EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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A globalist agenda pushing towards one world government.

Two things bother me here.

First, how do you know this? You're just inferring it from what you see, read or hear, exactly the same as everybody else. You're just not very good at inferring.

Secondly, even if people were trying to organise a global system of governance, why is that automatically bad? For example, surely a benevolent world government would be better than being run by ISIL or the Tories?
lol I was only joking. I do not run that website/youtube channel. Duafc asked me where i'm from and what I do but I don't think he needs to know that so thought I would play that one instead. But yes I am from London.
lol I was only joking. I do not run that website/youtube channel. Duafc asked me where i'm from and what I do but I don't think he needs to know that so thought I would play that one instead. But yes I am from London.

:lol: Yeah I was sure you were lying. Interesting channel though.

Though I don't see the big deal, it's not particularly sensitive information. I find it interesting to know about people's lives and influences that lead to their opinions.
Let's change tact a little, and focus on my decision this thurs.

On the one hand I would normally think about voting leave because I just don't trust Europe and I think they are only happy to have us part because as one of the biggest economies it serves them to use us.

However in the real world, I have a small business and two young sons whos future I need to protect. So as of this week, I'm voting remain because I believe even if we leave nothing will change for the noticeable better, but there's a real risk of things getting worse.

So convince me to vote leave, baring in mind what I have to lose, tell me a convincimg argument as to why I should gamble the future of my kids on a vote to leave?
Because immigrants will rape your children... Isn't that pretty much what farrage implied?
Let's change tact a little, and focus on my decision this thurs.

On the one hand I would normally think about voting leave because I just don't trust Europe and I think they are only happy to have us part because as one of the biggest economies it serves them to use us.

However in the real world, I have a small business and two young sons whos future I need to protect. So as of this week, I'm voting remain because I believe even if we leave nothing will change for the noticeable better, but there's a real risk of things getting worse.

So convince me to vote leave, baring in mind what I have to lose, tell me a convincimg argument as to why I should gamble the future of my kids on a vote to leave?

You are gambling the future of your kids by voting to remain inside a centralising system that will become a one world government dictatorship that will serve evil elites behind the scenes and leave the rest of the population in poverty and with little opportunity. I have explained some of this earlier.

In terms of your business and forgetting the globalisation and centralisation stuff. The EU and the Euro will collapse economically, as will the US dollar. The EU is the slowest growing economic area in the world. Huge youth unemployment, growing unrest and distrust of the EU by most member states. It is a sinking ship that you should want to get away from, not something you should hold on to for safety. Staying in the EU is actually the more dangerous option IMO. That's without mentioning immigration and many other valid concerns and reasons people have for voting leave.
You are gambling the future of your kids by voting to remain inside a centralising system that will become a one world government dictatorship that will serve evil elites behind the scenes and leave the rest of the population in poverty and with little opportunity. I have explained some of this earlier.

In terms of your business and forgetting the globalisation and centralisation stuff. The EU and the Euro will collapse economically, as will the US dollar. The EU is the slowest growing economic area in the world. Huge youth unemployment, growing unrest and distrust of the EU by most member states. It is a sinking ship that you should want to get away from, not something you should hold on to for safety. Staying in the EU is actually the more dangerous option IMO. That's without mentioning immigration and many other valid concerns and reasons people will vote leave.

You could have saved the time and just said you don't know.
You are gambling the future of your kids by voting to remain inside a centralising system that will become a one world government dictatorship that will serve evil elites behind the scenes and leave the rest of the population in poverty and with little opportunity. I have explained some of this earlier.

In terms of your business and forgetting the globalisation and centralisation stuff. The EU and the Euro will collapse economically, as will the US dollar. The EU is the slowest growing economic area in the world. Huge youth unemployment, growing unrest and distrust of the EU by most member states. It is a sinking ship that you should want to get away from, not something you should hold on to for safety. Staying in the EU is actually the more dangerous option IMO. That's without mentioning immigration and many other valid concerns and reasons people have for voting leave.

I think if you had done some investigation, you might find that it is in fact the pound that is collapsing as it has been for several months -please come back to me in two weeks time if the pound hasn't collapsed even more if Brexit actually happens
You are gambling the future of your kids by voting to remain inside a centralising system that will become a one world government dictatorship that will serve evil elites behind the scenes and leave the rest of the population in poverty and with little opportunity. I have explained some of this earlier.

In terms of your business and forgetting the globalisation and centralisation stuff. The EU and the Euro will collapse economically, as will the US dollar. The EU is the slowest growing economic area in the world. Huge youth unemployment, growing unrest and distrust of the EU by most member states. It is a sinking ship that you should want to get away from, not something you should hold on to for safety. Staying in the EU is actually the more dangerous option IMO. That's without mentioning immigration and many other valid concerns and reasons people have for voting leave.
You are gambling the future of your kids by voting to remain inside a centralising system that will become a one world government dictatorship that will serve evil elites behind the scenes and leave the rest of the population in poverty and with little opportunity. I have explained some of this earlier.

