Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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I’m sick of the never ending fecking drama that surrounds this club.

We honestly have the biggest bunch of whinebabys I've ever seen. No wonder we are always struggling for top 4 every other year.

I thought by shipping out Pogba and Lingard we'd do better in terms of professionalism, but no, some other clown in the team just picks up the mantle.

So basically ETH is demanding more from Sancho, which is perfectly reasonable. Sancho has to step up to that challenge, which unfortunately looks like he's not willing or capable of doing so. At the very worst, maybe Sancho feels he has performed better than someone like Pellestri in training but the expectations of Sancho and Pellestri will rightfully be different given the age, transfer fee, wages and squad status.

When you're a professional athlete and push up like this. Everyone has the rights to question your attitude
So after all the mental gymnastics last night, it was exactly what it looked like.
Sancho didn't get selected because he didn't perform well in training, and Sancho is basically calling the manager a liar.
I'm always with the manager in calling out players but its funny seeing the cafs reaction given how so many claimed he was doing well and previous reactions to managers public comments.

Sooner Sancho goes and Amad gets his minutes the better.
Bit harsh on Sancho though. I mean if I was him I’d be questioning how on earth is Martial getting in the team over him. He’s the laziest player ever
I hope this convinces Sancho to take reduced wages at another club when we try to sell him in January. SAF used to also pick fights with players he wanted out of the club, and it seems to be a tactic that can work.
Erik is absolutely right but why did he have to go public when he hasnt with others? Yes he has dropped players but his previous response was 'deal with it internally'.
I suspect this is a message to all the players, maybe rightly so....unfortunately Sancho was the scapegoat whether deserved or not.
Players wont like it even if they believe Sancho wasnt training well and it creates problem in dressing rooms.
SAF wouldnt do it, he'd just feck them column inches, clinks or interviews on tv. Clean.
Bit harsh on Sancho though. I mean if I was him I’d be questioning how on earth is Martial getting in the team over him. He’s the laziest player ever

Even if he felt had a point going public like that is not the way to do it, other players have been dropped and don't feel the need to make a media circus about it.

And the 'Other Reasons' comment is just bizarre and has made a minor story that would go away after a day or so into a drama pitting him firmly against the manager.

If ETH does not disciple him over the comments he will look weak.

He is basically accusing the manager of picking his squads on things other than football reasons.
Bit harsh on Sancho though. I mean if I was him I’d be questioning how on earth is Martial getting in the team over him. He’s the laziest player ever
Which just makes it even more scary about just how lazy Sancho must be in training? I don’t think it’s harsh at all. Embarrassing for him though.
The joke that is our club rumbles on.

Hours after a defeat where we played pretty abysmally for the most part, another "star" player of ours uses social media to cause a drama.

If ETH demands more of him, then thats on Sancho to step up or continue to be out of the squad. The club gave Sancho time away last season, and how has he repaid the club? by being a whiny brat on Instagram.

Fully behind ETH on this one. The manager has a terrible squad and terrible owners. He just does not have the players with the technical abilities or mentally to carry out the standard and style he wants.

Sancho has shown his true colours for me. Fine him, let him rot in the reserves until January and get rid. No time for this kind of mentally or attitude around our squad

When you're a professional athlete and push up like this. Everyone has the rights to question your attitude

Jaypers! First time I've seen that video clip. It's piss poor for the level required and the money he is on. Sancho is doing enough to get by, but its clearly not 110% all the time. That's a mental issue at the end of the day. If he's ok in his own head cutting corners then that's that. Game over at the top flight.
This is intentional from Ten Hag, and it means either this is Sancho's last chance to fix up or it means he is not up to the level the manager requires and no longer has a future here.
My God, what a fecking drama queen Jadon is. Manager who has been beyond patient with you simply says you haven’t done enough in training this week and you respond like a fevking petulant child who doesn’t like being told he’s done wrong.

