EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I didn't run off. If you didn't notice I had been responding to multiple posters for a couple of hours so i'm sorry if I went off to do something else for a little while lol.

That's fair enough mate.

When you have time, I await an honest repsonse. I'm just interested as someone who hasn't 100% made up my mind on which way I'll vote.
I would check this site and then change your mind

Put in GBP against EUR and USD
1/11/15 £1 = $1.5425 now $1.4275
1/11/15 £1 = €1.4009 now €1.2679

Glad to know you think the Euro and US$ are collapsing

You really should live in the real world

You're missing the point. I'm not talking about fluctuation in the value of a currency. I'm talking about the full on planned collapse of the dollar to wipe out the astronomical debt the US have. Followed by the Euro and possibly other areas to possibly implement a new cashless currency for all. It isn't about a currency increasing or decreasing in value slightly as they do every day/week.
You're missing the point. I'm not talking about fluctuation in the value of a currency. I'm talking about the full on planned collapse of the dollar to wipe out the astronomical debt the US have. Followed by the Euro and possibly other areas to possibly implement a new cashless currency for all. It isn't about a currency increasing or decreasing in value slightly as they do every day/week.

And who is the evil mind behind this planned collapse
The pound hasn't been 'collapsing' yes it has taken a dip after certain polls etc. The whole of the west is going to collapse economically. The US dollar will be gone as a currency within the next few years as planned. You can hold me to that.

My original reply was to this to counter what you said here
I'm not sure I agree there. Granted I've not been studying every aspect of this, but Corbyn definitely should have been more active in this. I've barely noticed him and I'd wager most others haven't either.

Put it down to reporting and coverage or whatever, but perception is a real thing and it looks like he's deliberately kept as quiet as he could.

I think thats just Corbyn. He believes what he believes and he's not going to tell people that Brexiters want to eat people's babies or that he thinks the EU is amazing if he doesn't. And his viewpoint is hardly inspirational even if its rational. Maybe that makes him an ineffective politician in this day and age (hell it almost certainly does), yet people are fed up of all the shit slinging and lying from both campaigns so I'm not sure him just joining in on that would change anything it would just see him even more disliked.

Again, maybe I'm wrong and he is keeping a low profile and playing a double hand I just don't think he is. I'm not even sure he's that savvy a political operator for that (talk about damning with faint praise).
Who said anything about being right or wrong? In case you haven't noticed, I've been fine with Nani and asked him some genuine questions. It's not my fault he ran off before answering any further.

As for disproving anything, why is that burden with me? I've not stated anything he has said is wrong have I?

Listen mate, if you want a serious debate or people to at least take you as anything but a kid or a fruitcake then you really shouldn't fly off on one the moment anyone talks to you with a little sense. I notice you fail to respond to my main point too.

Now let me ask you a question, what would your response be to a (for arguments sake) Christian group coming forward and telling everyone to vote remain based on what they believe god would want and that everyone who disagreed were ignorant and small minded who can't see the truth?

You insinuated that what he said was rubbish, probably before doing any research. Based on my research and the research of many others, I believe that what he was saying is true. Of course you and many others are not going to believe what he said because you most likely have not read the books that he has read, and therefore you don't have the information that he has. Anyway that's all I have to say on this, as I come on this site to talk about football.
You insinuated that what he said was rubbish, probably before doing any research. Based on my research and the research of many others, I believe that what he was saying is true. Of course you and many others are not going to believe what he said because you most likely have not read the books that he has read, and therefore you don't have the information that he has. Anyway that's all I have to say on this, as I come on this site to talk about football.

Cite your sources then.
I think thats just Corbyn. He believes what he believes and he's not going to tell people that Brexiters want to eat people's babies or that he thinks the EU is amazing if he doesn't. And his viewpoint is hardly inspirational even if its rational. Maybe that makes him an ineffective politician in this day and age (hell it almost certainly does), yet people are fed up of all the shit slinging and lying from both campaigns so I'm not sure him just joining in on that would change anything it would just see him even more disliked.

Again, maybe I'm wrong and he is keeping a low profile and playing a double hand I just don't think he is. I'm not even sure he's that savvy a political operator for that (talk about damning with faint praise).

It's not really a case of me thinking he should lie and join in with the current shit show, just that I believe the weak no-show from Labour and what could be construed as insincerity from their leader will majorly harm the case for Remain. I think a good deal of the working class who are voting for leave could have been won over by a strong campaign from Labour; a party who, rightly or wrongly, many believe 'has their back'.

I also think that Labour might struggle to get a large chunk of those voters back.
You insinuated that what he said was rubbish, probably before doing any research. Based on my research and the research of many others, I believe that what he was saying is true. Of course you and many others are not going to believe what he said because you most likely have not read the books that he has read, and therefore you don't have the information that he has. Anyway that's all I have to say on this, as I come on this site to talk about football.

I did nothing of the sort, you are making up an argument here. I've asked him nothing but fair questions, like I've asked you, and I've not once said he was wrong. I'd have thought since you are so enlightened you'd beable to answer.

Funny how you've completely glossed over the part about understanding that psychology link, that's because you didn't, correct? Besides, don't you see psychology as yet another way for 'the man' to control us?

If you lack the ability to properly read and debate in future, I suggest you stick to school and come back when you understand the importance of reasoned debate.

In short, feck off kid.
Interesting perception vs reality issue in a nutshell there. Cornyn's been very active, but it hasn't been reported. And his stance on the EU (its imperfect, but we're a damn sight better in than out) probably best sums up how most Remainer's feel. The official Remain campaign have dominated headlines (probably reasonably so given they're the official campaign, even if they're useless) and there's not much else he can do.

