Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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I think it is good for all parties that Sancho leaves United. First of all, he has been struggling since he return to United. He has been given alot of opportunities to stake his claims both left and right wing but fail to make an impressive. It is good for his agent to start looking for a new club, he is still young so I expect a bit that would recoup the money that we spent. He is likely to do well everywhere except English football. Selling him, United can reinvest the funds for backup striker or RW or RB.
Probably the most proactive he's been in his United career, so quick to respond to criticism.

Well, you can't treat plays like assets and then complain when said assets take measures to protect their "value" on SM. Start treating them like expendable employees, accountable to their supervisors, and see how things pan out.

On another note, it just sends out bad vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing cryptic and vague complaints about the training methods and the tactics in the near future.
Sancho needed binned with his utterly abysmal performance against City in the fa Cup. He is laziness personified.

Hopefully this will start the push to bin him off
Any glimpse of quality Sancho shows is always so brief and rare that he can't really win any argument as to why he should be playing.

The weakest argument from fans will no doubt involve Antony, but for all Antony's flaws he works 3 times as hard as Sancho and Antony can show you a few clips (all be in not many! but its more than Sancho) of his moments against Arsenal/Barca etc where he showed his quality.
Hope the Saudi's use this as an opportunity to snatch him up. Otherwise, another player we're going to have trouble moving on.
I don't usually do this, but :lol: :lol:

You've made marktan look an utter wally there :lol:

Most of us are no better than @marktan, we misremember stuff and writes with great certainty stuff that is untrue and we have little way
of being sure about.

He did it to himself.

We ALL wanted Sancho

You win then.

Fact is, we all change our opinions all the time. Nothing wrong with praising pre-United Sancho and then ripping him to shreds five years later. But don't go say something like "I never wanted him in the first place".

If you're going to dig, do it properly. You're not the first person to do that - quote an early post, when literally scrolling a page or two would show you my opinion. The quote was when I first started watching Sancho at Dortmund when he first moved there. I watched him properly over a year, and within 6 months knew he wasnt what as good as was thought. Literally - read my later posts on Sancho before we signed him - I was one of the few arguing against signing him for a huge price when 99% of this forum thought he was some great player.

E.g. in the transfer thread I said:£72-9m-fee-agreed.463238/page-161#post-27392421£72-9m-fee-agreed.463238/page-38#post-27328808

One game in particular stood out for me - when Dortmund faced PSG in the CL. Can't be bothered to find the posts about it but he was very poor.
He did it to himself.

We ALL wanted Sancho

Although I must admit I'd barely ever seen him play. Mostly on England duty thinking he looked pretty darn average, but dismissing that as an England thing.

For us he looks like a less hard working version of Sanchez, can't beat anyone, which is worrying for a winger.
Don't think it's the first times ETH calls player out in public, no?
From the top of my head, Garnacho, Rashford, Anthony, Ronaldo got called out/disciplined. "Making scapegoat" is funny way to put it
If you're going to dig, do it properly. You're not the first person to do that - quote an early post, when literally scrolling a page or two would show you my opinion. The quote was when I first started watching Sancho at Dortmund when he first moved there. I watched him properly over a year, and within 6 months knew he wasnt what as good as was thought. Literally - read my later posts on Sancho before we signed him - I was one of the few arguing against signing him for a huge price when 99% of this forum thought he was some great player.

E.g. in the transfer thread I said:£72-9m-fee-agreed.463238/page-161#post-27392421£72-9m-fee-agreed.463238/page-38#post-27328808

One game in particular stood out for me - when Dortmund faced PSG in the CL. Can't be bothered to find the posts about it but he was very poor.
Why don't you just laugh about it?
Shaw proves every manager wrong for a half season. Then gets out of shape again. He's done the same thing with Ten Hag that he did with Moyes, LVG, Ole, Rangnick.

Shaw is another one who clearly doesn't take being a professional athlete seriously in terms of his body composition. In the modern game it's alot harder to carry excess weight and expect your body to be able to keep up with the demands and exertion.

Sancho and Shaw both fit in the same category of not wanting to be an elite athlete more than they want a cheese burger.

That's more than a little speculative in my view. He didn't look out of shape to me in the games he played before picking up his injury, and we have no meaningful information that the injury is related to that sort of thing.
Any steps ETH takes that facilitates the hastening of getting that fraud out of our club can only be welcomed.
Well said, he has never looked close to the player that was talked about whilst in Germany, Ole and the board fell for the hype and we have been paying for it ever since. Jesus ETH even sent him to Holland to get his head sorted and he comes back with the same fecking attitude. GET RID!
Any glimpse of quality Sancho shows is always so brief and rare that he can't really win any argument as to why he should be playing.

