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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Sorry if this has been discussed before - but if we Leave, how do you think that will impact football transfers?

Players from Spain, Germany France will need a permit or work Visa i'm assuming?
Is it likely to put British clubs at a disadvantage in the transfer market?
Could it encourage more development for homegrown players?
Work permits. Academy players in terms of the homegrown quota will = specifically English players, rather than EU nationals, which will further have a negative impact on our teams. And in the immediate term, the crash in the £ Brexit will precipitate, will mean it will cost us more to bring in players from the EU... Scudamore has already come out in favour of Remain, for obvious reasons.
Sorry if this has been discussed before - but if we Leave, how do you think that will impact football transfers?

Players from Spain, Germany France will need a permit or work Visa i'm assuming?
Is it likely to put British clubs at a disadvantage in the transfer market?
Could it encourage more development for homegrown players?
Yes. I think almost a 100 players in PL alone will be disqualified if Brexit happens. Add to it many youngsters in the academy also get disqualified.
Utd will lose the likes of Mata, Morgan and Martial I think. City will lose Navas, Nasri, Mangala etc

It will probably result in more homegrown players getting opportunities, but I doubt how much English clubs will be able to compete in Europe with mostly English talents.
Yes. I think almost a 100 players in PL alone will be disqualified if Brexit happens. Add to it many youngsters in the academy also get disqualified.
Utd will lose the likes of Mata, Morgan and Martial I think. City will lose Navas, Nasri, Mangala etc

It will probably result in more homegrown players getting opportunities, but I doubt how much English clubs will be able to compete in Europe with mostly English talents.
Would Arsenal or Chelsea be able to field a starting XI?
Honestly a spoiled vote/no option is a stupid idea in a Yes/No referendum. I can see it being useful when you have to pick amongst a list of MPs, as if somehow Spoiled votes/No options won, we could sack off all the candidates and reorganise a by-election. Not sure how it would work in a Yes-No contest.
Agreed. It's a fairly simple yes or no decision. Democracy and governance functions through people being able to make tough decisions from imperfect choices.
Would Arsenal or Chelsea be able to field a starting XI?
I am not exactly aware of all the rules. But if the players were representing their NTs and the teams are not ranked below some cut off, then I think they can get the permit.
Yes. I think almost a 100 players in PL alone will be disqualified if Brexit happens. Add to it many youngsters in the academy also get disqualified.
Utd will lose the likes of Mata, Morgan and Martial I think. City will lose Navas, Nasri, Mangala etc

It will probably result in more homegrown players getting opportunities, but I doubt how much English clubs will be able to compete in Europe with mostly English talents.

Imagine Troy Deeney's value post-Brexit..
the most probably immediate consequence will be a fall in the value of the £ - potentially 20% or so which will make foreign players 20% more expensive

Anything else ref contracts, work permits etc will remain the same whilst a settlement is negotiated but the currency would be pretty immediate

Work permits. Academy players in terms of the homegrown quota will = specifically English players, rather than EU nationals, which will further have a negative impact on our teams. And in the immediate term, the crash in the £ Brexit will precipitate, will mean it will cost us more to bring in players from the EU... Scudamore has already come out in favour of Remain, for obvious reasons.

Yes. I think almost a 100 players in PL alone will be disqualified if Brexit happens. Add to it many youngsters in the academy also get disqualified.
Utd will lose the likes of Mata, Morgan and Martial I think. City will lose Navas, Nasri, Mangala etc

It will probably result in more homegrown players getting opportunities, but I doubt how much English clubs will be able to compete in Europe with mostly English talents.

Interesting, according to most economists the effects of Brexit on the economy and the value of the £ range from 'bad to very, very, very bad' in the short term, and the long term effects less easier to predict for obvious reasons. Even the brief period in which the Leave campaign were ahead the value of the £ dropped quite significantly.
We're already charged a premium just for being Man United, long term loss in value to the £ could be really bad.

And for buying players, particularly at a young age, the likes of Januzaj, Pogba, TFM etc, would be less likely to come to British academies, and that could further hold us back against Europe's elite. On the other hand, developing British talent has been a key strategy at the end of basically every football tournament for the last decade or so.
Yes. I think almost a 100 players in PL alone will be disqualified if Brexit happens. Add to it many youngsters in the academy also get disqualified.
Utd will lose the likes of Mata, Morgan and Martial I think. City will lose Navas, Nasri, Mangala etc

It will probably result in more homegrown players getting opportunities, but I doubt how much English clubs will be able to compete in Europe with mostly English talents.

Actually they change the work permit rules for footballers a couple of years ago - its not now 75% of internationals over the last 2 years

For example Mata would qualify based on his wages (3 points) and having played over 30% of minutes

Morgan would qualify based on wages and minutes as well... same as Martial

all would almost certainly get extra points for transfer fee (however they retrospectively worked that)

Plus Morgan has been in the UK so long I think he could apply for indefinate leave to remain? - if not he could easily qualift for a fiance visa based on being engaged to a Uk citizen and his wages.

Besides all current arangements would remain whilst any new settlement was re-negotiated
I don't know if you guys got it down south but BoJo's letter in the Scottish Metro is hilarious. It basically reads as a parody of Braveheart. If I'm honest I'm not sure he didn't just nick it from there.

