EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Take back control from experts is the message I've got today.

Finally Sack Fergie, Sell Giggs makes sense. Just about 10 years too late
I'd have subbed on Caroline Lucas & Tim Farron. Ruth Davidson has smashed it all round the park. She done proper good for Remain.

Style over substance takes it for Leave, only my opinion & I'm consistently wrong about stuff, :D
What did Boris say to get that reaction. Just a bunch of Boris fan boys and girls.
As an aside, I find the idea of the EU thinking 'the Brits are friendly' to be one of the most amusing things I've read in this whole debate.
Yeah, the only EU country who always liked to be just a bit on EU (no Schengen, no EURO) is very EU-friendly. Hilarious to read that.
Our take back control drinking game lasted less than 30 minutes with over 10 shots :lol:
Boris' most coherent and powerful segment and he left it till last.

Bill Pullman and Will Smithy Vote Leave btw. ;)
Ruth Davidson should have answered every question for the remain side.

Boris' Independance Day line was awful.
Not by referendum though? Can't see a government realistically choosing it either.

If popular opinion continues to rise against the European Union then I'm sure we would get another referendum or the government would decide for us. Reason we have one right now is because it was part of an election promise. I just think a set plan rather than unlikely promises would be a better way to go about it.
Imagine Boris Johnson offering you hope. Imagine.

What is that cheering about, did a dog walk on behind Boris and lick its bollocks or something?

Khan is a lying sack of shit just like the rest of them. Took about 2 weeks until his major election promise was proven to be a lie.
He can gfh.
Not by referendum though? Can't see a government realistically choosing it either.

I don't see why we couldn't have another referendum if a major change in circumstances occurred, or just leave without one if that was the consensus, after all, we joined without one.

Just suppose one of the claims by Leave were actually true, such as the EU saying Turkey was joining, and our veto didn't count.
It won't happen, but if it did, we could just leave then.
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Cant say I have been paying much attention to much of the campaigning on this, but assume Boris' position is more about profile building and trying to stick finger in Camerons eye as he lines up a run for leadership of the Tories at some stage is it?

The fact that people actually listen to him, never mind vote for him, is a damning indictment on British democracy... Boris Johnson, safeguarding Britain, sorry Great Britain, for the working man.

As a general rule I tend to think if you find yourself on the same side of an argument as Katie Hopkins you probably need to have a quiet word with yourself

Bernie Ecclestone surprises me.
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