EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I don't get Leadson's point. She wants to leave the EU and "take back control" and go down the Switzerland and Norway route. Yet they have freedom of movement as well, a part of being involved in the single market. That's a bit contradictory - suggests she has no plan.
I don't get Leadson's point. She wants to leave the EU and "take back control" and go down the Switzerland and Norway route. Yet they have freedom of movement as well, a part of being involved in the single market. That's a bit contradictory - suggests she has no plan.

But this is what so many people don't understand and it's so frustrating when you explain it and they still don't get it. We're not trading with the EU without free movement, so we're not surviving without free movement. One of the biggest lies with Brexit.
How many times are Leave going to utter the phrase "take back control"?
All Leave is doing when confronted with a valid point or asked a valid question is to say their "take back control" catchphrase.

EDIT: @ the 4 posters above me :lol: great minds
I dunno, I'm watching European football instead.

Take that, 'leavers'.

You telling me you're watching Turkey play football instead of watching dear Boris? You may as well just invite all of Syria and Iraq over!
UKIP's defence of their poster as a widely printed press photo is hilariously weak: As if people are suggesting the photo is inherently racist rather than the slogan and context.
This whole debate has become so toxic, I'm really worried regardless of the outcome on Thursday we're all going to have to do a lot of work to figure out how we can all live together and tolerate each other.
Sadiq Kahn has been particularly impressive given has been fasting all day
Did Vote Leave ever said that they would deport all RU hospital staff or something? This line of attack is both tiresome and a gross act of deceit.

Following on the BBC transcript, sounds like Leave's getting a battering. True?

I don't think either of them are on top. Mostly, it's been like two noisy terriers fighting over a piece of meat. There have been some rather undignifed moments mind.
Greece have to sort out their problems that they created.

What we do in response is #takebackcontrol and leave them to their shit.
Sadiq Kahn has been particularly impressive given has been fasting all day

Wow that's quite impressive. I could have sworn Boris Johnson was fasting given his performance tonight. Though some good points just now.

As an aside, I'm not sure if this is a debate - or if it's an excuse for a drinking game #takebackcontrol
I don't think either of them are on top. Mostly, it's been like two noisy terriers fighting over a piece of meat. There have been some rather undignifed moments mind.

Par for the course then. Don't really know how people can stomach these TV debates. Rarely anything interesting said and inconsequential unless someone makes a gaff.

As an aside, I'm not sure if this is a debate - or if it's an excuse for a drinking game #takebackcontrol

'As a mother'
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