In terms of your business and forgetting the globalisation and centralisation stuff. The EU and the Euro will collapse economically, as will the US dollar. The EU is the slowest growing economic area in the world. Huge youth unemployment, growing unrest and distrust of the EU by most member states. It is a sinking ship that you should want to get away from, not something you should hold on to for safety. Staying in the EU is actually the more dangerous option IMO. That's without mentioning immigration and many other valid concerns and reasons people will vote leave.

Yes, yes, I've heard all that. The problem is that's nothing new and you've no actual facts or evidence to back any of that up. I'm asking you to step outside the standard lines and tell me a compelling argument. I'm not anti conspiracy or all that and I'm not interested in ridiculing what you believe, I'm just hoping to hear something different.

The fact of the matter is right now I'm doing ok and my children are thriving at school and look to have bright futures ahead. Tell me what we have to gain from all this, I mean even the most staunch brexit campaigners only seem to keep saying that things won't get that much worse, none are actually putting their necks on the line about what is actually going to get better are they?

As a side note, for your NWO type stuff, I think if that is a real thing then you are kidding yourself if you think anything will change there. Likely as not they are firmly rooted in both camps and whatever way it goes they win. Otherwise they are pretty shit at actually running the world.
Because immigrants will rape your children... Isn't that pretty much what farrage implied?

The day I listen to Farrage is the day I question how fit I am to raise my kids in this country.

Though, rather depressingly, listening to any of them is brain rotting. This whole debate has been frankly shambolic with not a single fecker actually telling the whole truth about anything.
But then I would be lying.

Regardless, enlighten me:

How does a world in which the EU and Euro collapse, as will the dollar (not sure what on earth that has to do with the EU referendum), go well for us, regardless of the decision we make on Thursday?

I mean, you'd probably argue for the complete disentanglement of the UK from the global financial system, markets and to adopt a completely isolated position on the fringe of the world, but thats not what the referendum is about so Eurozone and US issues are actually largely irrelevant because when they happen, if they happen, they'll feck us either way.

I'd say your argument is akin to cutting your nose off to spite your face, but its more like hacking your entire head off to spite your little toe.
I think if you had done some investigation, you might find that it is in fact the pound that is collapsing as it has been for several months -please come back to me in two weeks time if the pound hasn't collapsed even more if Brexit actually happens

The pound hasn't been 'collapsing' yes it has taken a dip after certain polls etc. The whole of the west is going to collapse economically. The US dollar will be gone as a currency within the next few years as planned. You can hold me to that.
The pound hasn't been 'collapsing' yes it has taken a dip after certain polls etc. The whole of the west is going to collapse economically. The US dollar will be gone as a currency within the next few years as planned. You can hold me to that.
Deal. What will I get? Or do I not get to play because of insider information?
The pound hasn't been 'collapsing' yes it has taken a dip after certain polls etc. The whole of the west is going to collapse economically. The US dollar will be gone as a currency within the next few years as planned. You can hold me to that.

And what do you base this prediction on, oh great oracle?
You are gambling the future of your kids by voting to remain inside a centralising system that will become a one world government dictatorship that will serve evil elites behind the scenes and leave the rest of the population in poverty and with little opportunity. I have explained some of this earlier.

In terms of your business and forgetting the globalisation and centralisation stuff. The EU and the Euro will collapse economically, as will the US dollar. The EU is the slowest growing economic area in the world. Huge youth unemployment, growing unrest and distrust of the EU by most member states. It is a sinking ship that you should want to get away from, not something you should hold on to for safety. Staying in the EU is actually the more dangerous option IMO. That's without mentioning immigration and many other valid concerns and reasons people have for voting leave.

What's so different about the bolded to any form of democratic government? In the UK for example, there is continuous chatter about a 'political class', who go to the same schools, are arguably out of touch, aid business in avoiding tax, look after their own interests, do 'immoral' things and use politics as a mean to an end. You only need to look at the private interests of a lot of the people linked to the right of the Tory party to see examples of that sort of behaviour, particularly Tory donors and backbenchers who support Brexit - (Some examples from papers on differing sides of the political spectrum -,,
I thought I was in the wrong thread for ages catching up on this.

I like that nani says it with conviction though.
Regardless, enlighten me:

How does a world in which the EU and Euro collapse, as will the dollar (not sure what on earth that has to do with the EU referendum), go well for us, regardless of the decision we make on Thursday?

I mean, you'd probably argue for the complete disentanglement of the UK from the global financial system, markets and to adopt a completely isolated position on the fringe of the world, but thats not what the referendum is about so Eurozone and US issues are actually largely irrelevant because when they happen, if they happen, they'll feck us either way.

I'd say your argument is akin to cutting your nose off to spite your face, but its more like hacking your entire head off to spite your little toe.

Yes they will feck us either way. The US dollar is connected to the EU referendum as it is a chance to cause the financial collapse (intentionally) and the death of the Euro and Dollar and to begin to bring in a cashless currency for every nation in the west.

Yes if this happens we are going to be hit either way but i'd rather be on the outside looking in with the possibility of propping ourselves up with trade elsewhere in the world outside of the disaster zone rather than being completely depending on it and then having to accept the new currency or whatever is forced upon us. It's complicated.

