....No that is not a 'fact' and I never claimed it to be. It's also not a fact that the EU won't implode and face economic collapse by the end of the year if we stay in either but I think it's likely, it's just an opinion.

Then you went on to some rant about how the leave campaign is built on scaremongering like that is personally my fault. Even if it were true I very rarely mention the types of 'scaremongering' that you claim Leave use when I discuss this subject. Remain have used their fair share of scare tactics so its a bit rich to say leaves campaign is based on scaremongering and imply that remains isn't.

Funny how your whole angry post was about the term scaremongering when I never even used that phrase.

These repeated comments from Cameron etc saying this vote is final is just to scare people to vote remain.

Right here? And don't try to be pedantic and argue that technically you didn't say it, because trying to scare is what scaremongering means. It's literally the definition of the word. It just happens to be the leave campaigns favourite buzz word next to 'project fear' which I'm sick of hearing and whether you say scaremongering or trying to scare, you're saying the same thing and if you feel better about it, substitute each mention of 'scaremongering' in my post with 'trying to scare' and the message that you deflected by bringing up semantics still stands.

And no, what you actually said was that poster was a load of rubbish, despite 100% of what it said being true. In order for it to be a load of rubbish, the information on it would have to be wrong.

I didn't say that remains campaign didn't use scare tactics, they absolutely have. Because the legitimate possible outcomes are actually scary. Leave campaigners trying to dismiss that does not change that it's true. The very fact that they are possibilities is absolutely terrifying. There's no getting away from it. The fact that you believe it will not happen does nothing to quell this because you have absolutely no evidence to back it up. Unlike the opinions of the top experts in the fields. What I said is that it's incredibly rich of the leave campaign to keep using the term, when they themselves are the ones guilty of it. Their entire campaign is built around it.
The first people that will get seriously hit are home owners with mortgages.
I thought Remain was moving ahead in virtually every poll. Why the sudden doom and gloom?
I dared to get into a facebook debate on it. Sure that seems a huge mistake, but I did pull a liner out that practically shut down the argument.

People were banging on about taking back our power and those gosh darn inmigrants as usual, and someone posted "well we can at least take back all our power"

So I simply replied "yeah, and give it to the Tories"

I swear I could actually hear a few brains popping reading that, and silence since :lol:
The first people that will get seriously hit are home owners with mortgages.
I thought Remain was moving ahead in virtually every poll. Why the sudden doom and gloom?
Think it's just general pessimism. Still confident of a Remain win myself.
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