Absolutely shocking from another dogshit transfer who’s been shite for 2.5 years now.
I think he also seems to be forgetting the absolute fortune we pay him as well. If you aren't willing to be scrutinized, you can't then take a wage that puts you among the highest earners in the league.
Unfortunately the way this club a run, Sancho will be here long after ETH is gone, they’ll still be talking about this “youngster” and “potential” 5 years from now like Lingard

When you're a professional athlete and push up like this. Everyone has the rights to question your attitude

That is a crap series of push ups. Maybe 40% effort compared to Bruno? Empirical evidence of his poor training attitude. Buck up or get lost.
Never really agreed with a manager calling a player out in public makes a lot of click bait especially at a club like united I see that Tory arse licking knob piers morgan has had his say he clearly has an anti ten hag agenda because of what with his buddy

When you're a professional athlete and push up like this. Everyone has the rights to question your attitude

I mean, that's poor. I'm very unfit compared to a professional athlete and when we do body weight training at my cross-fit class, the trainer will always politely and constructively pull you up on this. If he can't do it, maybe he needs to be on a raised bar like I have to be :D
How much is he worth in January, £30m?

There is no real prospect of selling him, as he isn’t going to accept his wage dropping from £350k to £150k (no one is sensibly offering him more than that and that’s being very generous). Someone might take him on a free or on a loan deal, with us subsidising most of his wages.

Really though, it’s better if we can continue to try and make it work with him this season, so at the very least he looks an asset for another club. Might then lead to us being able to find a purchaser next summer, who will give him the type of wages he will demand.
we’ve all been hoping Sancho would finally find his feet and flourish. It seems the manager is losing patience and Sancho doesn’t seem up for the challenge.

Damn shame, guess we’ll never see the best of him here.
Looks like a chance to try to upgrade on Antony. Ship Sancho to anywhere, and bring in another RW next transfer window.
Ok, let’s play.

Who is ‘he’ in that sentence you quoted. One word answer.

If I call ‘you’ an idiot who is looking to win a fight on an internet forum with someone he never met over semantics am I talking about A) ‘you’, B) @saik or C) There the same damn thing.

Quite frankly you’re the problem on forums like this one. If you don’t agree cool but why are we getting bogged down in minutiae about something other than the topic. If you can’t understand he can be used as a replacement in the sentence for an exact name then quite frankly you aren’t equipped for this discussion big man. You don’t consider it a name drop, I do, we won’t agree so what else can I help you with.

In fairness it seems to happen to you a lot, maybe you're pointing thd finger in the wrong direction.
This is too big a pond for Sancho, he doesn’t do the work needed to excel at the top, or in the face of adversity. He’s been totally swallowed up by the challenge.
Erik is absolutely right but why did he have to go public when he hasnt with others? Yes he has dropped players but his previous response was 'deal with it internally'.
I suspect this is a message to all the players, maybe rightly so....unfortunately Sancho was the scapegoat whether deserved or not.
Players wont like it even if they believe Sancho wasnt training well and it creates problem in dressing rooms.
SAF wouldnt do it, he'd just feck them column inches, clinks or interviews on tv. Clean.

Perhaps he feels he has run out of other options?

In any case, Sancho's response doesn't do him much credit. There's no indication he accepts that he's not delivering like he should, or that he has any reason to do anything differently than he already is. He's not talking like someone who knows that a big chunk of United's following have already lost faith in him, and that everyone who still believes in him does so only because they haven't given up the hope that he may yet improve. "I just want to play football with a smile on my face"? You don't get to wear a smile on your face with the performances he's been putting in.
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When you're a professional athlete and push up like this. Everyone has the rights to question your attitude

Sancho doing the Bolsonaro


Well isn’t that part of the reason people aren’t blaming Ten Hag? He’s not got a history of creating shit with players for no reason. Maybe he felt like he’d tried everything possible previously, maybe he was annoyed by the result and shouldn’t have said anything. It doesn’t really change anything regarding Sancho’s level of performance on the pitch.
He barely has any history outside Netherland so give it time. And I am actually on the managers side, just pointing out some of the hypocrisy.
It's pretty mind blowing how some on Twitter are rushing to Sancho's defence and not understanding that cutting-corners is a mentality that seeps it's way into a myriad of other areas of a player's professional career.
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