Agree entirely. The reporting of the debate has been appalling but that's what happens when you jump into bed with Murdoch to win the election, he shafts you when it comes to an actual important issue because he wants to leave the EU for his own nefarious reasons.

I'm not sure I agree there. Granted I've not been studying every aspect of this, but Corbyn definitely should have been more active in this. I've barely noticed him and I'd wager most others haven't either.

Put it down to reporting and coverage or whatever, but perception is a real thing and it looks like he's deliberately kept as quiet as he could.

The media coverage of Corbyn has been disgraceful ever since he took office for the most part. The Murdoch press is against him and Cameron and his mates have been pressuring the BBC to paint him in a bad light too. The BBC's political coverage is often shocking these days in fact. Just look at the story about the aid convoy to Calais being stopped today. 3 paragraphs saying nothing and it's not even on the homepage I don't think.
Front page of the Mail saying Remain is surging ahead.

I'm not putting much stock in these polls. They were so wrong at the last GE for the most part. Leave is a lot louder, and there's a lot of undecideds even now that I think will claim they are leaning 'leave' but will take the safer option when the time comes to vote.

Either way, it's going to be a lot closer than I'd like.
I'm not putting much stock in these polls. They were so wrong at the last GE for the most part. Leave is a lot louder, and there's a lot of undecideds even now that I think will claim they are leaning 'leave' but will take the safer option when the time comes to vote.

Either way, it's going to be a lot closer than I'd like.

The polls in the run up are always wild, imo. They had a Yes vote in the Scottish referendum in the lead only like a day or two before it. Exit polls are generally a lot more accurate.

Has anyone ever actually been polled? I don't know a single person that has.
Why short-term, what's going to bring it back
I've been dealing with international trade for longer than Nani has been alive but why listen to me, after all I'm only scaremongering , don't know why, but it seems I am
indeed you have been scaremongering
I'm not a kid and I'm not in school. Get your facts right. Goodbye :)

Then you are quite the character aren't you?

Considering you've either got me mixed up with another poster or you just are terrible at debating considering your strawman arguments. Feel free to look that one up too btw, and when you learn something maybe you'll thank me ;)
Not when people are just going to ridicule me.

So I take it you do not trust your sources then?

The polls in the run up are always wild, imo. They had a Yes vote in the Scottish referendum in the lead only like a day or two before it. Exit polls are generally a lot more accurate.

Has anyone ever actually been polled? I don't know a single person that has.

I've been polled for the YouGov ones. Not sure if they're the same as the ones that inform their national polls though, I suspect they aren't.

Not found the article but here's something from their financial section


Different stance to the Daily Mail.
Not when people are just going to ridicule me.

Isn't that what you did first? What's the matter kid, you don't like someone asking questions you can't answer because it makes you feel bad inside?

If you want to question someone's intelligence then you better be prepared to back up your own, because so far you've made a rather miserable showing. This is too easy!

Again, google strawman. Because that's what you are doing here, and when you realise that you can start by admitting you've taken my posts to Nani wrong and start to make it right by answering my questions to you and debating like a civilised adult.

No? I didn't think so.
Isn't that what you did first? What's the matter kid, you don't like someone asking questions you can't answer because it makes you feel bad inside?

If you want to question someone's intelligence then you better be prepared to back up your own, because so far you've made a rather miserable showing. This is too easy!

Again, google strawman. Because that's what you are doing here, and when you realise that you can start by admitting you've taken my posts to Nani wrong and start to make it right by answering my questions to you and debating like a civilised adult.

No? I didn't think so.

Patronising and contradicting in the same post. Kudos to you sir! No wonder he isn't bothering to reply to you.
Yes but people have already made up their minds.

And those people aren't going to change their minds unless you can back up what you say. People are already ridiculing you, so showing us your sources isn't going to make that any worse.
Thread's gone a bit to shit with people using it to try and prove how clever they are. Sad anyone feels the need to do that really.

Definitely. I don't come in here that often. Now i know why.
It's not people trying to 'prove how clever they are', it's just getting predictably more animated as the referendum gets nearer.
Isn't that what you did first? What's the matter kid, you don't like someone asking questions you can't answer because it makes you feel bad inside?

If you want to question someone's intelligence then you better be prepared to back up your own, because so far you've made a rather miserable showing. This is too easy!

Again, google strawman. Because that's what you are doing here, and when you realise that you can start by admitting you've taken my posts to Nani wrong and start to make it right by answering my questions to you and debating like a civilised adult.

No? I didn't think so.

How old are you 12? Because you sound like it with comments like that.
Britain to become like Guernsey if Leave wins - French Economic Minister Macron

Leaving the European Union would make the UK as significant as Guernsey, France's economy minister has said.

Emmanuel Macron told Le Monde newspaper that Britain would become "a little country on the world scale [that] would isolate itself... at Europe's border".

He said the EU should send "a very firm message" about the consequences of a British vote to leave the bloc.

Vote Leave said French ministers wanted Britain to stay in the EU and carry on paying millions to it.

In regards to trade with Europe...

"If the UK wants a treaty of commercial access to the European market, the British will have to contribute to the European budget like the Norwegians or the Swiss. If London doesn't want that, then the exit will have to be total," Mr Macron said.
People aren't going to change their minds no matter what I say.

Quite possibly true. Yet they're certainly not going to if you can't or won't cite your sources.

Whats the issue? If you think you have a convincing, well backed up and coherent argument why wouldn't you want to rest of the world to get in on it too?

Anyway, this has bugger all to do with the EU anymore, so I'll leave you to it.
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