EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It was for me. I don't care much for the European debate. I care about the people where I live. I care about my ability to do my future job. Johnson and Gove don't care about these things. Neither did Cameron, but these two are a different breed of Tory right.

Some of the people that voted leave yesterday will be calling on a general strike within three to five years. They haven't a scooby about the severity of punishment we have to come.
This whole tory party are awful. Early days though and we don't know what the future will bring. A lot of the areas were leave won in high numbers was due to negative impacts on their communities brought about by the EU, we've lost the British steel industry Sheffield reflected this and places like Merthry Tydfill who have seen most of their jobs in large factories with the help of EU grants move operations over to other EU countries that have left them in an incredibly poor state with that has affected the community profoundly. It's not all been roses throughout the UK while we were in the EU.
Haven't some faith... in the caf's ability to laud and be smug irregardless of the state of the economy.

Yep I'm sure there will be mocking online, it is the internet after all.

I find the prospect of mocking others for a poorer economy strange though when you'd also be living in the same poorer economy (though I probably will look to take my family out now tbh).
Ive got a wedding today, and unfortunately will be surrounded by people who voted OUT, and although i know little about the consequences i voted IN. So in light of the OUT vote winning can some people give me some of the consequences we will/could now face so i can stuff them down the OUT voters throats?
For every argument there is a counter argument. Instead take my approach which is to realise that a lot of these people at the wedding are still friends either with you or friends with your friends and even though there is a difference of opinion it's not the be all and end all that will destroy lives either way or label people bigots or traitors that has been going on throughout this campaign and is now taking hold on social media online.
For every argument there is a counter argument. Instead take my approach which is to realise that a lot of these people at the wedding are still friends either with you or friends with your friends and even though there is a difference of opinion it's not the be all and end all that will destroy lives either way or label people bigots or traitors that has been going on throughout this campaign and is now taking hold on social media online.

feck this approach.

Storm the aisle as they're doing their vows while chanting "IN! IN! IN!" and calling them all cnuts.
This whole tory party are awful. Early days though and we don't know what the future will bring. A lot of the areas were leave won in high numbers was due to negative impacts on their communities brought about by the EU, we've lost the British steel industry Sheffield reflected this and places like Merthry Tydfill who have seen most of their jobs in large factories with the help of EU grants move operations over to other EU countries that have left them in an incredibly poor state with that has affected the community profoundly. It's not all been roses throughout the UK while we were in the EU.
We lost the British steel industry because our own government helped the Chinese wriggle around the EU restrictions on them dumping cheap and potentially dangerously alloyed steel in the UK market. The people in Merthyr, Port Talbot, Sheffield etc should have been voting Remain as the EU at least tried to protect them when their own government conspired against them. Once we'd sold our own industries down the river the EU had every right to try and ensure at least some of the benefit of those industries remained within the EU, hell before the Brexit some of the Port Talbot workers could even have been looking to a new life in the Netherlands where their expertise will be needed in the relocated businesses.
Looking at the results the conclusion basically the elderly and the working class voted leave... the most xenophobic and/or ignorant of th society... Depressing.

The real root of the problem is the gigantic widening gap between the have and have nots in Britain. And the ironic thing is that now governments will have the freedom to screw the have nots over more than they have ever been able too since WWII. Yet, is was exactly the have nots who voted leave.

Well said
Yep I'm sure there will be mocking online, it is the internet after all.

I find the prospect of mocking others for a poorer economy strange though when you'd also be living in the same poorer economy (though I probably will look to take my family out now tbh).
Most people on this site have the means to move and start a new in a better economy. It's the out voters that are stuck with this message.
Isn't it expected they'll be cut? (The BoE interest rate)

Nuh uh, they'll rise and could rise as early as next month. Anyone with a mortgage, start recalculating your earnings and what you spend your money on.
Nuh uh, they'll rise and could rise as early as next month. Anyone with a mortgage, start recalculating your earnings and what you spend your money on.

Not a hence in hell theyll rise next month, where you getting that from?
Nuh uh, they'll rise and could rise as early as next month. Anyone with a mortgage, start recalculating your earnings and what you spend your money on.
There are pressures for both cutting rates / pumping money in (i.e. keep the momentum in the economy or to prevent it from stalling) and to raise rates (inflation pressures from a weakened pound)
My guess would be in the short term they leave rates as they are and see how the two forces balance out and any required change is likley (at least initially) to be pretty small because as I say there is pressure from each side
Nuh uh, they'll rise and could rise as early as next month. Anyone with a mortgage, start recalculating your earnings and what you spend your money on.
why would they though? (genuinely interested) Are you just scaremongering or is there justification for them going up?

BoE have been putting it off for ages - why now?
Not a hence in hell theyll rise next month, where you getting that from?

Mark Carney on tv stating they have 'emergency contingency plans' in place. Hints to me they're looking to raise interest rates ASAP.
Any possible way this doesn't happen? I mean, it's not legally binding.
Nobody knows how long the article 50 negotiations could take (as they can be extended with member states approval)... and if the article 50 can be withdrawn is something else that is not 100% certain.
But if the next party to win the next general election do so on a mandate to stay in then would that take precedent? - hard to say - probably going to me messy and take a lot longer than people think
The real root of the problem is the gigantic widening gap between the have and have nots in Britain. And the ironic thing is that now governments will have the freedom to screw the have nots over more than they have ever been able too since WWII. Yet, is was exactly the have nots who voted leave.
Yes, but now you can change the government if it does that. When the EU is screwing the have nots like it's been designed to do, there's nothing you could have done about it.

The bad news is that without the have nots on the continent to exploit by the haves from the City, the haves will become more dependent on the British have nots for their takings.
Anywhoo, need to try and concentrate on work, even though it's really tough right now :(
Not a hence in hell theyll rise next month, where you getting that from?

Yeah that seems improbable. Will depend where the pound stabilises and how quickly/by how much that will push up inflation. I've no idea when rate rises could be expected, but some rises are inevitable.
All the remain advocates I know in real life are disappointed but ultimately seem unconcerned.

Meanwhile on the internet a large proportion are morphing into doomsday preppers.

It's fascinating.
Yes, but now you can change the government if it does that. When the EU is screwing the have nots like it's been designed to do, there's nothing you could have done about it.

The bad news is that without the have nots on the continent to exploit by the haves from the City, the haves will become more dependent on the British have nots for their takings.

How exactly was the EU screwing the have nots in the UK? Please explain.
By my calculations 59% of under-50s voted Remain, and 55% of people over 18 are under 50. So young people not voting enough is once again a huge factor. Needs to change.
The younger generation are usually worse off then the older ones. This is not about economy. This is about people with a huge nostalgia of a time long gone by when Britain used to rule the waves

I genuinely feel sorry for the Scots. I hope the EU wont act like arses with them and will offer them a fast track back to the EU with the condition of keeping its borders tight
no your right it isn't about the economy, if was about the economy then remain would of stormed it, and the reason why people didn't believe the eccoimic arguments becuase to many people are been screwed over by the current ecconmy