'They'll never take our FREEEEEEEEEEDOM' for a whole page.
@Nick 0208 Ldn

Thoughts on this? I know this is an issue you care about, do you think it makes little difference either way?

Britain should stay in Europe for the sake of its countryside and natural world, according to a group of current and former ministers, MPs and representatives of conservation organisations.

In a letter to The Independent, the 37 signatories write that: “It’s only with a strong voice in the EU that we can protect and enhance the environment, meaning that our precious wildlife and natural resources are preserved for generations to come.”

The list of names is impressive. Liz Truss and Rory Stewart, the current environment secretary and environment minister, are on there, along with Stanley Johnson, a long-time environmentalist and former Tory MEP, and father of Brexiter-in-chief, Boris Johnson. Former heads of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, the Countryside Alliance, and the Environment Agency feature too.

While climate change has had a fair airing in the TV debates and the campaign – repeatedly deployed by the remain camp as an example of a problem that can’t be solved without working in the EU – the natural world has hardly featured.

Yet the UK used to be known as the “dirty man of Europe”, and almost all our protections for wildlife and nature come from the EU,from the birds and habitats directives to ones on river water quality and bathing water. “By working in partnership with other European countries we have ensured our rivers, streams and coastline are in the healthiest state for 25 years,” the letter writers say, adding that “EU action has also led to an increase in bird numbers.”

(Guardian liveblog)
Where is the racism in those posts? Firstly accusing others of racism isn't racist, secondly they don't really suggest anyone is a racist, rather a bit of a Little Englander and thirdly those posts very accurately reflect the motivations of a significant portion of the Britex movement plus the "final solution" post is obviously joking.
What this guy said:

So, for the sake of clarification, it is now permissible on the Caf to falsely paint an entire group as xenophobic, racist and Islamophobic? Did we not used to have standards on this site requiring posters to respect each other and discuss issues accordingly?

There were comparisons drawn with Enoch Powell, the Nazis, people who want to ban all Muslims, and a suggestion that Leavers don't want any 'dark-faced foreigner'; but it was all just banter eh. Or alternatively, Wibble sees it as justified.

If my joking posts crossed a line did farrage jump the shark

Farage did that with his ridiculous comment about Aids during a 2015 GE debate.

But I've not been talking with the leader of UKIP, i've been exchanging posts with you. And going by your reply there doesn't appear to be the least acceptance that those earlier posts could have been offensive.

You are accusing three posters of being racist because they pointed out the racist undertones, or rather overtones of the Brexit campaign.
that reminds of the man on TV the other day - How dare you call me racist . .. everyone around here will be black soon
You're accusing me, who couldn't be less racist, who is married to you know one of those nasty EU nationals, my children and grandchildren have dual nationality

You keep waffling on about how bad the EU is or is becoming without any shred of evidence of what you're rambling on about, then anyone who disagrees with you you start being sarcastic and getting on your superior high horse and sometimes downright rude. . Well if you were so intelligent why in god's name can't you see what damage leaving the EU will do to the UK, your grandchildren will be eternally grateful to you.

Originally I thought you actually knew what you were talking about but apparently you're just one of the tinfoil hat brigade who refuses to listen to anyone who disagrees with them, I have no idea what your agenda is but it is certainly not having the welfare of the UK at heart.

I am accusing you of falsely describing others as either xenophobic or racist.

However i see that we are back to Leave = Dumb. Do you never get tired of all this, Paul?
IMO its the only way the EU can work, as it is now its shite

EDIT: Was meant to reply to this post

Complete political and fiscal union would be a hard sell.

Quite the opposite it's one of the main detrimental factors in the EU. You can't have a single currency across such different industries, it's an economic nightmare.

Standardisation within the market is one thing but you need fiscal flexibility to react.
So, for the sake of clarification, it is now permissible on the Caf to falsely paint an entire group as xenophobic, racist and Islamophobic? Did we not used to have standards on this site requiring posters to respect each other and discuss issues accordingly?

There were comparisons drawn with Enoch Powell, the Nazis, people who want to ban all Muslims, and a suggestion that Leavers don't want any 'dark-faced foreigner'; but it was all just banter eh. Or alternatively, Wibble sees it as justified.

Farage did that with his ridiculous comment about Aids during a 2015 GE debate.

But I've not been talking with the leader of UKIP, i've been exchanging posts with you. And going by your reply there doesn't appear to be the least acceptance that those earlier posts could have been offensive.

I am accusing you of falsely describing others as either xenophobic or racist.

However i see that we are back to Leave = Dumb. Do you never get tired of all this, Paul?

If you think there are no xenophobic or racist people in Brexit, then I believe you are a little naïve, and I have not accused you of being so.
As for being dumb, looking at it from an economic aspect, nothing will ever convince me that leave is nothing but a disaster economically for the UK - if someone wants their own country to suffer economically because of some idealistic utopia then yes, sorry, but I would say that is dumb.
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I'm still somewhat undecided and I've been trying to find a good or even half-decent rebuttal to that Dougan video, as it's probably the best thing I've seen/read on the debate so far. I haven't succeeded - has anyone else?
I'm still somewhat undecided and I've been trying to find a good or even half-decent rebuttal to that Dougan video, as it's probably the best thing I've seen/read on the debate so far. I haven't succeeded - has anyone else?
There isn't one because he's entirely right.
Made it back from my ban.....