Right I have to be going now. Plus this is getting rather tiring responding to so many posts. Back later.
Yes, yes, I've heard all that. The problem is that's nothing new and you've no actual facts or evidence to back any of that up. I'm asking you to step outside the standard lines and tell me a compelling argument. I'm not anti conspiracy or all that and I'm not interested in ridiculing what you believe, I'm just hoping to hear something different.

The fact of the matter is right now I'm doing ok and my children are thriving at school and look to have bright futures ahead. Tell me what we have to gain from all this, I mean even the most staunch brexit campaigners only seem to keep saying that things won't get that much worse, none are actually putting their necks on the line about what is actually going to get better are they?

As a side note, for your NWO type stuff, I think if that is a real thing then you are kidding yourself if you think anything will change there. Likely as not they are firmly rooted in both camps and whatever way it goes they win. Otherwise they are pretty shit at actually running the world.

This is why it's pointless voting.
The pound hasn't been 'collapsing' yes it has taken a dip after certain polls etc. The whole of the west is going to collapse economically. The US dollar will be gone as a currency within the next few years as planned. You can hold me to that.

I would check this site and then change your mind

Put in GBP against EUR and USD
1/11/15 £1 = $1.5425 now $1.4275
1/11/15 £1 = €1.4009 now €1.2679

Glad to know you think the Euro and US$ are collapsing

You really should live in the real world
This is why it's pointless voting.

Well it's not though is it. Not for people who live in the real world who have families and businesses and careers and futures to look out for.

It's ok believing in the stuff when you are a kid or you have nothing better to do, but when you actually have to think and base a hugely important decision on tangible facts, then I'm afraid it certainly becomes anything but pointless.
Yes they will feck us either way. The US dollar is connected to the EU referendum as it is a chance to cause the financial collapse (intentionally) and the death of the Euro and Dollar and to begin to bring in a cashless currency for every nation in the west.

Yes if this happens we are going to be hit either way but i'd rather be on the outside looking in with the possibility of propping ourselves up with trade elsewhere in the world outside of the disaster zone rather than being completely depending on it and then having to accept the new currency or whatever is forced upon us. It's complicated.

Right I have to be going now. Plus this is getting rather tiring responding to so many posts. Back later.

But we wouldn't be 'on the outside looking in' because we'd be signing superdooper trade deals with all and sundry to replace what we lost by leaving. If you think there's any collection of trade deals that would insulate the UK economy from the financial armageddon you're predicting you're on cloud cuckoo land.

For anyone who's interested in hearing an impartial take on lots of the facts & statistics often quoted by either campaign then the above is a good accessible show. Nothing particularly in depth and barely touches on a lot of the issues but worth a listen all the same for those who haven't had chance to do their own fact-checking.

It's been going for ages but has focused on Brexit/EU for the last week or so.
The pound hasn't been 'collapsing' yes it has taken a dip after certain polls etc. The whole of the west is going to collapse economically. The US dollar will be gone as a currency within the next few years as planned. You can hold me to that.

Deal. What will I get? Or do I not get to play because of insider information?

I imagine Nani as Mini-me plotting the downfall of the US Dollar
The powers that be will make sure it goes the way they want it to go so yes it is pointless. Just because someone has different beliefs to you it doesn't mean they are wrong. What are these facts you speak of? Also can you disprove what Nani has said? I bet you can't.
1) You're asking him prove a negative.

2) I've already told him we don't have designs on what he's said.
The powers that be will make sure it goes the way they want it to go so yes it is pointless. Just because someone has different beliefs to you it doesn't mean they are wrong. What are these facts you speak of? Also can you disprove what Nani has said? I bet you can't.

Who said anything about being right or wrong? In case you haven't noticed, I've been fine with Nani and asked him some genuine questions. It's not my fault he ran off before answering any further.

As for disproving anything, why is that burden with me? I've not stated anything he has said is wrong have I?

Listen mate, if you want a serious debate or people to at least take you as anything but a kid or a fruitcake then you really shouldn't fly off on one the moment anyone talks to you with a little sense. I notice you fail to respond to my main point too.

Now let me ask you a question, what would your response be to a (for arguments sake) Christian group coming forward and telling everyone to vote remain based on what they believe god would want and that everyone who disagreed were ignorant and small minded who can't see the truth?
The powers that be will make sure it goes the way they want it to go so yes it is pointless. Just because someone has different beliefs to you it doesn't mean they are wrong. What are these facts you speak of? Also can you disprove what Nani has said? I bet you can't.

Considering you seem to believe him verbatim what is it you two have read and where is your info coming from?

50p says its 4chan /pol/ and you're too thick to realise they're trolling.
I would check this site and then change your mind

Put in GBP against EUR and USD
1/11/15 £1 = $1.5425 now $1.4275
1/11/15 £1 = €1.4009 now €1.2679

Glad to know you think the Euro and US$ are collapsing

You really should live in the real world

The £pound is certainly dipping on uncertainty now, but look back over the last 10 years and you'll see much bigger deviations, so let's not pretend the current XR's are the end of the world.

I'm still undecided how I will vote, but it's the negative shite of the remain campaign such as you spout that pushes me towards leave.
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