The weakest argument from fans will no doubt involve Antony, but for all Antony's flaws he works 3 times as hard as Sancho and Antony can show you a few clips (all be in not many! but its more than Sancho) of his moments against Arsenal/Barca etc where he showed his quality.

Absolutely. Not to mention that it's a totally irrelevant argument. If Antony gets more game time than he deserves, does that mean Sancho should also get more game time than he deserves? No, of course it doesn't. Also, who's the better alternative in Antony's primary position? Nobody, unless you think it's Sancho. Who's the better alternative in Sancho's primary position? There's two.
People who want him sold in January, how in Earth are we supposed to do so? Even without his rebuttal to ETH, if we could have sold him, we would have sold him. I mean, we knew that he is quite bad. But he is in 350k/week and coat 70m so no one would touch him unless we sell him extremely cheap. So him striking at ETH yesterday changes nothing at all in this aspect.

Him, Antony and Mount (same as Martial but his contract is ending) are pretty much unsellable, regardless if they play shit or shit on ETH’s handbag.

How many made up standard deviations would you say Sancho is from the mean?
Everyone here thinking that Qataris ownership is a silver bullet to all our troubles would be dreadfully disappointed. Qatar is not Abu Dhabi. Just look at what they've done in Paris
Saudi bids or Saudi bins?

Is Saudi league the go-to now when a problem is on high wages? What has Sancho done to even merit their attention? :lol:

Newsflash guys: Sancho doesn't register in anyone's radar outside England and, somewhat, Germany. He has done absolutely nothing of note in years and that was in a league nobody watches.

For some bizarre reason every other United fan wanted to spunk 120-150M on yet another prospect doing well at Dortmund.

I'm not a Ten Hag army guy, not in any individual player/manager army either since I wasn't born this side of 2000, but he can feck right off with the double no-no of "play football with a smile" and talking about spacegoats.

Belongs at Liverpool if you ask me.
Whilst you can argue the wisdom of managers going public on specific players, what is Sancho hoping to achieve with his comments, lots of 'likes' on social media?
Sancho must know his form overall has been poor, odd moments in odd matches, but nothing like his form in Germany; surely the response from him should be to grit his teeth and say "I'll show him next week". However, these comments sound like a man who knows his 'string has run out' and is looking for a soft landing.
Nah thats nonsense. He criticises the collective.

He has protected Sancho and Martial and highlighted them for undeserved individual praise at times.
Perhaps your right, but it does feel like he has his favourites and some players can't get a look in. At the same time I guess AWB is proof that if you knuckle down and don't fight the law you will get your chances to get back into the fold.
Everyone here thinking that Qataris ownership is a silver bullet to all our troubles would be dreadfully disappointed. Qatar is not Abu Dhabi. Just look at what they've done in Paris
Not the same people.
Saudi bids or Saudi bins?

Is Saudi league the go-to now when a problem is on high wages? What has Sancho done to even merit their attention? :lol:

Newsflash guys: Sancho doesn't register in anyone's radar outside England and, somewhat, Germany. He has done absolutely nothing of note in years and that was in a league nobody watches.

For some bizarre reason every other United fan wanted to spunk 120-150M on yet another prospect doing well at Dortmund.

I'm not a Ten Hag army guy, not in any individual player/manager army either since I wasn't born this side of 2000, but he can feck right off with the double no-no of "play football with a smile" and talking about spacegoats.

Belongs at Liverpool if you ask me.

If I could see spacegoats, I'd play football with a smile on my face too.
Perhaps your right, but it does feel like he has his favourites and some players can't get a look in. At the same time I guess AWB is proof that if you knuckle down and don't fight the law you will get your chances to get back into the fold.

Ah yeah, there is a feeling he could rotate more but last year there was a real drop off with almost any tweaking. That will have to improve this year or we will be gassed again.

I don't think many managers would freeze out players who will keep them in a job and bring success.
Yes, that flood of clubs willing to put 40m in and deal with his 350k a week wages must have been gutted!

The way that number has been growing, there must be a clause in his contract that says he gets 1k each time someone mentions his wages on redcafe.
Thing is though, a manager's job isn't to be right about players. It's to get the best out of them. So what Pogba and Martial's resurgence after he left (even if not sustainable) speaks about isn't Jose being right, but Jose not doing his job well.
A manager’s job at this club is to build a winning team. This requires a culture of winning and a squad all striving for that one goal. To do that in the current EPL means talent alone isn’t enough - you have to be ‘mentality monsters’ as Klopp calls it. Jadon says he just wants to play footy with a smile on his face - is that the attitude of a mentality monster that wants to win at all costs? ETH says you need to come in every day and work to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Is Sancho doing that? Or is he coasting?
I think he's been in the last chance saloon for a long time and he's just pissed away the last of his credit with the Manager, coaching staff and the fans. The key difference for me is that the "translator" often picked on a player and did scapegoat them, causing the players to be split between those that supported him or the player.