I see remain are pulling out all the stops now. Sky and BBC news channels are just repeating pro remain, pro EU footage over and over, it is ridiculously biased. I also think remain won the BBC debate last night as the leave side were getting rather repetitive with their 'take back control' slogan. The Scottish politician Ruth Davidson did really well for remain and probably won them the debate although Boris's speech at the end got the best crowd reaction.

Can't help that feel it's a losing battle for leave but it always was. It is still very possible that leave could win and it must be very close given how panicked the remain side have been. But with the constant stream of pro remain footage coming out of our televisions I can see that swaying some of the undecided to vote remain and go with the status quo. It wont have change any leave voters minds though that's for sure so its all about turnout. Leave voters will turn up. I just hope remain voters don't bother. Who would be passionate about staying in the EU anyway with the way its headed? Vote leave.
Quite the opposite it's one of the main detrimental factors in the EU. You can't have a single currency across such different industries, it's an economic nightmare.

Standardisation within the market is one thing but you need fiscal flexibility to react.

Disagree, and that's why the eu is crap
If I understand this correctly, footballers from Europe can walk into any country and work without any documentation? How come I cant?
You can't even work in your own country without any documentation so I'm not sure what you're talking about. The amount will vary from country to country of course.

Boris Johnson promises to publicly apologise if Brexit triggers recession
He's actually a cartoon character. Rather than come up with something to stop a recession he'll say sorry? What a fecking moron.
You can't even work in your own country without any documentation so I'm not sure what you're talking about. The amount will vary from country to country of course.

He's actually a cartoon character. Rather than come up with something to stop a recession he'll say sorry? What a fecking moron.
"I would like to publicly apologize. Apparently the French do not like British made knickers and chocolate cake as much as I thought."
Made it back from my ban.....

I see remain are pulling out all the stops now. Sky and BBC news channels are just repeating pro remain, pro EU footage over and over, it is ridiculously biased. I also think remain won the BBC debate last night as the leave side were getting rather repetitive with their 'take back control' slogan. The Scottish politician Ruth Davidson did really well for remain and probably won them the debate although Boris's speech at the end got the best crowd reaction.

Can't help that feel it's a losing battle for leave but it always was. It is still very possible that leave could win and it must be very close given how panicked the remain side have been. But with the constant stream of pro remain footage coming out of our televisions I can see that swaying some of the undecided to vote remain and go with the status quo. It wont have change any leave voters minds though that's for sure so its all about turnout. Leave voters will turn up. I just hope remain voters don't bother. Who would be passionate about staying in the EU anyway with the way its headed? Take back control. Vote leave.
Jacobin magazine has endorsed Remain, this must mean they are part of the globalist corporate conspiracy.

So the choice in this referendum is not, as the proponents of Lexit would have it, between a neoliberal Fortress Europe and a progressive Britain freed from the shackles of the bosses’ club. It’s a choice between a neoliberal Fortress Europe and an ultra-neoliberal Fortress Little Britain where the hard right has the upper hand.
Just remember that if you're out, you're out. You won't be able to keep all the benefits of the EU while ditching all the obligations.

Who is in danger?
Players with an EU passport are currently free to play in the UK. Those without must meet Home Office criteria, the most important being that they are established internationals for leading nations.

Analysis of squads in the first two tiers in England and the Scottish Premiership has revealed a total of 332 players would fail to meet the current standards.

More than 100 Premier League players would be affected with Aston Villa, Newcastle United and Watford facing losing 11 players from their squads, while Championship side Charlton Athletic would need to find 13 replacements.

In fact, only 23 of the 180 non-British EU players currently playing in the Championship would get work permits - and most of those are former internationals from Ireland or Commonwealth nations with British passports.

Remarkably, none of the 53 non-British EU players in the Scottish Premiership would qualify for a permit on the basis of their international career alone.

That is the same situation for 63 non-British EU players in League One and 46 in League Two.
@Nick 0208 Ldn

Thoughts on this? I know this is an issue you care about, do you think it makes little difference either way?

(Guardian liveblog)

Indeed it is, i have direct debits with a few of those organisations mentioned. Whilst it is undeniably true that the EU of the past raised standards in some important areas, those things are now seen as expected by the the majority alive today. And though unsustainable increases in population are is a concern in southern England in particular, the most immediate threats to our countryside derive from a source outside closer to home, namely Westminster. Cuts, planning reforms, short-term policy making on development and flood prevention e.t.c.

Additionally, the introduction of TTIP could bring about a reversal of the progress made by ourselves and other European nations. Yes, there is broad opposition on the streets of the continent (for which i am glad), but the controversial statements made by the EU's the Trade Commissioner cast a worrying light upon the mindset of those in power. Unintentionally, Brexit might be a blessing in this regard, as it can't but cause a further delay in negotiations.
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