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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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It's not saying much to question the intelligence of people who dismiss leading expert analysis as "bollocks" (I'll spell it right) whilst giving no reason or justification for doing so.
Hitler had no time for experts, and look how he ended up - getting no royalties from Youtube.
I attended a debate recently within the finance industry and even that was largely split. I know the majority view here is that anyone voting leave is an uninformed idiot but I really don't think that's the case. It's a very wide mix throughout the country across every level.

Remain will win as people are risk averse, fear prevails over hope of change which is why the tories won the last election.
I'm surprised. Most of the asset management industry seem to be backing remain. A few high profile exceptions, such as Crispin Odey though.
It's not saying much to question the intelligence of people who dismiss leading expert analysis as "bollocks" (I'll spell it right) whilst giving no reason or justification for doing so.
Sory for the spelling, but its my holiday and i've had a few abbots down the pub :)
have to squint to see my pad.

So are you saying that the remmainers are more inteligent?

Interesting thought.
Lets remember that the polls are 50/50. Uncertainty is a strong fear factor.
I get the impression here that the remain people regard themselves as the more inteligent. Or are they just youngsters?

Educational attainment level (which is an indicator of ability to analyse information and think critically I suppose rather than intelligence) and age are certainly factors when you look at the demographic breakdown in the polls...

I certainly don't think many highly educated people would be classifying themselves as inteligent though... intelligent perhaps?

Where I live and work immigrants make up less than 1% of the population. Despite that, the majority of people happily buy the idea that immigration is to blame for unemployment and underfunded public services. 'They took our jobs' is an easy narrative which promises a simple fix to a complex problem. It also nestles very well which the bile and racism the tabloids have been pushing since the dawn of time. Sadly the more logical 'the cumulative effects of 30 years of negligent and often hostile government policy took our jobs' doesn't have the same ring.
Educational attainment level (which is an indicator of ability to analyse information and think critically I suppose rather than intelligence) and age are certainly factors when you look at the demographic breakdown in the polls...

I certainly don't think many highly educated people would be classifying themselves as inteligent though... intelligent perhaps?


I've already had the 50 and 60+ brigade ruin the economy for me once. I'll be pretty ticked off if they do it again. Anyone under 40 has never really worked outside a recession environment and if we vote out possibly never will.
Sounds like a very similar situation to what we have in America where we have people upset over Hispanic immigrants "taking our jobs" like there are lines of Americans out the door for farm labor and landscaping jobs.
Exactly, same thing. As I was leaving, I said to one of the women "these folk are like us, they just want a better life, they want the best for their kids - surely we don't begrudge them that?" She looked at me as if I'd said "these folk want to take everything that matters to you."

I can only assume that they do begrudge them that. It's sad. I had hoped younger people would be able to look at the bigger picture.
Exactly, same thing. As I was leaving, I said to one of the women "these folk are like us, they just want a better life, they want the best for their kids - surely we don't begrudge them that?" She looked at me as if I'd said "these folk want to take everything that matters to you."

I can only assume that they do begrudge them that. It's sad. I had hoped younger people would be able to look at the bigger picture.

Nice people like you are a dying breed sadly.
Nice people like you are a dying breed sadly.
Kind of you to say I'm nice, but I'd have hoped that young people (brought up in less prejudiced times than I was) would understand that we all have the same hopes and dreams. The world is small nowadays, most folk travel to other countries and will have seen how people live.
I'm surprised. Most of the asset management industry seem to be backing remain. A few high profile exceptions, such as Crispin Odey though.

I do think that's the position of most firms, people were attending in an individual capacity.

I'm sure I remember Hargreaves himself being a Brexit supporter but there's money to be made in volatile markets when you're a billionaire so that's no suprise.
Lets remember that the polls are 50/50. Uncertainty is a strong fear factor.
I get the impression here that the remain people regard themselves as the more inteligent. Or are they just youngsters?

Statistically they will be. The knuckle daggers that make up a sizeable portion of the out vote will drag that side down at least 10 IQ points. And that's being generous.
I do think that's the position of most firms, people were attending in an individual capacity.

I'm sure I remember Hargreaves himself being a Brexit supporter but there's money to be made in volatile markets when you're a billionaire so that's no suprise.
Peter Hargreaves is an opinionated guy- first time I ever interviewed him, he told me to piss off about a minute in, cos I asked a question he didn't like. HL actually issued a statement saying he isn't on their board anymore, his own views etc...
HL shares will get caned on Brexit and he still owns around 32pc of the company iirc.
What amused me was that John Redwood has to wrote Charles Stanley's market blog and be neutral on the subject, cos of the corporate line, despite his own staunch personal views.
Basically, leave campaign are just making up names that support them even though they've categorically stated before that they don't. Like when they paid for the 'register to vote' website and paid for SEO to make it the highest search on Google telling people they'd registered to vote, only they hadn't. It was a complete fraud.
The Leave campaign is obviously forgetting that their sides' supporters don't trust celebrities' and athletes' opinions on this matter.
Educational attainment level (which is an indicator of ability to analyse information and think critically I suppose rather than intelligence) and age are certainly factors when you look at the demographic breakdown in the polls...

I certainly don't think many highly educated people would be classifying themselves as inteligent though... intelligent perhaps?


I hate all this categorisation, it's as if to say 'you only vote that way because you're in group x, totally ignoring the fact that for most groups an awful lot of folk still vote in the opposite manner.
Less so for the extremes of UKIP and Guardian readers I suppose. Sorry Guardian readers, you're clearly extremists, who'd have thought it.
I see that this thread continues to be a disgrace to the forum.

It was clearly a joke so calm down. Also it's not as if any far right white supremacists haven't been campaigning for Leave. However we all know though that most Leave supporters aren't racist.
You get used to the silly light bulbs. The free ones were crap, which is looking like a really bad idea, just now, :rolleyes:

Are we all looking forward to the Big Debate tonight?
It was clearly a joke so calm down. Also it's not as if any far right white supremacists haven't been campaigning for Leave. However we all know though that most Leave supporters aren't racist.

He has been doing it throughout this thread, and the mods have in effect been laughing along with him. Nor has sun_tzu been the only one.

Over the years I have invested a lot of time in the CE, and enjoy talking with people here; however, the experience of recent months has irrevocably damaged the respect i held for many posters. Whilst it is indeed a shame, it is probably a more accurate reflection of those people involved.
John Barnes is weighing in now. The footballing juggernauts of the world have spoken in force today.

Indeed. The Leave campaign would be much better off with connecting themselves to 'that bloke down the street'.

"Hello. I'm that guy who lives down the street from you who drives a delivery van, and I support this Leave Campaign message."

I had an argument with someone in the newbies today who said that statistics and experts mean absolutely nothing and the NHS is crippled because a nurse told him that the waiting room is full of immigrants every day. That was 'straight from the horses mouth.'
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