EtH is also a proven winner but he has publicly demanded high standards from himself and his players. High standards that led to actual positive results and trophies. I think Sancho is hoping for teammates to back him up and reduce their "discretionary effort" to destabilize the manager.

I can't see that working and anyone else that backs Sancho can find their way out of the club ASAP. He'll be gone by January and would already have been sold if the rats weren't still around.
If I could see spacegoats, I'd play football with a smile on my face too.
Can't find it but that used to be a meme here. Some RAWK guy moaning Suarez was the spacegoat for pretty much all that happened in the world.

Victim mentality. Don't play the mental health card, he is just what we used to call mentally weak.
Hard to have any sympathy for Sancho, considering the club has been patient and seems to have tried with him (though obviously not for altruistic reasons). He’s been earning crazy wages while doing nothing of note, he can feck off.

I am not against managers calling out players if it’s deserved, and in this case, it’s deserved a 1000x over.
A manager’s job at this club is to build a winning team. This requires a culture of winning and a squad all striving for that one goal. To do that in the current EPL means talent alone isn’t enough - you have to be ‘mentality monsters’ as Klopp calls it. Jadon says he just wants to play footy with a smile on his face - is that the attitude of a mentality monster that wants to win at all costs? ETH says you need to come in every day and work to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Is Sancho doing that? Or is he coasting?

Didn't argue that ETH is wrong, did I. My point was just that it's not much help being publicly right about players if you don't manage to get something positive out of it. You're right that sometimes it'a also about setting standards for the team. I'm inclined to think that in this case, ETH doesn't think he's going to get any further with Sancho through a different approach.

Sancho this season against Wolves
There is also similar of him doing this against Spurs away this season

ETH has had enough of him

Thats him in the game, imagine him in training
Those pushups are inexcusable. Absolutely inexcusable. There's no defence for it. None whatsoever. Bodyweight pushups are a piece of piss for a guy like Sancho with very little body fat and his general fitness. Quarter rep a professional athlete. I had elderly training clients who had better and deeper pushup form than him and they were in their 70's. What's the excuse, Redcafe?
That clip is clearly Bruno...and it doesn't really prove anything.

The push-ups were a fun little punishment for losing.
The response from Sancho was very quick, which tells me his camp knew his absence from the squad would be mentioned on match day. So they had it ready!

Which makes me believe that something fairly substantial happened during training. It wasn't just a case of Sancho falling over a few cones or doing a half-arsed push-up.
The response from Sancho was very quick, which tells me his camp knew his absence from the squad would be mentioned on match day. So they had it ready!

Which makes me believe that something fairly substantial happened during training. It wasn't just a case of Sancho falling over a few cones or doing a half-arsed push-up.
If that is the case it's far worse.

Not the substantial part but that scribble being the best his "camp" could produce in advance. Absolutely hopeless.
If that is the case it's far worse.

Not the substantial part but that scribble being the best his "camp" could produce in advance. Absolutely hopeless.

You're assuming that it was precalculated. It could well be that he just reacted without thinking. If only he could do that on the pitch.
I've been one of his biggest defenders, I've made excuses for his shortcomings because I like the way he plays. His style matches how I want us to play in advanced areas. That said, he has to go in January. Calling the manager a liar, after being dropped, after loosing a match is mind boggling. He doesn't care about the team, he doesn't care about the club, he is only interested in preserving his self image.

There may have been a decision to be made if this was Bruno, but even then not really. People called for him to be sold this summer and it was honestly hard to give a reason against it, other than "I hope it clicks". Even if we plan on sacking EtH on January 2nd, Sancho needs to go January 1st, there's no place for this attitude at the club

Sancho this season against Wolves
There is also similar of him doing this against Spurs away this season

ETH has had enough of him

Thats him in the game, imagine him in training

That's a Cristiano level effort without the Cristiano level output at the other end. :lol:
I don't get what it is with this guy. He's clearly got talent but for whatever reason he just doesn't/can't impose himself on the game.

How many times do you see him get a yard on a defender with some nice skill, then instead of driving towards the goal or the byline he checks back or slows down and allows the player to get back in position. Does the hard part and then stops. It's like he's got some mental block or something.
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